Annual Meeting " Thriving in Unexpected Places"

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Penn West Conference

United Church of Christ
53rd Annual Meeting

Thriving in Unexpected Places”

May 29 and 30, 2015

University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown

Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Open Conversation
On Friday morning, at 10:30 AM, prior to the official call to order, there was an opportunity for open conversation with The Rev. David Schoen, Minister for Congregational Assessment and Support, Local Church Ministries, United Church of Christ, Cleveland. The conversation focused on “Foundations of New Beginnings.”
Opening Worship
The Conference gathered in Heritage Hall at 1:00 PM for the opening worship service. The worship leaders were The Rev. Glenn Sadler, Penn West Moderator; Jim Neatrour, Penn West Vice-Moderator; and Brady Plummer, Juniata Association. The accompanist for this and all the other worship services was Mrs. Katherine Fair, Faith United Church of Christ, Ridgway, Pennsylvania.

The sermon was delivered by David Schoen, who focused on the subject, “What’s the Next Surprise?” In his homily he told the stories of several Churches that had accepted the prognosis that they were dying. But God had other plans and surprised those faith communities with new life and a new excitement about witness and ministry.

Call to Order
Glenn Sadler, Moderator, called the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Penn West Conference, United Church of Christ, to order at 1:00 PM. He began with prayer and then invited Robert McKie, Conference Secretary, to deliver the Credentials Report. McKie stated there were 43 pastors present and 69 delegates attending, plus visitors. The Chair declared that a quorum was present.
Adoption of the Agenda
Motion/Second – To approve the proposed agenda for this Annual Meeting. Motion Carried

Appointment of the Tellers
The following individuals were appointed:
Roseann Fillman – Clarion Association

Bill Hendrick – Juniata Association

Chris Stocker – Lake Erie

Joel Pretz – Pittsburgh Association

Tom Croner – Somerset Association

Trista Lucas - Westmoreland Association

Introduction of Guests
David Ackerman, Penn West Conference Minister, introduced the following guests, and Penn West members, serving various instrumentalities and agencies:
The Rev. David Schoen – National Staff of the United Church of Christ

Ms. Tessa Nieberbauer and Ms. Mariana Dostal

National Staff of the United Church of Christ

Mr. Chuck Hollingsworth – Cornerstone Fund

Mr. Ammon Ripple – Faith Organizer for Equality PA

Mr. Roger Knisely – Workshop Presenter

Ms. Joni Hufford – Living Waters Camp and Conference Center

Mr. Donald Hamm II and Mr. Donald Hamm III

Donald E. Hamm Insurance Company, representing the Insurance Board

Ms. Rita Clemente, Ms. Diane O’Brien, The Rev. Bill Kirker

St. Paul’s Continuing Care Community – Greenville, PA

The Rev. Jerry McCuller and Mr. James Neatrour

Homewood Homes – Martinsburg

The Rev. Dr. Robert McKie – Board Member, Hoffman Homes for Youth

Ms. Elizabeth Harbin – Lancaster Theological Seminary

Tom Croner – United Church Board and Chair of the Audit Committee

Featured Mission Partners

The Rev. Liddy Barlow – Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania

The Rev. Thomas Johnson – Neighborhood Academy, Pittsburgh

The Rev. Sandy Strauss – Pennsylvania Council of Churches

Introduction of Ministers New to Penn West
The Rev. Audra Crise – Paradise/Troutville Charge - Clarion Association

The Rev. Dr. Richard McCarty – Community United Church, Erie – Lake Erie Association

The Rev. Scott Fuller – Interim Pastor, St. John’s United Church of Christ, Larimer

Westmoreland Association

Approval of Minutes

Motion/Second – To accept the minutes of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Penn West Conference as printed in the 53rd Annual Meeting Program Booklet. MOTION CARRIED
Motion/Second – To accept the summary of the Board of Director’s Actions as printed in the 53rd Annual Meeting Program Booklet. MOTION CARRIED
Introduction of Property Transfer Proposal
Glenn Sadler narrated a power point presentation on the condition of the Penn West Conference Office, 320 South Maple Avenue, Greensburg. The presentation also included several pictures taken of the new Penn West offices in the Education Wing of the First Reformed United Church of Christ, Greensburg.

Glenn related some of the background behind the decision to relocate the Penn West offices to First Reformed United Church of Christ. First Church, which was making some building upgrades, invited the Conference to consider using three rooms in the Education Wing for storage, for the Administrative Assistant, and for the Conference Minister.

While upgrades have already been completed, for which there was sufficient money, and the Board of Directors acted within its power to move the Penn West offices, the Board also affirmed that the actual transfer of the 320 South Maple Avenue property to First Reformed United Church of Christ should be voted on by the delegates to the 53rd Annual Meeting. The vote will be taken on Saturday, May 30, 2015.
Bible Study One
Led by Pastors Steven Craft and Ruth Shaver, the Study focused on Genesis 32:22-32 (Jacob wrestles with God at the Jabbok). People were invited to share those times and places when they wrestled with God and won.
Speak Outs – First Round – One Minute
Pastor Ruth Shaver spoke about the Annual meeting bookstore, the bookstore

at the Penn West Office in Greensburg, and about the National Youth Event in 2016.

Ammon Ripple spoke about the Inclusive Church Workshop

and the Nondiscrimination Petition

Liddy Barlow spoke about Christian Associates of Southwest

Pennsylvania and the Father’s Day Pledge regarding violence against women.

Chelsea Neatrour spoke about the Juniata Association tee shirts.
Mission Partners
The Rev. Sandy Strauss spoke about the mission and work of the Pennsylvania Council of Churches. She thanked the Penn West Conference for its support.
The following workshops were offered beginning at 3:45:
New Beginnings – Pastor David Schoen

Electronic and Alternate Giving – Tessa Niederbaumer and Mariana Dostal

Welcome Table Communion – Pastor Cindy Parker

United Church of Christ 101 – Sam Swick and Pastor Glenn Sadler

Coffee with David – Pastor David Ackerman

Building an Inclusive Church – Ammon Ripple

Renovations, Repairs, and More – Where to begin? - Roger Knisley

General Synod Delegation

The workshops were repeated at 4:20 PM.
Contemplative Worship
Following dinner, the Conference was called back to order at approximately 7:00 PM. The service included a retelling of John 4:5-42 (Jesus and the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well), and a dialogue sermon on the subject, “Thirsting for God.”

The worship leaders were Pastor Cindy Parker, Valarie Marino Poole, and Miranda DeAngelo.

Bible Study Two
This Bible Study was led by Pastor Ruth Shaver and students from the Penn West Academy for Ministry. It focused on John 21:1-14 (Jesus appears to His disciples after he was raised from the dead).

Celebrate 5 for 5
5 for 5 Churches are those congregations that have given to Our Churches Wider Mission (OCWM) Basic Support, plus One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen the Church, Neighbors in Need, and The Christmas Fund all-Church offerings. Those congregations were recognized with a certificate of thanks. The 5 for 5 Churches for 2014 are listed on page 11 (Green Section) of the 53rd Annual Meeting Booklet.
A Thriving Moment
A video presentation was shared by Betty Royer, Pastor of Salem United Church of Christ, Martinsburg. It showed how the Church supports its youth ministry, through its “Bucket Brigade,” as an example of how God’s Good News is thriving in that community.
Penn West Conference Follies

Sharing Our Talents and Celebrations
Harmony Sounds” Barbershop Quartet

Westmoreland Association
Larry Thorn – Tenor; Bernie Solomon – Lead; Phil Horrell – Baritone; Bob McKie – Bass
The Doo Wop Country Boys” – Juniata Association
Dan Crist, Roger Knisely, Tom Ringler, and Clyde Walter
Broken Bread”- Pittsburgh & Westmoreland Associations
Gary Filbert, Alice Lindsay-Bignell, and Richard Lindsay-Bignell

Saturday – May 30, 2015

Morning Prayer

Following breakfast, the Conference gathered in Heritage Hall at 8:30 for “Morning Prayer.” The first part focused on “Remembering the Saints,” in which the names of all Penn West Conference Pastors, Deacons, Elders, and Lay People, who died since the last Penn West Annual Meeting, were read by the six Association representatives. Additional names were mentioned by various delegates from the floor.

The second part was a “Reaffirmation of Baptism,” in which the participants were invited to reaffirm their baptisms through responses to several questions about their faith, and then to take a stone, as a symbol of baptism, from water-filled bowls.

This “Morning Prayer” service was led by Pastors Susan Fritz, Robert McKie, and Nancy Mears.

Call to Order
The meeting was called back to order at 8:34 by the Moderator, Glenn Sadler.

Bible Study Three
This Bible Study was led by Pastor Ruth Shaver and Matthew Fox, who presented a short skit. It focused on Jesus feeding the Five Thousand as found in John 6:1-14.
Protecting Our Children
Pastor Ruth Shaver, representing the Partners in Faith Formation, spoke about the recent Pennsylvania regulations regarding Criminal Background and Child Abuse Clearances being required as of July 1, 2015, for all volunteers who work with or have contact with children in Churches, schools, social agencies, and other settings.

The Criminal Background Check can be completed on-line through the Pennsylvania State Police for a fee of $10.00. The Child Abuse Clearance can also be done on line for a $10.00 fee. Fingerprinting can be done for a fee of $25.00. The Clearances are good for three years and then must be renewed.

Denmark Manor United Church of Christ, Penn Township in the Westmoreland Association, is hosting a two-hour Child Abuse Awareness Workshop at the meetinghouse on Thursday, June 18, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. This meeting is open to all pastors, licensed ministers, religious educators, and others who work with and care for children in a Church setting, regardless of denominational affiliation. Those wishing to attend are asked to call the Denmark Manor office at 724-744-4218, or by e-mail at

Penn West Academy – Celebrating Our Graduates
The Rev. Joseph Hedden, Dean of the Penn West Academy for Ministry, and Teacher of Theology, introduced the faculty:
Attorney George Kepple – Church History

The Rev. Cindy Parker – Worship and Preaching

The Rev. Meredith Hutchison – United Church of Christ

History and Polity

The Rev. Ruth Shaver – Hebrew Bible and New Testament

The Conference applauded the recent graduates:
Glenda Berg

Ryan Lucas

Valarie Poole
Hedden reminded the delegates that all of us, by virtue of our baptisms, are called to do ministry in Christ’s name. We all do ministry to the next generation of Christians.

He encouraged people desiring to learn more about theology, the Bible, and history and polity of the United Church of Christ, to consider applying for entrance to the Academy. He closed this portion of the Annual Meeting with prayer.

Ordination and Licensure Anniversaries
Pastor Barry Fillman, Chair of the Penn West Conference Church & Ministry Committee, recognized those persons who, during 2015, are celebrating five year incremental anniversaries of ordination or licensure:
Name Year Association
L. Hugh Gowan 55 Juniata

Merle Correll 50 Juniata

Douglas Patterson 40 Pittsburgh

William Thwing 40 Somerset

Joseph Beer 35 Somerset

Jeff Welsh 35 Westmoreland

John Gareis 35 Clarion

Claudia Papenmeier 25 Westmoreland

Jay Shaffer 20 Somerset

Thomas Johnson 20 Pittsburgh

Paul Thomas 20 Lake Erie

Richard Henry 20 Juniata

Steven Craft 15 Westmoreland

Alice-Lindsay Bignell 15 Pittsburgh

Gerald McCuller 15 Juniata

Julia Williamson 15 Lake Erie

Matthew Deal 10 Somerset

Richard Lindsay-Bignell 5 Westmoreland

John Titus 5 Westmoreland

Audra Krise 5 Clarion
James Ghrist 45 Westmoreland

Robert Beatty 30 Lake Erie

Paul Sarver 20 Westmoreland

John Schake 15 Westmoreland

Robert Kruel 15 Westmoreland

James Neatrour 10 Juniata

Eric Campbell 10 Lake Erie

Douglas Satterlee 10 Juniata

Mission Partners
The Rev. Liddy Barlow, Executive Director of Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania, spoke about the history, mission, and goals of Christian Associates, using a power point presentation. One current major focus is a campaign to prevent violence against women.

Barlow also stressed that she is available to do pulpit supply and share the story of Christian Associates.

Speak Outs Two – One Minute
Joseph Hedden spoke about the bus to General Synod Worship

Sunday – June 28, 2015

Meredith Hutchison spoke about the “Child Abuse Prevention Workshop”

Bob McKie spoke about using United Church of Christ instead of UCC

Marj Gaul spoke about the Women’s Retreat

Cathie Mossburg spoke about the September 26

“Back Bay Mission Shrimp Boil” at Trinity Church, Dorseyville

Rita Clemente spoke about the “Heritage Serenity Circle”

Chelsea Neatrour spoke about the “March for Literacy”
A Thriving Moment
Nancy Morgart, Zion’s United Church of Christ, Pymatuning Charge, Lake Erie Association, spoke about the “Blessings in a Backpack” ministry that has touched the lives of many children and families.

Mission Partners
Mr. Donald Hamm II spoke about the work and mission of the Insurance Board, and encouraged congregations to consider what the Board has to offer.
Consideration of Conference Matters
Treasurer’s Report
Ms. Deborah Long, Treasurer, spoke briefly about the Penn West Conference Treasurer’s Report, covering January to December, 2014. The detailed reports are found on pages 1 to 7 (Green Section) of the 52nd Annual Meeting Program Booklet. As there were no questions, the Chair declared the report filed for audit.
Neighborhood Academy
The Rev. Thomas Johnson spoke about the history, mission, and ongoing ministry of the Neighborhood Academy in Pittsburgh. The Academy began some years ago with virtually nothing. Now most of its graduates go on to the college and university.

Tom said that, because of the Neighborhood Academy, “… family histories are being rewritten.” At the conclusion of Tom’s report, Glenn Sadler offered prayer.

Adoption of the 2015 Budget
Deborah Long, Treasurer, reviewed high points in the budget and entertained several questions. The 2016 Proposed Budget is on page 8 (Green Section) of the 54th Annual Meeting Program Booklet.

The Proposed Budget projects income of $296,248.00 and calls for expenditures of $296,248.00.

Motion/Second – To adopt the Proposed 2016 Budget of the Penn West Conference, United Church of Christ. MOTION CARRIED
Faithful Stewards Program
The “Faithful Stewards” are those individuals and congregations who have recommitted themselves to giving “over and above” to support the ministry of the Penn West Conference.

Thanks were also given to all the congregations for their ongoing support of OCWM (Our Churches Wider Mission) Basic Support. During the next several months, members of the Board of Directors and others, will visit various Churches in Penn West to thank those faith communities for their OCWM Basic Support and to present certificates of appreciation.

Nominating Committee Report
Officers nominated to serve two year terms are Mr. James Neatrour as Moderator, Class of 2017 and The Rev. Diane Wiley for Assistant Moderator, Class of 2017. Their biographies are found on page 24 (White Section) of the 54th Annual Meeting Program Booklet.

Motion/Second – To close the nominations for Moderator. MOTION CARRIED
Motion/Second – To close the nominations for Assistant Moderator. MOTION CARRIED
The Chair directed the Secretary to cast a unanimous ballot for James Neatrour, Moderator, and Diane Wiley, Assistant Moderator.
Association Representatives to the Board of Directors are elected to two year terms by their respective Associations.
Transfer of the 320 South Maple Avenue Property
Motion/Second – To transfer the 320 South Maple Avenue property in Greensburg, Pennsylvania (former office building of the Penn West Conference) to First Reformed United Church of Christ in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.

Glenn Sadler and David Ackerman then addressed questions from the delegates. The rent will be $200.00 per month for the next ten years, while the charge for utilities will be $250.00 per month for the next ten years.

Motion/Second – To move the previous question. MOTION CARRIED
Introduction of General Synod Delegates
Jill Clawson – Juniata

Denise Mason-Bullitt – Pittsburgh

Chelsea Neatrour – Juniata

Laddie Ohl – Lake Erie

Theresa Cook – Clarion

Marjorie Deaner – Somerset

Steve Craft (Dr. Franklin) – Westmoreland

Matthew Deal – Somerset

Cheryl Petrini – Westmoreland

James Neatrour as Conference Moderator (Juniata)

David Ackerman as Conference Minister

Global Mission Partners/Team
The written report is found on page 6 (Blue Section) of the 53rd Annual Meeting Program Booklet. Joseph Hedden said that the Penn West Conference has extended an invitation to the Northwest Luzon Conference, United Church of Christ in the Philippines, to send two members to the Penn West Conference Annual meeting in 2016. The two who will attend are The Rev. Noel Pagdilao, Conference Minister; and The Rev. Marjorie Belmonte, a Local Pastor.

Associate for Youth Ministry
Valarie Poole, the recently appointed Associate for Youth Ministry, spoke about the 2016 United Church of Christ National Youth Event that will take place in Florida. For more information, please go to UCC.ORG/NYE
Living Waters
Joni Hufford, Executive Director of Living Waters Camp and Conference Center, remarked that Living Waters is 50 years old and that she has been the Administrator for the past 15 summers. She recognized and thanked the following individuals and congregations for their ongoing support:
Friends of Living Waters
Jay & Eyvonne Shaffer

St. John’s United Church of Christ – Laughlintown (Darlington)

Unity United Church of Christ – Shanksville

Brush Creek Salem United Church of Christ – Irwin

New Hope United Church of Christ – Meyersdale

Salem United Church of Christ – Martinsburg

First United Church of Christ – Irwin

St. Paul’s United Church of Christ – Somerset

Mt. Laurel United Church of Christ – Boswell

Trinity United Church of Christ – Greensburg

Tres Dias

David & Marsha Ackerman

St. John’s United Church of Christ – Bedford

Trinity United Church of Christ – Berlin

St. John’s (Harrold) United Church of Christ – Greensburg

Emanuel United Church of Christ – Warren

Salem United Church of Christ – Martinsburg

Brian & Julie Schmucker

Trinity United Church of Christ – Grantsville

Trinity United Church of Christ – Scottdale

First United Church of Christ – Harrison City

St. Peter’s United Church of Christ – DuBois

South Ebensburg United Church of Christ – Portage

Living Waters Board of Directors
Don Kelly, Pastor Nancy Mears, Diana Ruffner, Pastor Jay Shaffer,

Chris Lasswell, Pastor Chuck Mackley, Kathryn Deremer, Jeffrey Farber,

Tian Harbaugh, Ryan Lucas. Chelsea Neatrour, and Linda Snyder
Chelsea Neatrour mentioned the Special Needs Teen Camp, 7th to 12th grades, the week of July 12 to 18. Chelsea is directing that camp. The Outdoor Adventure Camp, July 19 to 25, ages 9 to 12, will be led by Ryan Lucas.
Bible Study Four
Ruth Shaver led this Study based on Luke 10:1-17 (Jesus appointing the seventy and sending them in pairs to towns).
Thriving Moments
Jill Marie spoke about the “Clean ‘n Gleam” ministry of St. Peter’s United Church of Christ, Punxsutawney. This outreach provides items, not available through food stamps, to needy individuals and families. It provides soap, household cleaning products, toilet paper, paper towels, and other necessities to about 40 to 50 families every month. The ministry is supported by voluntary monetary and material donations.
Chelsea Neatrour spoke about the Summer Youth Retreat, sponsored by St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, Imler. It brings the good news of Jesus Christ to many youngsters in the area, including some who have no Church connection or faith foundation.
20 Minute Camping Experience

10 Ideas for Impacting Youth

Joni Hufford and Valarie Poole
Called to Care

Creation Care

Pastors Verna Call and Bill Thwing
Who’s Minding the Store?

10 Risk Management Techniques for your Church

Don Hamm II & Don Hamm III
Social Media & Technology 101

Chelsea Neatrour

Our Churches Wider Mission (OCWM)

Faithful Stewards – “What’s with the pins?”

Cathie Mossburg and Cathie Hoffman
Presentation on Israel – What did we find there?

Tom Croner and Pastors Liddy Barlow, Steve Craft and Matt Deal

10 Ideas for Mission Work in Your Community for the Small Church

Jim Neatrour and Others

Global Missions Network

Pastor Jospeh Hedden and Others

Conference Choir Rehearsal
Joy Unspeakable, Faith Unsinkable, Love Unstoppable,

Anything is Possible
Glenn Sadler, retiring Moderator, thanked the Board of Directors for its faithfulness and hard-work. He stated that John Canning and Linda Lawson are going off the Board. He also noted the recent death of Doris Parker, partner of Pastor Linda Lawson.

Thanks and appreciation were also extended to the Annual Meeting Planning Committee, chaired by Jim Neatrour … Diane Fox, Administrative Assistant of the Penn West Conference … Worship Team, chaired by Pastor Ruth Shaver … Kathy Fair, Conference Accompanist … Meredith Hutchison, Conference Choir Director.

Jim Neatrour thanked Glenn Sadler for his dedication and diligence during his term as Penn West Conference Moderator. A gift basket, with items representing the six Penn West Associations (Clarion, Juniata, Lake Erie, Pittsburgh, Somerset, and Westmoreland) was presented to Glenn by Jim, who was grateful to Glenn for “… his gentle wisdom.”

Installations of Officers
David Ackerman, Penn West Conference Minister, installed the new officers (James Neatrour – Moderator, and Diane Wiley - Assistant Moderator). The other Board members reaffirmed their commitment to serve faithfully.
Motion/Second – To adjourn the 53rd Annual meeting of the Penn West Conference, United Church of Christ, following worship. MOTION CARRIED
Closing Worship
Participants in the Closing Worship included Sacred Motion from The United Church of Schellsburg (Susie Felton, Madison Hillegass, Tiereni Hitechew, Olivia Knoster, Mya Lohr, Alecsis Mowry, and Grace Sedewar)… Youth of the Penn West Conference … Glenn Sadler … Ruth Shaver … David Schoen, and David Ackerman.

David Ackerman’s sermon was titled, “Do-Be-Do-Be-Do.” The Conference Choir sang the anthem “Thrive,” by Mark Hall and Matthew West, arranged by Dan Galbraith. The service concluded with all sharing in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.

Faithfully submitted,

Robert S. McKie

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