Chair and Discussant: Waltraud Schelkle

E Compliance and Enforcement

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5E Compliance and Enforcement
         Chair and Discussant: Michelle Cini (University of Bristol)

Constellation E

European Commission against Gazprom: An Analysis of the Contentious Issues
         Marek Martyniszyn (Loyola University Chicago School of Law)


Policy Matters but Why? Explaining Non-compliance with European Law Across Sectors

         Tanja A. Börzel (Freie UniversitätBerlin)
         Moritz Knoll (Freie UniversitätBerlin)


The European Commission between Courtroom and Legislature. Predicting Strategy Choice

         Andreas Hofmann (University of Cologne)


Towards Decentralization of the Enforcement of State Aid Rules to SGEI

         Natalia Fiedziuk (Tilburg University)


5F Democratic Linkages in the European Union

         Chair and Discussant: Amie Kreppel (University of Florida)

Constellation F

European Union Politicization and the Democratic Deficit: Why European Parliament Elections Matter
         Magda Giurcanu (University of Florida)


Examining the Relationship between Citizens, National Governments and Support for European Integration

         Galina Zapryanova (MZES, University of Mannheim)
         Christine Arnold (University of Maastricht)
         Eliyahu Sapir (University of Nottingham)


Imperfections in Representation in the EU Policy Process

         Richard Rose (University of Strathclyde)


Improving the Transparency and Accountability of EU Institutions via the Office of the European Ombudsman

         Petia Kostadinova (University of Illinois Chicago)


Measuring Responsiveness -The Impact of Public Opinion Monitoring on EP Activity

         Jonas Triffot (European Parliament)
         Steve Schwarzer (TNS Opinion, Brussels Belgium)


5G Fiscal Institutional Innovation and the Eurozone Crisis

         Chair and Discussant: Markus Jachtenfuchs (Hertie School of Governance)

Baltimore Room

Law and the Eurozone Crisis
         R. Daniel Kelemen (Rutgers University)
         Terence Teo (Rutgers University)


Searching Under the Lamp-post: The Evolution of Fiscal Surveillance

         Deborah Mabbett (Birkbeck, University of London)
         Waltraud Schelkle (London School of Economics and Political Science)


Stumbling Toward Fiscal Union: The Eurozone Debt Crisis

         David R. Cameron (Yale University)
Vision v. Process: Europe’s crisis and the Dynamics of Integration by Publicity

Philipp Genschel (Jacobs University Bremen)

Markus Jachtenfuchs (Hertie School of Governance)

5H Intra-institutional Dynamics in European Energy Policy
         Chair: Luigi Carafa (University of Cambridge)
         Chair: Andrea Lenschow (University of Osnabruck)
         Discussant: Andrea Lenschow (University of Osnabruck)

Annapolis Room

Energy Policy Coordination in the European Parliament: Discursive Power-fights?
         Iulii Selianko (University of Osnabruck)


The Strategic Construction of the Urgency of Climate Change? The Role of Discourse in the Negotiations on the ‘EU Climate and Energy Package’

         Pierre Bocquillon (University of Cambridge)


Unintended Judicial Dis-integration? The Role of the European Court of Justice in European Energy Policy

         Luigi Carafa (University of Cambridge)
         Anatole Boute (University of Aberdeen)


5I Arming Europe. An Analysis of European Defense Procurement Policies

         Chair: Frédéric Merand (Université de Montréal)
         Discussant: Jocelyn Mawdsley (Newcastle University)

Frederick Room

Cooperation at the Intersection of Security and Economics: Explaining Institutional Choices on Armaments Collaboration
         Marc DeVore (European University Institute)


Mapping the European Differentiated Integration in the Defense Procurement Sector

         Samuel Faure (Sciences Po Paris-CERI)


Europeans at Arm’s Length: The European Integration of Domestic Defense Public Contracts Regulation

         Catherine Hoeffler (Université de Montréal)


The Politics of Fighter Jets in Western Europe

         Frederic Merand (Université de Montréal)


5J It’s Not All About the EPAs: The Trade-development Nexus in EU External Relations

         Chair: Maurizio Carbone (University of Glasgow)
         Discussant: Alasdair Young (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Columbia Room

Are the European Union’s GSP Suspensions Foreign Policy “Sanctions?”
         Clara Portela (Singapore Management University)
         Jan Orbie (Ghent University)


Decent Work and Indecent Trade Agendas: Africa and the European Union

         Mark Langan (Leeds Metropolitan University)


EU Trade and Development Policy Beyond the EPAs: Subordinating Developmental to Commercial Imperatives

         Gabriel Siles-Brügge (University of Manchester)


Interrogating the EU Trade and Development Policy after the Crash

         Tony Heron (University of York)


5K The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 1: Drugs, Terrorism, and Cyber Security
         Chair: Christian Kaunert (University of Dundee, Scotland)
         Discussant: David Armitage (National Intelligence Council & American University)

Lombard/Camden Room

EU Governance of the Internet: Analyzing Europol’s Role in the Development of a EU Cyber Crime and Cyber Security Policies
         Helena Carrapico (University of Strathclyde & European University Institute Florence)
         Javier Argomaniz (University of St Andrews)


Europe’s Caribbean Frontier: Policing the Cocaine Supply Chain

         Martin Elvins (University of Dundee, Scotland)
5L ECSA World Panel I Conway Room

Introduction: Enrique Banús (ECSA World)

Chair: Vlasta Kunova (ECSA Slovakia)

Discussant: Peter Xuereb (ECSA Malta)

Approximation of the Georgian legislation to the EU Law - How Much is Enough?

Gaga Gabrichidze (University of Tbilisi, Georgia)
The Progressive Appearance of Constitutional Elements in Integration Processes, Especially in the European Union

Carlos Hakansson (Universidad de Piura, Peru)
The Role of European Programs on Education & European Integration of Western Balkans

Gazmend Qorraj (Universiteti Prishtinës, Albania)
European Reality of the Western Balkans

Ivan Jovetic (UDG-University, Montenegro)
Promoting EU Studies in Vietnam: Chances and Challenges

Pham Quang Minh (VNU-Hanoi)



10:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

6A ECSA World Panel II Constellation A

Chair: Martin Holland (ECSA New Zealand)

Discussant: Léonce Bekemans (ECSA Belgium)
The Euro in the Europe-Latin America Trade

Luis Arnoldo Rubio (Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), Costa Rica)
The Influence of the European Community Jurisprudence in the Main Courts of the Latin American Systems of Integration: An Exploratory Study

Orlando Mejía Herrera (Universidad Nacional Autónoma, Nicaragua)
European Studies in the Philippines: Looking Back and Challenges Ahead

Marissa Maricosa A. Paderon (Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines)
EU Perceptions in the Philippines

Manuel III Reyes Enverga (Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines

Glayds Mokhawa (Universityof Botswana)


6B Innovation, Learning, and Change in Public Policy

         Chair: David Coen (University College, London)
         Discussant: Bentley Allan (Johns Hopkins University)

Constellation B

Bottom-up Europeanization. The Dynamics of Policy Convergence in the Struggle against Paedophilia
         Laurie Boussaguet (University of Rouen and Sciences Po Paris)


Chameleon Pluralism with Polity Colors: Examining the Impact of Member States’ Polity Structure on the European Commission Interest Group Overlap, Across Policy Domain

         David Coen (University College London)
         Alexander Katsaitis (School of Public Policy UCL)


Programmatic Elites and the Europeanization of Public Health Policy

         Scott Greer (University of Michigan)
         Heather Elliott (University of Michigan)


Why the EU Does Not Learn: Cases from the Eurozone Crisis

         Claudio Radaelli (University of Exeter)
         Claire Dunlop (University of Exeter)
         Jonathan Kamkhaji (University of Exeter)


6C National Parliaments in the European Union

         Chair: Wolfgang Wessels (Cologne University)
         Discussant: Desmond Dinan (George Mason University)

Constellation C

Brussels Calling!? National Parliamentarians’ Participation in Inter-parliamentary Committee Meetings
         Katjana Gattermann (Cologne University)


Fighting Back? EU Affairs in National Parliaments

         Katrin Auel (IHS Vienna)
         Olivier Rozenberg (Sciences Po Paris)


National Parliaments after Lisbon: Towards the Mainstreaming of EU Affairs?

         Katjana Gattermann (Cologne University)
         Anna-Lena Hoegenauer (Maastricht University)
         Ariella Huff (Cambridge University)


National Parliaments in the European Union: Representative Democracy as Network Governance?

         Christine Neuhold (Maastricht University)
         Thomas Christiansen (Maastricht University)


6D Speaking with a Single Voice? The EU as an International Actor

         Chair: Adrienne Héritier (European University Institute)
         Discussant: Sandra Lavenex (University of Lucerne)

Constellation D

A Cacophony of Voices? The EU’s Cohesiveness in the Negotiation of Bilateral and Multilateral Trade Negotiations
        Eugénia da Conceicao-Heldt (TU Dresden)


Divide and Conquer: How China Can Exploit the Multiplicity of Investment Rules in the EU

         Sophie Meunier (Princeton University)


Political Dwarf or Global Governance Player? The European Union’s Regional “Ordnungspolitik”

         Tanja Börzel(FU Berlin)
         Vera van Huellen (FU Berlin)


Revisiting EU Actorness in Environmental Affairs

         Tom Delreux (University of Louvain)


The European Union and the United States: Competition, Convergence and the EU’s Changing Role in Transatlantic Relations

         Michael Smith (Loughborough University)


The European Union in the United Nations. Effectively Speaking With One Voice?

         Diana Panke (University of Freiburg)


6E Actorness, Distinctiveness, Comprehensiveness: Modernizing the Development Policy of the European Union

         Chair: Maurizio Carbone (University of Glasgow)
         Discussant: Martin Holland (University of Canterbury)

Constellation E

A Decade of Illusions: the EU and the Global Agenda on Aid Effectiveness
         Maurizio Carbone (University of Glasgow)


Testing the EU Capacity for Global Actorness: Towards a post-2015 Global Development Agenda

         Mary Farrell (University of Greenwich)


The European Union’s Development Policy: A Balancing Act Between ‘A More Comprehensive Approach’ and Creeping Securitization

         Stefan Gänzle (University of Agder)
         Mark Furness (German Development Institute)


The Normative Distinctiveness of the European Union in International Development: Stepping Out of the Shadow of the World Bank?

         Jan Orbie (Ghent University)
         Karen Del Biondo (Stanford University)
         Sarah Delputte (Ghent University)


6F EU Competition Law and State Aid Regulation: Actors and Institutions

         Chair and Discussant: Francesca Bignami (George Washington University)

Constellation F

Predatory Pricing and Abuse of Dominant Position in the EU: Where Are We Coming from and Where Are We Going to?
         Matteo Negrinotti (Tilburg University)


Regional Aid and Aid to Mobile Investment: How Well Have Controls Worked?

         Kenneth Thomas (University of Missouri-St. Louis)


The Role of the National Judge in European State Aids Sector

         Alice Pisapia (Universita' dell'Insubria)


6G The European Commission: Changing Architecture, Changing Culture

         Chair: Carolyn Ban (University of Pittsburgh)
         Discussant: Michelle Cini (University of Bristol)

Baltimore Room

Dismantling the EU Staff? What is Going on with the Last Revision of the EU Staff Regulation (2011-2012)
         Didier Georgakakis (Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris)


How Much Does Nationality Shape Management Style within the European Commission? The Case of Managers from Central and Eastern Europe

         Carolyn Ban (University of Pittsburgh)


The European Commission: One House or Many? Measuring and Assessing the Impact of Intra-organizational Difference

         Michael Bauer (German University of Administrative Sciences, Speyer)
         Sara Connolly (Norwich Business School)
         Hussein Kassim (University of East Anglia)


6H Technocrats, Caretakers and Parties in the Long European Crisis: Unorthodox Governments and their Effects

         Chair: Takis Pappas (European University Institute)
         Discussant: Richard Katz (Johns Hopkins University)

Annapolis Room

Continuity and Change in Times of Crisis: An Analysis of Belgium's Caretaker Administration (2010-2011)
         Marleen Brans (KU Leuven Public Management Institute)
         Geert Bouckaert (KU Leuven Public Management Institute)
         Valerie Pattyn (KU Leuven Public Management Institute)


Mario Monti’s Strange Government: Italian Technocracy and Party Government in Comparative Perspective

         Duncan McDonnell (European University Institute)
         Marco Valbruzzi (European University Institute)


Unexpected Consequences of an Unexpected Prime Minister: The 2009-2010 Fischer Administration in the Czech Republic

        Seán Hanley (University College London)


6I International Law and the EU's External Relations

         Chair: Daniel Kelemen (Rutgers University)
         Discussant: Joanne Scott (UCL)

Frederick Room

Socialization of European Neighborhood Countries via Common Foreign and Security Policy Declarations
         Paul James Cardwell (University of Sheffield)


The Effectiveness of Labor Standards in EU and US Preferential Trade Agreements

         Ida Bastiaens (University of Pittsburgh)
         Evgeny Postnikov (University of Pittsburgh)

Rule Transfer in Eastern Neighborhood: Explaining EU’s influence in Ukraine and Belarus

Ryhore Nizhnikau (University of Tartu)
EU Soft Power in Eastern Europe: The Case of Serbia

Randall Newnham (Penn State)


6J Teaching European (Union) Studies: Culture, Identity and Pedagogy

         Chair: Heidi Maurer (SAIS-Johns Hopkins University)

Discussant: Esther Versluis (Maastricht University)        

Columbia Room

Cultural Studies on European Integration: A New Perspective on Teaching the European Union

Xiaohai Wang (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China)
Teaching and Learning for a European Identity

Gretchen J. Van Dyke (The University of Scranton)
Active Learning and Internationalization Elements of a "Revolution" in "Teaching Affairs"?
         Elizabeth Sheppard (Sorbonne Paris Cité)
         Sophie Enos -Attali (Institut Catholique de Paris)


Leadership Development through Active-Learning Simulations

         Alison Rios Millett McCartney (Towson University)


Simulating Policy Making in the European Union

         Alison Statham (De Montfort University)

6K The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 2: EU Asylum Cooperation

         Chair: Ariadna Ripoll Servent (University of Vienna)
         Discussant: Florian Trauner (University of Vienna)

Lombard/Camden Room

Human Rights vs. the Economy? Different Modes of EU Integration in Asylum and Legal Migration
         Natascha Zaun (University of Bremen)
         Christoph Roos (University of Bremen)


Institutionalizing Practical Cooperation Efforts in the EU: An Analysis of the Role and (Potential) Impact of the European Asylum Support Office

         Evangelia Tsourdi (Universite Libre de Bruxelles)


The Role of the European Courts in the Development of the EU Asylum Policy

         Sarah Leonard (University of Dundee, Scotland)
         Christian Kaunert (University of Dundee, Scotland)


6L Minority, Migration and Human Rights

         Chair: TBC
         Discussant: TBC

Conway Room

Governance of Labor Provisions through Hierarchy and Network: A Comparison of EU and US Governance Modes in Mexico, Morocco and the Dominican Republic
         Myriam Oehri (University of Lucerne)


Institutional Interplay in Migration Policy Diffusion

         Flavia Jurje (University of Lucerne)


The Effectiveness of Conditionality for the Adoption of Minority Protection Rules in Ten New EU Member States: Analyzing the Role of Domestic and Temporal Factors

         Guido Schwellnus (University of Vienna)
         Asya Zhelyazkova (ETH Zurich)


LUNCH 12:15-2:00 p.m.

12:30-1:45 p.m. Luncheon Speaker Constellation A

Alberta Sbragia

Recipient of the EUSA Award for Lifetime Achievement in European Studies

This event is sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh


2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
7A European Economic Integration in Times of Crisis: Theoretical Perspectives (I)
         Chair and Discussant: Frank Schimmelfennig (ETH Zurich)

Constellation A

European Economic Integration in Times of Crisis: The Case of Neofuncionalism
         Arne Niemann (University of Mainz)
         Demosthenes Ioannou (European Central Bank)
Surprise! The Eurozone Is Still There and Intact! Why Economic Theories (Still) Cannot Explain the Euro

Nicolas Jabko (Johns Hopkins University)
The Public Constraint on EU Governance During and Beyond the Crisis

Sara Hobolt (London School of Economics)
When ‘Good Enough’ Does Not Suffice: European Financial Regulation between Incrementalism and Radical Reform

Aneta Spendzharova (Maastricht University)
7B The Politics of the European Parliament
         Chair: Didier Georgakakis (Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris)
         Discussant: Thomas Christensen (Maastricht University)

Constellation B

An Emperor Without Clothes? The EP, CAP Reform, and the Democratization of EU Institutions
         Christilla Roederer-Rynning (University of Southern Denmark)


Democracy and the Power of the Purse: The Implications of the Evolution of the European Parliament’s Budgetary Powers for Democracy in the EU

         Asli Baysal (University of Florida)


Who Calls the Shots? The Role of EP Administrators in the EU Policy Process

         Christine Neuhold (Maastricht University)


Who is Pulling the Strings? - Parliamentary Committee Activity in the European Parliament and Political Group Interactions

         Ana-Iuliana Postu (Royal Holloway, University of London)


7C Transatlantic Economic Relations

         Chair and Discussant: John Peterson (University of Edinburgh)

Constellation C

Institutionalized and Coordinated Domination: EU-US Cooperation and the Global Economy
         Joselyn Muhleisen (The Graduate Center)


The EU, the US and WTO Dispute Settlement: What Role for Firms?

         Jappe Eckhardt (University of Bern)


The TEC: Progress, Problems, and Prospects

         Leif Johan Eliasson (East Stroudsburg University)


7D The Political Economy of Finance

         Chair: Nicolas Veron (Bruegel)
         Discussant: Philipp Genschel (Jacobs University Bremen)

Constellation D

Destructive Creation: Consequences of the Global Rise of Finance
         Gregory Fuller (Johns Hopkins University)


State Transformation and State of the Art Banks in Peripheral Europe

         Angela Garcia Calvo (London School of Economics)


The Finance-welfare State Nexus

         Waltraud Schelkle (London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE))


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