Introduction into the Infectious Diseases. Infections with fecal-oral mechanism of transmission. Infections with droplet mechanism of transmission. Tests

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  • In a settlement was found out a few cases of cholera. Who must be insulated?

    1. Persons with dysfunction of intestine

    2. Patients with cholera

    3. Carriers

    4. * Persons contact with the sick patient

    5. Persons with hyperthermia

  • In the break out of cholera it is necessary to carry out such measures, except:

    1. Hyperchlorination of drinking water

    2. An active discovery of patients by rounds

    3. Obligatory hospitalization, inspection and treatment of patients and vibrio tests

    4. Revealing and isolation of contact persons

    5. * Vaccine prophylaxis

  • In the different places of settlement found out a few cases of disease of cholera. Who from the contacts of cholera patient is sent in an insulator?

    1. Vibrio positive

    2. Patients with cholera

    3. * Contact with the patient persons

    4. Persons with dysfunction of intestine

    5. Persons with high temperature

  • Loffler syndrome at Ascariasis is due to

    1. * inflitration of lung tissue by eosinophills

    2. inflitration of payer's patches by eosinophills

    3. invasion of gallblader by A.lumbricoides pathogen

    4. inflitration of liver by eosinophills

    5. none of enumerated

  • Child, 5 years, itching in the perianal region. Most probable diagnose will be:

    1. Trichinosis

    2. * Enterobiosis

    3. Ascaridosis

    4. Helminthosis

    5. Cystitis

  • Onchoceriasis is also known as:

    1. tropical pulmonary eosinophillia

    2. * river blindness

    3. guinea worm infection

    4. African eye worm disease

    5. ricketsiosis

  • Opisthorchosis belongs to:

    1. Nematodosis

    2. * Trematodosis

    3. Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  • Opisthorchosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. Protozoosis

    4. Fungal infection

    5. * Helminthosis

  • Patien O., 29 years old, farmer appeared to a doctor with the signs of balantidiasis and was hospitalized. The best etiotropic drug is:

    1. Benzylpenicillin

    2. Gentamycin

    3. Levomycitin

    4. * Monomycin

    5. Timogen

  • Patient D., 13 y.o., hospitalized with complaints of nausea, abdominal pain, liquid emptying without pathological admixtures with an unpleasant smell, 6 times per day. The day before he had a supper with meat salad. What is a first aid?

    1. Peroral rehydration by glucose-electrolytes solutions

    2. * To wash a stomach and intestine by solution of hydrocarbonate of sodium

    3. Antibacterial preparations of wide spectrum of action

    4. Renewal of normal microflora of intestine

    5. To wash a stomach and intestine by solution of permanganate of potassium

  • Patient H., 37 y.o., appealed to the doctor on the second day of disease with complaints of the promoted fatigueability, weakness in muscles („cotton feet”), violation of sight, dryness of mouth. Works in a tourist agency, often is in the oversea business trip. Three days ago was with friends on a picnic in a forest, where ate the varied meal of the domestic making. At a review: Т-36,8 °C. Blepharoptosis. Midriasis. The reaction on light is lost. A soft palate is not changed. Defecation is absent for 2 days. What is the source of infection in this disease?

    1. The sick man

    2. Man-bacteria carrier

    3. * Domestic animals

    4. Canned foods

    5. Ticks

  • Patient I., 34 years old, entered to the infectional department. She is sick during 4 days. She complained on binocular diplopia, “rate” in front of eyes, erostomya, dysphagia, myastenia. What is previous diagnosis?

    1. Stool

    2. Wine

    3. * Blood

    4. Vomiting mass

    5. All above it

    6. Poisoning by Belladonna

    7. Diphtherial polyneuritis

    8. Botulism

    9. Rotaviral infection

    10. Poliomyelitis

  • Patient I., 34 years old, entered to the infectious department. She is sick during 4 days. She complained on binocular diplopia, “net” in front of eyes, xerostomya, dysphagia, myastenia. What is previous diagnosis?

    1. Poisoning by Belladonna

    2. Diphtherial polyneuritis

    3. * Botulism

    4. Rotaviral infection

    5. Poliomyelitis

  • Patient M, 32 y.o., entered clinic on 3rd day of disease with complaints of nausea, feeling of weight in abdomen, vomits, liquid stool. Then appeared clouds before eyes, doubling of objects, voice hoarse, violation of swallowing. A day before he used the dried fish. During review: state is moderate., violation of active motions like paralyses. There is also midriasis, vertical nystagmus, blepharoptosis, absent reaction of pupils on light. Tongue is dry. Flatulence of 2 stage. What methods of laboratory diagnostics are used to confirm the diagnosis?

    1. Reaction indirect hemaglutination

    2. Immunofluorescent

    3. Virology

    4. Reaction of coaglutination

    5. * Reaction of neutralization (biological test)

  • Patient M., 35 years old, who is sick during 2 days, complains on xerostomia, dysphagia. What symptom is necessary to check?

    1. The Padalra‘s symptom

    2. The Stefansky‘s symptoms

    3. The corneal symptoms

    4. * The eyes symptoms.

    5. All above it

  • Patient M., 35 years old, who is sick during 2 days, complain on herostomia, dysphagia. What symptom is necessary to check?

    1. The Padalra‘s symptom

    2. The Stefansky‘s symptoms

    3. The corneal symptoms

    4. * The eyes symptoms.

    5. All above it

  • Patient with cholera has bradycardia, low blood pressure, weakness. What is most important factor in the given clinical situation?

    1. Hypocalcemia

    2. Hypopotassium

    3. Hyponatremia

    4. Hypernatremia

    5. * Hyperpotassium

  • Patient with cholera on a background treatment has signs of hyperkalemia. What solution must be applied for futher rehydration therapy?

    1. Neohemodez

    2. * Disalt

    3. Chlosalt

    4. Polyhybrid

    5. Lactosalt

  • Patient, 32 y.o., complains of progressing muscular weakness, worsening of sight, doubling of objects, “net”, before eyes, violation of swallowing (can not swallow a hard meal), thirst. In the first day of illness single liquid stool was present without pathological admixtures, nausea. 2 days prior to beginning of disease was in guests, used an alcohol, canned mushrooms. Presence of ptosis, midriasis, anizocoria. Tones of heart are muffled. Which antibotulinic serum is it expedient to enter?

    1. Mixture of serums of types A and E for 5 thousands IU and type B 10 thousands of IU

    2. Mixture of serums of types A, B and E for 10 thousands of IU

    3. Mixture of serums of types A, B and E for 5 thousands of IU

    4. * Mixture of serums of types A and E for 10 thousands IU and type B 5 thousands of IU

    5. Mixture of serums of types A and B for 10 thousands IU and type E 5 of thousand of IU

  • Patient, 40 y.o. in 5 hours after the use in the meal of canned mushrooms of the domestic making a sharp general weakness, nausea, vomits, dryness of mucus membranes of oral cavity, doublings of objects, disorders of act of swallowing. Diagnosis?

    1. Poisoning by Belladonna

    2. Diphtherial polyneuritis

    3. * Botulism

    4. Rotaviral infection

    5. Poliomyelitis

  • Preparation of choice for the treatment of carrier of cyst of amoebae is:

    1. Monomycinum

    2. Delagilum

    3. Tetracyclin

    4. * Yatrenum

    5. Ursosan

  • Schistosomosis belongs to:

    1. Nematodosis

    2. * Trematodosis

    3. Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  • Schistosomosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. Protozoosis

    4. Fungal infection

    5. * Helminthosis

  • Strongyloidosis belongs to:

    1. * Nematodosis

    2. Trematodosis

    3. Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  • Strongyloidosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. Protozoosis

    4. Fungal infection

    5. * Helminthosis

  • Teniarinchosis belongs to:

    1. Nematodosis

    2. Trematodosis

    3. * Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  • Teniarinchosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. Protozoosis

    4. Fungal infection

    5. * Helminthosis

  • Teniosis belongs to:

    1. Nematodosis

    2. Trematodosis

    3. * Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  • Teniosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. Protozoosis

    4. Fungal infection

    5. * Helminthosis

  • The balantidiasis possible complications are all, except:

    1. Hypochromic anaemia

    2. Enterorrhagia

    3. Perforation of ulcer

    4. * Abscess of liver

    5. Cachexia

  • The clinical forms of balatidiasis are all, except

    1. * Lightning rapid

    2. Acute

    3. Subclinical

    4. Chronic continues

    5. Chronic recurrent

  • The distinctive pattern of movement of filarial worms in lymphatic vessels is known as:

    1. filaria jumping sign

    2. * filaria dance sign

    3. filaria swim sign

    4. filaria escape sign

    5. filaria flying sign

  • The most effective means of filariasis control will be:

    1. mass yatren therapy

    2. insecticidal measures against culex mosquitoes

    3. provision of underground drainage

    4. * personal prophylaxix

    5. all mentioned above

  • The patient, 45 y.o., entered clinic on the 2nd day of illness with complaints of a weakness, diplopia, dryness in mouth, constipations. 3 days ago ate the smoked pork of the domestic making. At a review: skin pale, consciousness is clear. Temperature 37,2 C, pulse 68 in 1 min, AP 120/80, pupils are widening, reaction on light slow, ptosis, horizontal nystagmus. Paresis of soft palate. A sensitiveness is normal. Meningeal signs are not present. The most effective treatment will be:

    1. Sulfanilamides

    2. Antibiotics

    3. Salts solutions

    4. Antiviral preparations

    5. * Antibolutilic antitoxic serum

  • Toxocarosis belongs to:

    1. * Nematodosis

    2. Trematodosis

    3. Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  • Toxocarosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. Protozoosis

    4. Fungal infection

    5. * Helminthosis

  • Trichinellosis develops after:

    1. bite of a tick

    2. drinking of contaminated water

    3. * ingestion of the infected meat

    4. bite of a dog

    5. all of the above

  • Trichinosis belongs to:

    1. * Nematodosis

    2. Trematodosis

    3. Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  • Trichinosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. Protozoosis

    4. Fungal infection

    5. * Helminthosis

  • What clinically active forms of cholera do you know?

    1. * Very rapid acute for the children and elderly persons

    2. “Choleric typhoid”, acute subclinical, for the children and elderly persons

    3. Dry, very rapid, “choleric typhoid”, subclinical for the children and elderly persons

    4. Very rapid “choleric typhoid”, acute, subclinical, for the children and elderly persons

    5. Very rapid, dry, subclinical, for the children and elderly persons

  • What from the below mentioned preparations can be used for the treatment of primary rehydration?

    1. Lactosalt

    2. * Disalt

    3. Acesalt

    4. Trisalt

    5. Khlosalt

  • What from the below mentioned preparations, can be used for the treatment of primary rehydration?

    1. * Polyhybrid

    2. Acesalt

    3. Khlosalt

    4. Kvartasalt

    5. Lactosalt

  • What from the below mentioned preparations, can be used for the treatment of primary rehydration?

    1. Acesalt

    2. Trisalt

    3. * Cryoplasma

    4. Khlosalt

    5. Lactosalt

  • What is larva currents

    1. dead larva

    2. floating larva

    3. * running larva

    4. slipping larva

    5. none of the above

  • What is the main symptom of the Trichinellosis:

    1. Rash

    2. Muscle pain

    3. Edema of eyelids

    4. Nodules in muscles

    5. * All mentioned above

  • What kind of ulcers are present at аmebiasis?

    1. * Fillings out sharp edges, surrounded by the area of hyperemia, are placed on the unchanged mucus membrane

    2. Smooth sharp edges, placed on a hyperemic mucus membrane

    3. Even edges, placed on a hyperemic mucus membrane

    4. Fillings out sharp edges, placed on the unchanged mucus membrane

    5. Fillings out sharp edges, surrounded by the area of hyperemia, are placed on the unchanged mucus membrane

  • What material should be taken to discharge the Cl. Botulinum?

    1. Stool

    2. Food debris

    3. Blood

    4. Vomiting mass

    5. * All above it

  • What special treatment is used in beginning of the botulism?

    1. * Antibotulinum serum

    2. Disintoxication therapy

    3. Hormonal therapy

    4. Sulfonamides therapy

    5. Vaccine therapy

  • What special treatment used in beginning of the botulism?

    1. * Antibiotic therapy

    2. Disintoxication therapy

    3. Hormonal therapy

    4. Sulfonamides therapy

    5. Vaccine therapy

  • What time is it necessary to complete primary rehydration at dehydration shock?

    1. 3-5 hrs

    2. 0.5 hrs

    3. 2-3 hrs

    4. * 1-1.5 hrs

    5. 4-6 hrs

  • When it is.possible to write reconvalensense state of аmoebiosis from permanent establishment?

    1. * After clinical convalescence, in default of in incandescence of mucous, еosinophils, crystals of Charkot-Leiden and two negative results of parasitological research of excrements

    2. After clinical convalescence, in default of in incandescence of blood and three negative results of parasitological research of excrements

    3. After clinical convalescence, in default of leukocytosis and two negative results of parasitological research of excrements

    4. After clinical convalescence and normalization of indexes of global analysis of blood

    5. After clinical convalescence, normalization of indexes of global analysis of blood and two negative results of bacteriological examination of excrement

  • When would you discharge a patient from hospital, who was diagnosed with balandiasis?

    1. * After clinical recovery and two negative results of parasitological research of excrement

    2. After clinical recovery and two negative results of bacteriological examination of excrement

    3. After clinical recovery and one negative result of parasitological research of excrement

    4. After clinical recovery and normalization of indexes of global analysis of blood

    5. After clinical recovery, normalization of indexes of global analysis of blood and two negative results of bacteriological examination of excrement

  • Which drug can be used in pregnancy in case of ascariasis?

    1. albendazole

    2. mebendazole

    3. pyrantel pamoate

    4. ivermectin

    5. * piperasin adipinat

  • Which from the below is a complication of cholera?

    1. Collapse

    2. Infectious-toxic shock

    3. Acute renal insufficiency

    4. * Dehydration shock

    5. Status typhosis

  • Which groups of symptoms are occurs in the clinic of botulism?

    1. Vomiting, higher temperature

    2. * Dysphagia, dysphonia, diplopia,

    3. Sickness, general weakness

    4. Higher temperature, diarrhea, speech dysfunction

    5. Diarrhea, vomiting dysfunction of eyesight

  • Which groups of symptoms are occurs in the clinic of botulism?

    1. Vomiting, higher temperature

    2. * Dysfunction of speech and eyesight, breath, sickness, dysphagia

    3. Sickness, general weakness

    4. Higher temperature, diarrhea, speech dysfunction

    5. Diarrhea, vomiting dysfunction of eyesight

  • Which of the following is known as pinworm

    1. * E. vermicularis

    2. A. duodenale

    3. N. americanus

    4. T. solium

    5. all of the above

  • Which of the following is the largest intestinal helminthes in human:

    1. * D. latum

    2. S. stercoralis

    3. Anisakis simplex

    4. E. vermicularis

    5. T. saginatus

  • Which of the following species of Trichinella are distributed world wide:

    1. T.nelsoni

    2. T.spiralis

    3. T.nativa

    4. * All mentioned above

    5. None

  • Which salt solutions do not contain potassium?

    1. Trisalt

    2. Lactosalt

    3. * Disalt

    4. Qudrosalt

    5. Khlosalt

  • Who must be admitted in the hospital from the focus of cholera?

    1. Carriers

    2. Patients with cholera

    3. * Persons with disfunction of intestine

    4. Contact persons

    5. Persons with high temperature

  • With the purpose of specific prophylaxis of cholera is used:

    1. * Cholerogen-toxoid

    2. Vaccine

    3. Nitrofuranes

    4. Immunoprotein

    5. Antibiotics

  • With which serum reactions it is possible to confirm the diagnosis of balantidiasis?

    1. * Complement link reaction, reaction in gel precipitation, reaction of immobilization

    2. Reaction of indirect gemagglutination, immune fluorescent reaction

    3. Complement link reaction, reaction of indirect gemagglutination

    4. Complement link reaction, immune fluorescent reaction, reaction of indirect gemagglutination

    5. Complement link reaction, reaction of indirect gemagglutination

  • Woman L, 65 y.o., became ill sharply, in 12 hours after the use in the meal of canned mushrooms of the domestic making and fried eggs fried on fat. A sharp weakness, nausea, double vomits, appeared „clouds” before eyes, disorders of swallowing. At a review: Т-36,2 C., ptosis, midriasis,anizocoria, inspiratory dyspnea. What disease is present in women?

    1. * Botulism

    2. Salmonelosis

    3. Poisoning by mushrooms

    4. Sharpening of chronic cholecystitis

    5. Toxic food-borne infection

  • Two girls came to a hospital, because they had 38 0С fever, a headache, weakness, dizziness, and a pain in epigastry and round a navel, a nausea, vomiting 3 times, excrements 4 times per a night, watery diarrhea, foamy, fetid, with mucus impurity. It is known from the history that the day before the girls ate pastries with cream which were not stored in a refrigerator. Objectively: a tongue is dry, furred by white touch, the stomach is bloated moderately, rumbles in palpation, painful in epigastry, pulse is 80 bpm, and the blood pressure is 110/70 mm mercury column. To define the diagnosis.

    1. Shigellosis

    2. * Salmonellosis

    3. Food poisoning

    4. Typhoid fever

    5. Cholera

  • Two girls came to a hospital, because they had 38 0С fever, a headache, weakness, dizziness, and a pain in epigastry and round a navel, a nausea, vomiting 3 times, excrements 4 times per a night, watery diarrhea, foamy, fetid, with mucus impurity. It is known from the history that the day before the girls ate pastries with cream which were not stored in a refrigerator. Objectively: a tongue is dry, furred by white touch, the stomach is bloated moderately, rumbles in palpation, painful in epigastry, pulse is 80 bpm, and the blood pressure is 110/70 mm mercury column. To make the treatment plan.

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