Children infectious diseases

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  • Pertussis

  • Joining of ARVI with symptoms of croup

  • Acute pneumonia

  • Aphthous stomatitis

    1. In a child, 4 years old, with polymorphic rash on skin (spots, papules, vesicles, crusts), subfebrile body temperature, was diagnosed Chickenpox. What changes in complete blood analyses are most probable?

        1. Leucocytosis, lymphopenia.

        2. *Leucopenia, lymphocytosis.

        3. Leucocytosis, neutrophilia.

        4. Leucopenia, monocytosis.

        5. Leucocytosis, monocytosis, atypical mononuclear cells.

    1. In a child, 6 years old, who has Chickenpox, on the 6 day of the disease has increased body temperature, appeared the headache, vomiting. During examination stiff neck was fined. Meningitis was diagnosed. What change in spinal fluid is the most probable?

        1. *Lymphocytic pleocytosis.

        2. Neutrophilic pleocytosis.

        3. Protein more than 1 g/l.

        4. Normocytosis.

        5. Glucose level is increased.

    1. In a child, 9 years old, who has Chickenpox, on 7th day of the disease again has increased body temperature to 39.2 ºС, has appeared headache, vomiting, shaky gait, declaimed speech. During examination was noted remaining elements of the rash (crusts), nuchal rigidity; the child is falling in Romberg pose. What complication is possible?

        1. Polyneuropathy.

        2. Meningitis.

        3. *Meningoencephalitis.

        4. Encephalomyelitis.

        5. Ventriculitis.

    1. In a girl, 10 years old, pediatrician has diagnosed "Pseudotuberculosis". It is known that 1.5 months ago she had maculous rash on lateral surface of the trunk, lower part of the abdominal wall, pain in the throat, increased the body temperature to 38,5 ºC. The girl was treated at home. At the moment she complains of the rash around knees and on feet, severe joint pain, with the joints' immobility. Name the severity of the disease:

        1. Mild.

        2. *Moderate.

        3. Severe.

        4. Acute.

        5. Prolonged.

    1. In a girl, 12 years old, who has entered to infectious department with diagnosis "Pseudotuberculosis", present toxic syndrome, hyperemied and rough back pharyngeal wall, increased cervical, submandibular, axillary lymph nodes, painful during palpation. The liver is increased, painful during palpation. Name the syndrome, which is present in this case:

        1. Combined.

        2. Hepatitis.

        3. *Mononucleosis-like.

        4. Abdominal.

        5. Gastrointestinal.

    1. In a second grade student was diagnosed chickenpox moderate form. What anti-epidemic measures are the most correct?

        1. *Isolate the patient at home to 5-th day after the last vesicles appear

        2. Hospitalize a patient in Meltzer’s boxing

        3. Isolate the patient at home before crusts disappear

        4. Isolate the patient at home to the normalization of temperature

        5. Hospitalize patient in a specialized department

    1. In orphanage the case of measles is registered in 7 years old child. Name the first evidence of hospitalization in this case.

        1. severe disease

        2. concomitant diseases

        3. *child from the closed child's establishment

        4. viral complications

        5. second bacterial infection

    1. To children's infectious department has entered a girl, 6 years old, with diagnosis "Pseudotuberculosis". Choose the antibacterial medicine for etiological therapy:

        1. Penicillin.

        2. Ampiox.

        3. Cefazoline.

        4. *Cefotaxim.

        5. Tetracycline.

    1. In preschool in a junior group three children became ill by infectious mononucleosis. Indicate what cases are typical for this disease.

        1. Epidemics

        2. Sporadic only in cold time of year

        3. Epidemics in cold time of year

        4. Epidemics in autumn time of year

        5. *Flashes in the organized collectives

    1. In preschool in a junior group three children became ill by infectious mononucleosis. Indicate at whom of children, in obedience to statistics, the disease is more frequent registered?

        1. *At boys

        2. At girls

        3. At new-born children

        4. At teenagers

        5. At senior children

    1. In preschool in a junior group three children became ill by infectious mononucleosis. Indicate at what period of year, in obedience to statistics, more frequent is the disease registered?

        1. In summer

        2. In summer-autumn

        3. In autumn-winter

        4. *In winter-spring

        5. In a spring

    1. In preschool in a senior group two children became ill by infectious mononucleosis. Does it follow to perform nonspecific prevention in the focus of infection?

        1. contacts receive normal human immune globulin

        2. contacts receive specific immune globulin

        3. in the focus of infection is performed final disinfection

        4. look after contacts during 7 days

        5. *preventive measures in the focus of infection are not performed

    1. In the child, 5 years old, the disease has began sharply from high body temperature, vomiting, increased anterior neck lymphatic nodes. The cheeks are red, circumoral surface is pale. In the pharynx is present separated bright hyperemia, purulent exudates on tonsils. What disease is possible in this case?

        1. Infectious mononucleosis.

        2. Measles.

        3. Enteroviral infection.

        4. Rubella.

        5. *Scarlet fever.

    1. In the group of preschool (kindergarten) the case of measles is registered. What term of isolation of contact children whom a specific prophylaxis was not performed?

        1. 11 days

        2. 14 days

        3. *17 days

        4. 21 day

        5. 11-21 day

    1. In the inhabited locality there is an increase of diphtheria morbidity during the last 3 years with separate flashes in families. What measure can effectively influence on the diphtheria epidemic process and decrease the morbidity to single cases?

        1. *Immunization of the population

        2. Disinfection in disease focus

        3. Revelation of carriers

        4. Early diagnostics

        5. Hospitalization of patients

    1. In the middle group of the kindergarten two children have "Whooping cough". Indicate duration of the quarantine for contacts since moment of ill children isolation.

        1. 3 days

        2. 5 days;

        3. 9 days;

        4. *14 days;

        5. 21 days.

    1. In the ward of infectious department 3 children are hospitalized with measles, the period of exanthema, complicated by the croup syndrome, stenosis 1st degree. Can they be there together?

        1. Yes, patients in the identical period of disease

        2. Yes, patients have identical complication

        3. No, it follows to place them separately

        4. *Yes, the cultures of virus of measles are identical by the antigen properties

        5. No, because possible development of other complications

    1. Morbidity by diphtheria in our country substantially went down due to vaccination. Since what year massive immunization of population against diphtheria is performed?

        1. 1917

        2. 1924

        3. *1940

        4. 1960

        5. 1965

    1. Mother with the boy of 1 year visited a policlinic for taking the planned vaccination. When does a child follow to take revaccination against Rubella?

        1. In 1 year

        2. At 1.5 year

        3. In 3, 6 years

        4. *In 6 years

        5. In 6, 15 years

    1. Teenager, 16 years, entered to infectious department, diphtheria of the pharynx was diagnosed. On 2nd day the fibrinous membrane was leaked with a blood. On the skin - hemorrhages, bleeding from a nose was noted. Indicate the form of diphtheria:

        1. Hypertoxic

        2. *Hemorrhagic

        3. Toxic 1st degree

        4. Toxic 2nd degree

        5. Toxic 3rd degree

    1. The Boy is 6 years old. He is study at school. 2 days ago suddenly the body temperature rose to 38 ºС, the general condition become worse; the pain during swallowing has appeared. The patient was examined by family doctor. The scarlet fever was diagnosed. When the child could visit the school?

        1. On 10th day after the disease has begun.

        2. On 15th day after the disease has begun.

        3. On 20th day after the disease has begun.

        4. *on 22nd day after the disease has begun.

        5. on 30th day after the disease has begun.

    1. The boy, 11 years old, who was treated from pseudotuberculosis in the hospital during the month, complains of the periodic pain in knees and feet. The duration of the disease is 1.5 months. Name the course of pseudotuberculosis in this case:

        1. Typical.

        2. Moderate.

        3. Acute.

        4. *Prolonged.

        5. Chronic.

    1. The boy, 13 years old, came to pediatrician in a week after discharge from infectious department, where he was treated from pseudotuberculosis. The physician has noticed erythema of 2.5-5 cm by diameter on front surface of the legs and around the knees. During palpation painful, deeply located, limited nodes were found. Body temperature is 37.2 ºC. On palms and soles desquamation of the skin. Name the course of the pseudotuberculosis:

        1. Typical.

        2. Moderate.

        3. Acute.

        4. Prolonged.

        5. *Relapsed.

    1. The boy, 2 years old, became ill acutely. The disease has began from increasing of the temperature to 37.9º С, skin rash. On the third day physician has noted the rash on the face, hair part of the head, trunk, hands, legs in the manner of spots, papules, vesicles with transparent contents, crusts. What is the probable diagnosis?

        1. Herpes simplex.

        2. Herpes zoster.

        3. Natural pox.

        4. *Chickenpox.

        5. Lyell syndrome.

    1. The boy, 4 years old, became ill acutely: sub-febrile temperature, small catarrhal phenomena, rash on the skin. The rash has appeared during following 4 days, has polymorphic structure. Chickenpox was diagnosed. For what period must be isolated ill person?

        1. For 4 days.

        2. For 5 days.

        3. For 16 days.

        4. *For the whole rash period + 5 days since the last element of the rash has appeared.

        5. For 21 days.

    1. The boy, 4 years old, is treated in infectious department because of the scarlet fever, moderate form. He complains of increasing body temperature to 39 ºС, multiple vomiting, poor sleeping, and headache. Objectively: bright point rashes on flexible surfaces of the limbs, lateral surface of the trunk, internal and back surfaces of the thighs. The regional lymphatic nodes are increased, painful. The scarlet fever was diagnosed. What etiological therapy is better to use in this case?

        1. Oxacillin

        2. *Benzylpenicillin

        3. Furazolidone

        4. Gentamicin

        5. Cefotaxim

    1. The boy of three years awoke at night from paroxysmal convulsive cough: one for another existed the short cough pushes, which were interrupted by whoops. Name the disease period:

        1. Incubation;

        2. Prodromal;

        3. Catarrhal;

        4. *Paroxysmal;

        5. Permition.

    1. The Child is 3 years old. He is ill for 5 days, became ill sharply: the body temperature has increased to 38.5 ºС, the general condition become worse, the pain in throat had appeared. In 2 days has appeared small point-like rash. The Scarlet fever was diagnosed. What changes in the general blood test are typical for this disease?

        1. *Elevation of ESR, leucocytosis, neutrophilia, eosynophilia.

        2. leucopenia, neutrophilia, reduction of ESR.

        3. leucocytosis, lymphocytosis.

        4. leucocytosis, aneosinophylia.

        5. leukopenia, neutrophilia, atypical mononuclear cells.

    1. The child of 1 year has visited a policlinic for the planned vaccination by the MMR vaccine. When does it follow to do revaccination against the measles?

        1. In 3 years

        2. *In 6 years

        3. In 7 years

        4. In 11 years

        5. In 15 years

    1. The child, 3 years old, became ill acutely. Body temperature has increased to 37.8º С. On trunk, hair part of the head, face has appeared small spots, papules. Next day has appeared fresh elements of the rash, old elements has changed in vesicles, partly in crusts. It is known that two weeks ago child contacted with sick person, who has a similar disease. What is the probable diagnosis?

        1. Rubella

        2. *Chickenpox

        3. Measles

        4. Scarlet fever

        5. Infectious mononucleosis

    1. The child, 3 years old, has measles. He is treated in infectious department. He visits kindergarten. On what period it is necessary to impose the quarantine in the group of kindergarten, which visits this child?

        1. Till 5th day

        2. On 10 day

        3. *On 17 day

        4. For 21 days

        5. Not, it is unnecessary

    1. The child, 3 years old, has measles. On the 5th day has appeared the rash on face, neck, and chest. On what period is necessary to isolate the sick child?

        1. On 17 days.

        2. On 10 days.

        3. On 7 days.

        4. *On 4 days.

        5. Does not require isolation.

    1. The child, 3 years old, is ill during 3 days. His mother complains that child has high temperature (38 ºC), headache, cough. The child could not look at light (appears tearing). Objectively: child is wilted, conjunctivas hyperemia and edema are present. On cheeks and gums are present spots of gray-white color, surrounded by red bordering, sized as poppy grain. On soft palate is enanthema - in the manner of small rose-red spots. What diagnosis is most probable?

        1. Influenza.

        2. Parainfluenza.

        3. Rubella.

        4. Scarlet fever.

        5. *Measles.

    1. The child, 3.5 years old, has Chickenpox. He visits kindergarten. What is the duration of quarantine in a group of kindergarten?

        1. From 17 to 21 day.

        2. From 5 to 25 day.

        3. For 14 day.

        4. For 35 day.

        5. *From 9 to 21 day.

    1. The child, 4 years old, is ill for 7 days. The body temperature is 36.8 ºС, once in a while disturbs productive cough. On the face and upper half of the trunk - pigmented rashes, on lower limbs spotted-papulous rashes. Measles was diagnosed. What is period of measles is in this case?

        1. Catarrhal

        2. Exanthema

        3. *Pigmentation

        4. Complications

        5. Recovery

    1. The child, 4 years old, is ill for the 3rd day. On skin he has polymorphic rash: spots, papules, vesicles, some of them have purulent content, crusts. Body temperature has increased. Was diagnosed Chickenpox, complicated by pyoderma. What from enumerated medicine should be prescribed to this child?

        1. Gentamicin.

        2. Nifuroxasid.

        3. Gancyclovir.

        4. *No one.

        5. Laevomycetin.

    1. The child, 5 years old, became ill sharply, 3 days ago. The body temperature has increased to 38 ºС. He was treated by home methods. In 3 days his condition was not better. The patient was examined by family doctor. Pharyngeal and tonsillar hyperemia was found, small point-like enanthema on soft palate. In skin folds, lateral surface of the trunk and neck - small maculous rash. Increased front-cervical lymphatic nodes are palpated. What is the probable diagnosis?

        1. Rubella.

        2. Chickenpox.

        3. Pseudotuberculosis.

        4. Hemorrhagic purpura.

        5. *Scarlet fever.

    1. The child, 5 years old, has measles, which on the 5th day has complicated by bilateral bronchopneumonia. How long must be isolated sick person?

        1. On 4 days after rashes have appeared.

        2. On 5 days after rashes have appeared.

        3. *On 10 days after rashes have appeared.

        4. On 14 days after rashes has appeared.

        5. On 21 days after rashes has appeared.

    1. The child, 5 years old, is entering the infectious department. The complaints are: increasing of the body temperature to 39º С, headache, pain in the throat, vomiting. Objectively: in skin folds, lateral surface of the trunk and neck - small maculous rash. Circumoral pallor is noted on the background of bright colored cheeks. Anterior cervical lymphatic nodes are enlarged. The tongue is covered by white coat, pharynx is hyperemied. What is the diagnosis?

        1. Rubella.

        2. Chickenpox.

        3. Pseudotuberculosis.

        4. *Scarlet fever.

        5. Hemorrhagic purpura.

    1. The child, 6 years old, is ill for 3 days. The disease has begun with increasing of the body temperature to 38 ºС, cough. Objectively: eyelids with edema, tearing, ocular slots are narrowed, oral mucosa is covered with white punctures, which are encircled by red bordering. On soft palate enanthema is present. Measles was diagnosed. What period of the disease has the child?

        1. *Catarrhal

        2. Exanthema

        3. Incubation

        4. Pigmentation

        5. Recovery

    1. The child, 7 years old, complains of increasing of the body temperature to 39 ºС, pain in throat, malaise. He is ill for 4 days. At examination of the pharynx: hyperemia, small-maculous hemorrhagic rash on soft palate. Objectively: increased, painful, thickened front-cervical lymphatic nodes, on flexible surfaces of the limbs - bright point-like rash. What is the preliminary diagnosis?

        1. *Scarlet fever

        2. Diphtheria

        3. Lacunar angina

        4. Measles

        5. Chickenpox

    1. The child, 7 years old, has measles for 10 days. He complains of increasing of the body temperature to 39 ºС, general weakness, and periodic moist cough with discharge of the mucous phlegm. Objectively: the general condition is moderate; skin is pale with pigmented rashes. In lower parts of lungs – dull sound, crepitation. What complication of the measles has appeared in this child?

        1. Tracheobronhitis

        2. Bronchitis

        3. Bronchiolitis

        4. *Pneumonia

        5. Pharyngitis

    1. The child, 7 years old, is ill for 4 days. He complains of dry cough, head ache, increasing of the body temperature to 38 ºС; is afraid of the light. At examination: conjunctivas hyperemia, on gums white spots, surrounded by red bordering, serous discharges from nose. On hard palate enanthema is present. What is the most probable diagnosis?

        1. Enteroviral infection

        2. Rubella

        3. Stomatitis

        4. *Measles

        5. Scarlet fever

    1. The child, 7 years old, is ill for 5th day. He complains of rashes that appear on the nose back. He became ill sharply, when had increased the body temperature to 38 ºС, appeared the liquid separations from nose. Objectively: The face is puffy, conjunctional hyperemia and edema are noted. The back pharyngeal wall is hyperemied. On soft palate - single small rose spots. On cheeks - white spots with red corolla. The skin of the face and neck is covered by big amount of small rose spots on no changed base. What diagnosis is the most probable?

        1. Measles, catarrhal period.

        2. *Measles, rashes period.

        3. Infectious mononucleosis.

        4. Scarlet fever.

        5. Meningococcemia.

    1. The child, 7 years old, is ill for the second day. He complains of cough, headache; the body temperature is 38 ºС. During examination: conjunctivas hyperemia, tearing, on soft and hard palate - enanthema, on mucous membranes of the cheeks against small scolded teeth - small white spots with hyperemia around them. What disease is most probable in this case?

        1. Stomatitis.

        2. Adenoviral infection

        3. Enteroviral infection.

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