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Greenhouses: lean-to (Klinskaya); swept; polygonal with equal slopes; block; arched cylindrical; hyperbolic; the last three are hangars (respectively, gable, with unequal and with steep slopes). The principle of construction, the procedure for compiling and agro-economic assessment of crop rotations in greenhouses. The system for using the area of cultivation facilities is based on cultural rotation - a plan for using the facility throughout the year, including the alternation of crops, as well as preparatory and other organizational and economic activities. In a greenhouse economy, there are usually several cultural rotations for individual greenhouses or groups of structures, on the basis of which a production program is compiled. Each crop grown in a greenhouse with full emptying of the greenhouse after harvesting constitutes a turnover. Cultural turnover may include one or more revolutions. When developing a crop rotation, the volume of vegetable production is taken into account in terms of timing and the on-farm plan for providing seedlings with open ground areas, the climatic features of the zone, the possibility of maintaining the microclimate necessary for crops in buildings, the prevention of diseases and pests (knot nematode, root rot, powdery mildew, downy mildew and etc.) and the possibility of dealing with them (soil sterilization, etc.). Cultural rotations can be vegetable (grow vegetables), seedling -vegetable (grow seedlings, and after it - vegetables), seedlings (grow only seedlings). Greenhouse crop rotations are commonly referred to as frame rotations . There are winter-spring, spring-summer, summer-autumn and transitional rotations (beginning in autumn, and ending in spring or summer of the next year) mainly for crops with a long growing season (cucumber, tomato, pepper, melon, watermelon), as well as winter, summer and autumn turnovers - for crops occupying greenhouses for a shorter time (green).

For tomato and cucumber in winter-spring culture, short rotations are used, ending in the middle of summer (July - August) and extended, when cultivation continues for 8 ... 11 months. and ends in October-December. In addition to the main crop that determines the turnover, compact crops are often grown, which increase the yield per unit area. One of the indicators of the intensity of greenhouse area use is the rotation coefficient, to determine which the area under crops in separate rotations is summed up and divided by the inventory area of greenhouses.
The yield obtained during a turnover is called the yield per turnover area. Comparing indicators of productivity, labor costs and prime cost in farms, brigades, links, one should take into account in what turnover the crop was grown and what is the duration of cultivation. In each cultural rotation there is a leading culture that determines the yield of products and economic efficiency. For example, in seedling structures, these are seedlings for protected and open ground. Only after it has been planned to meet the need for seedlings, it is permissible to plan the production of vegetables.
In winter and spring greenhouses used for the production of vegetables, the main crop in most cases is cucumber, tomato, less often pepper and greens. When planning the use of cultivation facilities, the spread of diseases and pests and the possibility of protection against them are taken into account. So, the forcing of parsley greens is usually associated with a strong contamination of the soil with white rot. The use of a greenhouse for the next crop in this case is possible only after thermal or chemical sterilization of the soil. A significant amount of pathogens and pests (gall nematode, tripe) are often introduced with planting material of onions and other forcing crops.
Therefore, in many farms, to prevent the spread of diseases and pests, forcing green crops are grown in separate greenhouses and seedling greenhouses are used to a limited extent for the cultivation of cucumber and tomato. Proper planning of the beginning of the cultural turnover is especially important. Between the crop rotations of the new and the old year there should be a small gap in time to carry out extermination measures to protect against pests and diseases, especially from the greenhouse whitefly, which affects almost all crops, and powdery mildew of cucumber, the early spread of which can lead to the defeat of a new crop and a significant decrease in productivity. Of great importance when planning a crop rotation is the choice of not only a crop, but also a variety that must be suitable for the given growing periods and the possibilities of microclimate regulation, and must be resistant to the most common pests and diseases at this time of the year. So, in the summer-autumn turnover, cucumber varieties resistant to powdery mildew, downy mildew and bacteriosis, and tomato varieties resistant to brown spot, gall nematode are preferred.
With a short culture of cucumber in spring greenhouses, preference is given to high-yielding early-ripening hybrids. Cultural rotations are planned for each structure separately, taking into account the light zones. At the same time, the time required for preparatory work and commissioning of facilities is taken into account. This work must be completed within a short time frame. Idle cultivation facilities are unacceptable.
Biological characteristics and agricultural technology of beets. Sowing, care, cleaning. Beetroot belongs to the Chenopodiaceae family ( Chenopodiaceae ). This is a biennial plant. The leaves are alternate, long-petiolate, soft, with a wavy edge, red or purple-red. Petioles are usually intense red.
Panicled inflorescence. Flowers fused (2 to 8 flowers each), bisexual. The fruits are capsules, fused with the woody perianth and with each other, forming a solid seed, called a glomerulus. Varieties of single-sprout beets have been bred; after the emergence of their seedlings, thinning is not required.
The root system is represented by suction roots that extend from the central root in two directions parallel to the cotyledons, which should be taken into account when thinning to leave developed plants with cotyledons oriented in the aisles. Roots have numerous branches. Beet cultivation technology. The small- seededness of most root crops, the slow germination and emergence of seedlings in vegetable crops necessitate thorough soil preparation. A well-leveled soil surface, its finely cloddy structure contributes to obtaining good and friendly seedlings with a given plant density.
For the cultivation of root crops, well-cultivated sandy and loamy soils are most favorable. When cultivating root crops on floodplain soils, as a rule, the near-channel part of the floodplain is used, and to a lesser extent the central part of the floodplain, which has soils with a heavy granulometric composition, which ensures high yields, but makes harvesting difficult. Depending on the zone of cultivation of root crops, the soil surface can be flat, in the form of ridges or ridges. A level surface is essential in southern dry areas. The guide furrow is used in all areas of cultivation of root crops; the agro-reclamation ridge is used in the middle and north-western zones of commercial vegetable growing.
The ridge surface contributes to the creation of the most favorable growing conditions in areas with sufficient moisture. However, obtaining good seedlings on the ridges is difficult due to the strong drying of the soil. It is most expedient to use the ridge surface of the soil only with a guaranteed stationary irrigation system. Mineral fertilizers are applied before pre-sowing tillage. Organic fertilizers for root crops are applied at a dose of 30 ... 40 t / ha in the Non-Chernozem zone and 15 ... 20 t / ha in the south. When calculating the seeding rate of seeds of root crops, it is most advisable to use the calculation method. Plant density should be higher on fertile soils and lower on less fertile ones. Due to the fact that almost all root crops are cold-resistant, most of them are sown early, as soon as it becomes possible to start tillage, in order to obtain early production.
The order of sowing is as follows: first, radishes and summer radishes are sown, then parsley, parsnips, turnips, carrots, after them, table beets, and the last seedlings of celery and swede are planted. For root vegetable plants, the possible sowing dates are determined by a set of indicators, among which one of the most important is the purpose of the resulting products. Thus, for many root crops (carrots, parsley, beets, etc.), four types of culture are possible: for early (beam) production, autumn consumption, processing, and winter storage. The sowing depth of seeds depends on their size and granulometric composition of the soil and is 1 ... 1.5 cm for beets. On clay soils that are heavy in granulometric composition, seeds are sown smaller than on light sandy and sandy ones. In arid regions, the depth of sowing seeds increases. Pre-sowing bubbling of seeds gives a stable effect. It is very important when sowing to achieve straight rows and equal distances in the extreme (butt) aisles.
All drill openers should plant the same amount of seed. Crop care includes harrowing, thinning, weeding, top dressing. When a crust is formed, as well as for the destruction of weeds before germination, the site is treated across the rows with a mesh mounted harrow BSO -4A. When growing table beet according to the usual technology, thinning (breakthrough) of seedlings is carried out in the phase of two to four true leaves. The use of single-sprout varieties and precision seeding makes thinning unnecessary.
For the first time, plants are fed 3-4 weeks after germination (when three or four true leaves appear); after 20 ... 25 days, top dressing is repeated. When irrigating, fertilizers are applied along with water. All root crops are very responsive to irrigation, which is carried out by sprinkling with the help of DDA-100MA, DDN-50, Fregat, etc.
Irrigation rate depends on the phase of plant development and their water availability. After 2-3 days after watering, the row spacing is cultivated until the rows close. In rows, weeds are weeded by hand if herbicides are not effective enough. They also protect plants from pests and diseases.
Table beets are harvested 50-60 days after germination. Mass cleaning is completed before the onset of severe frosts. The deadline for harvesting in the northern zone is the end of September, in the middle zone - the beginning of October, in the southern zone - the first days of November. Before manual harvesting, the haulm is mowed with a KIR-1.5B mower-chopper or a BM-6A haulm harvester and ensiled.
Undermining with a beet lifter or KTN-2V potato digger. Then the root crops are harvested manually and before being loaded into the storage they are put into bags for temporary storage, in which the root crops are transported to the sorting and cleaning line. More productive at harvesting are single-row pull-type machines MMT-1 and EM-11. The use of MMT-1 and EM-11 machines in combination with the PSK-6 or LKS-20 sorting station makes it possible to fully mechanize the harvesting and post-harvest processing of root crops. Standard beets are packed in boxes or containers and transported for sale to the distribution network or for storage. Non-standard root crops are sent for processing or transported to the feed workshop.
Timely and high-quality performance by machines of operations for sowing, care and in-line harvesting of root crops guarantees a high yield of carrots (50 ... 60 t / ha), helps to reduce labor costs, reduce production costs and product costs. 66. Forms of surface arable land used in vegetable growing Previously, in open field vegetable growing, the list of pre-sowing tillage operations was limited to those listed. With the use of industrial technology, it has become mandatory to profile the surface of the field, or at least to cut guide grooves or slots. To increase labor productivity in machine operations, before sowing (sometimes in autumn) or simultaneously with it, in recent years, guide furrows have been cut.
A variety of such profiling of the field surface can be considered slotting (according to Astrakhan technology) and cutting ridges or ridges. The guide furrows are cut with the help of general-purpose cultivators or with a furrow cutter-profiler BON - 5.4. Preliminary cutting of furrows and formation of ridges in autumn make it possible to start spring field work earlier and create prerequisites for better performance of other operations. In addition, a profiled surface is preferred in the northern zone, under irrigation conditions and in conditions of excessive moisture, since the ridges warm up better or create more favorable conditions for plants for moisture. By the time the soil is ready for sowing, the work done since autumn with the BON -5.4 furrow cutter is completed in the spring with the APO-5.4 combined unit. It is designed for pre-sowing tillage by milling with simultaneous formation of ridges or cutting of guide furrows on a flat surface, for sowing and applying herbicides or liquid complex fertilizers. These operations can be performed in one pass of the unit.
The soil-cultivating part of the machine mills it, forms a given profile, levels and compacts the soil surface. The SUPO-9 pneumatic precision seed drill is used as a sowing unit as part of the APO-5.4. In the absence of machines BON - 5.4 and APO - 5.4 for presowing cultivation to the depth of sowing seeds, leveling and rolling the surface of the field, use the machine RVK - 3.6. With sufficient soil moisture, instead of such processing, milling is used with the help of a cultivator KFG - 3.6–0.1 or KGF - 2.8. In one pass, KGF - 2.8 are cut through 70 cm and four ridges are cut. For cutting ridges after normal cultivation, in addition to the BON-5.4 machine , the UGN -4K bed- maker and the GS-1.4 seeder-seeder are used. The last unit not only forms a ridge, cuts and compacts its surface, but also applies fertilizer, sows and rolls the soil. For tape application of herbicides on a flat surface and crafts of guide slots, machines KRN - 4.2 and POU with slots are used . The use of combined machines GS - 1.4 (the simplest type) and APO - 5.4 (more complex and advanced type) makes it possible to increase the yield of vegetable crops, drastically reduce the number of passes of aggregates across the field, reduce energy costs and material consumption of processes, use equipment and labor resources more evenly.
In addition, the use of combined aggregates eliminates the gaps between individual types of work, which leads to a decrease in losses of nutrients and moisture from the soil. When performing these operations for soil preparation and sowing separately, vegetable growers strive to minimize the gaps between cutting ridges, milling them, applying herbicides and sowing. Otherwise, unjustified losses of soil moisture are possible and the likelihood of reseeding or the need for post-sowing irrigation increases sharply. This is due to the additional costs of labor, funds; often there is a problem of dealing with the soil crust. In irrigated vegetable growing, before sowing or in autumn, work is carried out related to the operation of the irrigation network, in particular, the annual leveling of fields, the cutting of temporary sprinklers, etc.
soil moisture is not enough for normal seed germination or seedling engraftment , pre-sowing watering is carried out at a rate of 120 ... 150 m 3 /ha. 1 ... 2 days before sowing or planting, if necessary, loosen and roll the soil with ring-spur rollers ZKKSH-8 or a combined unit RVK - 3.6. 113. Ways to increase the production of out-of-season vegetables The fundamental goal of any economic system is to satisfy a wide range of needs of all members of society. Ways to achieve the goal may be different.
But no matter what path this or that economic system takes, it must solve two main tasks: the first is a fair distribution of income from production, the second is to ensure the efficient use of resources in the production of goods to meet the needs of owners, consumers and society. The problem of efficiency is the main problem of economic theory and practice. This problem is solved by finding ways to make the best use of limited resources in order to achieve the greatest possible satisfaction of the needs of the members of society. The efficient use of resources can be judged if, with their constant costs, the production of products increases or, with a constant amount of products, the costs of resources for its production are reduced. Why is production efficiency so important?
Efficiency is understood as the fact that the necessary goods are produced at the expense of economically justified resources. Such production produces those goods that are in demand by the consumer. At the same time, this production does not use excess resources in excess of what is strictly necessary to obtain these goods, that is, it does not spend excess labor, equipment, and premises. Therefore, the less money is involved in a certain area of activity, the cheaper it will be to produce and the more money will be left for other important activities. Efficiency in production is a situation in which production resources are allocated in such a way that it is impossible to increase the production of one good without reducing the production of others at the current level of development of production and the existing level of knowledge.
It follows that an efficient economy lies on the production possibilities frontier. The essence of economic efficiency is to achieve the maximum effect at a given level of costs or to achieve a given effect at a minimum cost. It is clear that economic entities with a higher production potential in the form of modern technologies, more qualified personnel are more likely to work more efficiently than objects with lower production capabilities. If we consider this problem within the framework of the economic entity itself, then its activity can be considered effective if it goes to the edge of its production capabilities. The effect expresses the absolute value of the result without correlation with the costs to obtain it, and economic efficiency characterizes the relationship between the number of units of limited resources that are used in the production process and the amount of product obtained as a result of this process. By reducing the cost of production, while its output remains unchanged or increases, each firm, enterprise contributes to the creation of a highly efficient economy. The development of society, the economy of any country implies a systematic increase in efficiency. Efficiency gains, in turn, are needed to raise national income. In modern economic conditions, when there is an increase in production due to the growing needs of society, in terms of assortment, quantity and quality, in order for it to be effective, it is necessary to expand the production capabilities of the economy. At the current stage of the development of society, this process can only go along an intensive path, therefore, new investments, new scientific and design developments, and new progressive technologies are needed. Before considering how market relations affect the efficiency of production, it is necessary to find out what factors determine its increase and by what indicators this increase is estimated, what criterion is the most important for assessing the efficiency of social production. There are three main groups of efficiency improvement factors: socio-economic, which are associated with the improvement of the system of production relations and, first of all, property relations; organizational and economic, which are associated with the use of forms and methods of management that correspond to real life; scientific and technical, which include the acceleration of scientific and technical progress, the transformation of science into a productive force, and the intensification of production. As for the first group of factors, in order to increase the efficiency of social production, it is assumed that there are different forms of ownership of the means of production, a more productive use of labor, resources, fixed and working capital.
The second group involves the use of advanced forms of organization and management of production, increasing the professional level of personnel in order to increase efficiency. The third group includes factors that contribute to increasing efficiency through the use of progressive
crop rotation greenhouse yield seedlings

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