C++ tili qayta foydalaniluvchi dasturiy ta’minotni ishlab chiqish uchun shablon funksiyalar va sinflar bilan ta’minlaydi. Shablonlar funksiyalar va sinflarda turlarni muvofiqlashtirish (sozlash) qobiliyatini taqdim etadi

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5-Mustaqil ish

Massiv konteynerining SYNTAX:
array array_name;
Yuqoridagi kod, massiv_size ning maksimal hajmiga ega bo'lgan bo'sh ob'ekti qatorini yaratadi. Ammo, agar siz uning tarkibidagi elementlar qatorini yaratmoqchi bo'lsangiz, buni shunchaki = operatoridan foydalanib qilishingiz mumkin, bu erda bir misol:
int main()
array odd_numbers = { 2, 4, 6, 8 };

u yuqoridagi bayonot 2,4,6,8 massivni ma'lumotlar qatori sifatida yaratadi. Shuni esda tutingki, {} qavslar bilan boshlash faqat c ++ da mumkin

Labaratoriya topshiriqlari(amaliy)
using namespace std;
// Driver Code
int main()
multimap gquiz1; // empty multimap container
// insert elements in random order
gquiz1.insert(pair(1, 40));
gquiz1.insert(pair(2, 30));
gquiz1.insert(pair(3, 60));
gquiz1.insert(pair(6, 50));
gquiz1.insert(pair(6, 10));
// printing multimap gquiz1
multimap::iterator itr;
cout << "\nThe multimap gquiz1 is : \n";
cout << "\tKEY\tELEMENT\n";
for (itr = gquiz1.begin(); itr != gquiz1.end(); ++itr) {
cout << '\t' << itr->first << '\t' << itr->second
<< '\n';
cout << endl;
// adding elements randomly,
// to check the sorted keys property
gquiz1.insert(pair(4, 50));
gquiz1.insert(pair(5, 10));
// printing multimap gquiz1 again
cout << "\nThe multimap gquiz1 after adding extra "
"elements is : \n";
cout << "\tKEY\tELEMENT\n";
for (itr = gquiz1.begin(); itr != gquiz1.end(); ++itr) {
cout << '\t' << itr->first << '\t' << itr->second
<< '\n';
cout << endl;
// assigning the elements from gquiz1 to gquiz2
multimap gquiz2(gquiz1.begin(), gquiz1.end());
// print all elements of the multimap gquiz2
cout << "\nThe multimap gquiz2 after assign from "
"gquiz1 is : \n";
cout << "\tKEY\tELEMENT\n";
for (itr = gquiz2.begin(); itr != gquiz2.end(); ++itr) {
cout << '\t' << itr->first << '\t' << itr->second
<< '\n';
cout << endl;
// remove all elements up to
// key with value 3 in gquiz2
cout << "\ngquiz2 after removal of elements less than "
"key=3 : \n";
cout << "\tKEY\tELEMENT\n";
gquiz2.erase(gquiz2.begin(), gquiz2.find(3));
for (itr = gquiz2.begin(); itr != gquiz2.end(); ++itr) {
cout << '\t' << itr->first << '\t' << itr->second
<< '\n';
// remove all elements with key = 4
int num;
num = gquiz2.erase(4);
cout << "\ngquiz2.erase(4) : ";
cout << num << " removed \n";
cout << "\tKEY\tELEMENT\n";
for (itr = gquiz2.begin(); itr != gquiz2.end(); ++itr) {
cout << '\t' << itr->first << '\t' << itr->second
<< '\n';
cout << endl;
// lower bound and upper bound for multimap gquiz1 key =
// 5
cout << "gquiz1.lower_bound(5) : "
<< "\tKEY = ";
cout << gquiz1.lower_bound(5)->first << '\t';
cout << "\tELEMENT = " << gquiz1.lower_bound(5)->second
<< endl;
cout << "gquiz1.upper_bound(5) : "
<< "\tKEY = ";
cout << gquiz1.upper_bound(5)->first << '\t';
cout << "\tELEMENT = " << gquiz1.upper_bound(5)->second
<< endl;
return 0;
using namespace std;
int main()

string next;
string teams[10] = {"Clemson" , "Alabama" , "Georgia" , "Florida" , "Notre Dame" , "Auburn" , "Oklahoma" , "LSU" , "Miami FL" , "Oklahoma State"};
int select, ranking, teamoverall, wins, losses;
string team1, team2, userteam, nextgame;
int Alabama = 92;
int Clemson = 90;
int Georgia = 93;
int NotreDame = 88;
int MiamiFL = 80;
int Auburn = 86;
int Oklahoma = 85;
int LSU = 82;
int Florida = 90;
int OklahomaST = 78;
int Kansas = 60;
int Kentucky = 60;
int TexasAM = 65;
float score, oppscore;
int final, oppfinal, random, random1;

team1 = "Arkanasas";
team2 = "Oklahoma State";

wins = 0;
losses = 0;
cout << "COLLEGE FOOTBALL COACH - 2020" << endl;
cout << "1 - Manage" << endl;
cout << "2 - Manual" << endl;
cout << "3 - About" << endl;
cin >> select;
if(select == 1){
goto TeamSelect;
if(select ==2){
goto Manual;
if(select == 3){
goto About;

cout << string( 100, '\n' );
cout << "Choose a starting school to coach" << endl;
cout << "1- " << team1 << endl << "2- " << team2 << endl;
cin >> select;
if(select == 1){
userteam = "Arkansas";
ranking = 15;
nextgame = "Georgia";
teamoverall = 55;
userteam = "Oklahoma State";
ranking = 10;
nextgame = "Kansas";
teamoverall = 78;
goto Dynasty;

cout << string( 100, '\n' );
cout << "Team - " << userteam << endl << endl;
cout << "Next Game - " << nextgame << " | Opponent Overall - ";
if(nextgame == "Georgia"){
cout << Georgia << endl << endl;
if(nextgame == "Kansas"){
cout << Kansas << endl << endl;
if(nextgame == "Kentucky"){
cout << Kentucky << endl << endl;
if(nextgame == "Auburn"){
cout << Auburn << endl << endl;
if(nextgame == "LSU"){
cout << LSU << endl << endl;
if(nextgame == "Texas A&M"){
cout << TexasAM << endl << endl;

cout << "Ranking - ";
if(ranking < 11){
cout << ranking << endl << endl;
cout << "UNRANKED" << endl << endl;
cout << "Record" << "(" << wins << " - " << losses << ")" << endl << endl;
cout << "Team Overall - " << teamoverall << endl << endl;
cout << "1- Play Next Game" << endl;
cout << "2- Recruting" << endl;
cout << "3- Rankings" << endl;
cin >> select;
if(select == 3){
goto rankings;
}else if(select ==1){
goto playgame;

cout << string( 100, '\n' );
if(userteam == "Arkansas"){
if(nextgame == "Georgia"){
score = teamoverall * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 5 + -20;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 20 + 1;
random = random + random1;

score = score + random;

oppscore = Georgia * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 5 + -20;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 25 + 1;
random = random + random1;

oppscore = oppscore + random;

final = score;
oppfinal = oppscore;

if(final == oppfinal){
goto playgame;

if(final < 0){
final = 0;
if(oppfinal < 0){
oppfinal = 0;
if(final == 1){
final == 3;
if(final == 1){
final == 3;
if(oppfinal ==1){
oppfinal == 3;
wins = wins + 1;
teamoverall = teamoverall + 2;
losses = losses +1;
teamoverall = teamoverall - 2;

cout << "Arkansas scored " << final << " | Georgia scored " << oppfinal << endl << endl;
nextgame = "Kentucky";

cout << "Type 1 and press enter to continue..." << endl;
cin >> select;
goto Dynasty;

if(nextgame == "Kentucky"){
score = teamoverall * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 5 + -20;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 20 + 1;
random = random + random1;

score = score + random;

oppscore = Kentucky * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 10 + -25;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 25 + 1;
random = random + random1;

oppscore = oppscore + random;

final = score;
oppfinal = oppscore;

if(final == oppfinal){
goto playgame;

if(final < 0){
final = 0;
if(oppfinal < 0){
oppfinal = 0;
if(final == 1){
final == 3;
if(oppfinal ==1){
oppfinal ==3;

wins = wins + 1;
teamoverall = teamoverall + 2;
losses = losses +1;
teamoverall = teamoverall - 2;
cout << "Arkansas scored " << final << " | Kentucky scored " << oppfinal << endl << endl;
nextgame = "Auburn";
cout << "Type 1 and press enter to continue..." << endl;
cin >> select;
goto Dynasty;
if(nextgame == "Auburn"){
cout << string( 100, '\n' );
score = teamoverall * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 5 + -25;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 20 + 1;
random = random + random1;

score = score + random;

oppscore = Auburn * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 1 + -20;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 20 + 1;
random = random + random1;

oppscore = oppscore + random;

final = score;
oppfinal = oppscore;

if(final < 0){
final = 0;
if(oppfinal < 0){
oppfinal = 0;
if(final == 1){
final == 3;
if(oppfinal ==1){
oppfinal == 3;

if(final == oppfinal){
goto playgame;

wins = wins + 1;
teamoverall = teamoverall + 2;
losses = losses +1;
teamoverall = teamoverall - 2;

cout << "Arkansas scored " << final << " | Auburn scored " << oppfinal << endl << endl;
nextgame = "LSU";

cout << "Type 1 and press enter to continue..." << endl;
cin >> select;
goto Dynasty;
if(nextgame == "LSU"){
cout << string( 100, '\n' );
score = teamoverall * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 5 + -15;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 25 + 1;
random = random + random1;

score = score + random;

oppscore = LSU * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 1 + -20;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 25 + 1;
random = random + random1;

oppscore = oppscore + random;

final = score;
oppfinal = oppscore;

if(final < 0){
final = 0;
if(oppfinal < 0){
oppfinal = 0;
if(final == 1){
final == 3;
if(oppfinal ==1){
oppfinal ==3;

if(final == oppfinal){
goto playgame;

wins = wins + 1;
teamoverall = teamoverall + 2;
losses = losses +1;
teamoverall = teamoverall - 2;

cout << "Arkansas scored " << final << " | LSU scored " << oppfinal << endl << endl;
nextgame = "Texas A&M";

cout << "Type 1 and press enter to continue..." << endl;
cin >> select;
goto Dynasty;
if(nextgame == "Texas A&M"){
cout << string( 100, '\n' );
score = teamoverall * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 10 + -20;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 30 + 1;
random = random + random1;

score = score + random;

oppscore = TexasAM * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 5 + -15;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 20 + 1;
random = random + random1;

oppscore = oppscore + random;

final = score;
oppfinal = oppscore;

if(final < 0){
final = 0;
if(oppfinal < 0){
oppfinal = 0;
if(final == 1){
final == 3;
if(oppfinal ==1){
oppfinal = 3;

if(final == oppfinal){
goto playgame;

wins = wins + 1;
teamoverall = teamoverall + 2;
losses = losses +1;
teamoverall = teamoverall - 2;

cout << "Arkansas scored " << final << " | Texas A&M scored " << oppfinal << endl << endl;
nextgame = "Texas A&M";

cout << "Type 1 and press enter to continue..." << endl;
cin >> select;
goto Dynasty;

cout << string( 100, '\n' );
cout << "1- " << teams[0] << endl;
cout << "2- " << teams[1] << endl;
cout << "3- " << teams[2] << endl;
cout << "4- " << teams[3] << endl;
cout << "5- " << teams[4] << endl;
cout << "6- " << teams[5] << endl;
cout << "7- " << teams[6] << endl;
cout << "8- " << teams[7] << endl;
cout << "9- " << teams[8] << endl;
cout << "10- " << teams[9] << endl;
cout << "Type 1 and press enter to go back..." << endl;
cin >> select;
goto Dynasty;
cin >> select;
cin >> select;


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