Plan: About the establishment of the un

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  1. About the establishment of the UN.

  2. The role of countries in the formation of the UN.

The United Nations (UN) is an international organization established to strengthen peace and security on earth and to promote cooperation among nations. Created in 1945. The decision to establish the UN was made at the Moscow Council of Foreign Ministers of the USSR, the United States, Britain and China in 1943, and the Charter was adopted in 1945 at the San Francisco Conference. The UN Charter was originally signed by 51 countries, and by 2000 had grown to 189. United Nations Permanent Headquarters (Headquarters) - New York. As enshrined in the UN Charter, it is committed to the maintenance of international peace and security, the equality of peoples and self-determination, the development of friendly relations between nations, and the solution of economic, social and cultural problems. It is the center that unites the movements of nations in achieving these common goals, with the aim of ensuring co-operation among nations.The Millennium Summit was held on September 6-8, 2000 as part of the 55th session of the United Nations. It was attended by heads of state and government of more than 155 countries. The conference focused on socio-economic, environmental and security issues of global importance and identified measures to be taken in the first years of the new century. The declaration unanimously adopted by the participants of the summit will help to ensure the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly and other UN bodies by 2015. The Secretariat is divided into the following departments and divisions: Political Affairs and Security Council Affairs Department, Economic and Social Affairs Department, Guardianship and Non-Governmental Areas Department, Control Department, Personnel Department, Secretary General's Office, Social Information Department, Conferences Office of Service, Office of General Services, United Nations Office at Geneva. The UN session is convened once a year. Special sessions on any issue may be convened at the request of the Security Council or a majority of UN members. The official languages ​​of the United Nations are English, French, Russian, Spanish and Chinese, and English, French and Spanish.

Shortly after declaring its independence, Uzbekistan became a member of the United Nations on March 2, 1992. On the same day, the national flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan was hoisted in front of the UN General Assembly. The United Nations Office in Tashkent was opened (February 24, 1993). The Representation of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United Nations has opened. The Republic of Uzbekistan is also a member of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). As a member with its own voice and status, Uzbekistan raises important and topical issues before the United Nations. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov at the 48th session of the UN General Assembly (September 1993), at the session dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the UN (October 1995), the UN Millennium Summit (2000) His speech in September of this year aroused great interest in the world community. In particular, at the largest conference of this international organization at the end of the 20th century, the Uzbek leader addressed issues related to international terrorism and drug trafficking; regional security, including stability and security in Central Asia; came up with proposals to improve the global security system, reform the functioning and structure of the UN.

As an equal member of the United Nations, the Republic of Uzbekistan adheres to the goals and rules of this most influential international organization .

How does the United Nations work?. The United Nations was founded on October 24, 1945, by 51 countries, full of courage to build peace through the development of international cooperation and the strengthening of common security. Today, 185 countries, or almost every country in the world, are members of the United Nations. A Member State of the United Nations accepts the obligations set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, which is a set of international treaties that reflect the basic principles of international relations. According to the Charter, the United Nations pursues four main goals: to promote international peace and security, to develop friendly relations between nations, to promote international cooperation and respect for human rights, to stabilize international cooperation, and to achieve these common goals. to play a central role in

The members of the United Nations are independent states. The United Nations is not a universal government and it does not pass laws. However, it will have the resources to help resolve international conflicts and develop policies that address issues that affect us all. All members of the United Nations, large and small, rich and poor, of all political persuasions and social systems, have the right to vote and to vote.

The United Nations has six governing bodies. Five of them - the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Board of Trustees and the Secretariat - operate at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, and the sixth body, the International Court of Justice, operates in The Hague, the Netherlands.

Security Council Edit. In accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the Security Council has the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security and may be convened at any time of the day or night when peace is threatened.

The council consists of 15 members. Five of them - China, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, the United States and France - are permanent members. The remaining ten members of the Council are elected by the General Assembly for a two-year term. In recent years, the United Nations has been discussing a change in the composition of the Council to make it more reflective of modern and economic realities. Decisions of the Council shall be deemed adopted only if nine members vote for it. No decision shall be taken if any of the permanent members of the Council votes against the issue on the agenda, as well as exercises the right of veto. When a threat to international peace is reported to the Council, the conflict is considered primarily in terms of a peaceful solution. The council may either develop remedial action or act as a judge. In the event of hostilities, the Council shall take ceasefire measures. It can also send a peace-building mission to help reconcile the parties or separate those who are at loggerheads with each other.

The Council may take steps to enforce its decisions. It could impose economic sanctions or impose an arms embargo. In very rare cases, the Council authorizes a Member State to use "all necessary means", including joint military action, to implement its decision. The Council also recommends a specific candidate for the post of Secretary-General and new members to the United Nations.

General Assembly Edit. The General Assembly is a special session of the World Parliament that deals with the most pressing issues of humanity and is attended by representatives of all member states of the United Nations. Each member state has one vote. Recommendations for maintaining a certain level of international peace and security are taken by a majority, more than two-thirds, of important issues, such as the admission of new members or the approval of a United Nations budget, including funding for peacekeeping operations.

Decisions on other matters are usually made by a majority vote. In recent years, special efforts have been made to ensure that decisions of the Assembly are made by consensus rather than by formal vote. The 1999/2000 sessions covered 173 different issues on the agenda, including nuclear disarmament, development, environmental protection, and the strengthening of a new democracy. Although its decisions are very important, they do not force the decisions of the Assembly, even if they reflect the views of the world community and are a moral requirement of the international community.

The regular annual sessions of the Assembly are held from September to December. The Assembly may, if necessary, resume its work in a reconvened session or hold special or emergency sessions on matters of serious concern. In the inter-Assembly period, its work shall continue in the six General Committees of the United Nations, in other organs and in the Secretariat.

Economic and Social CouncilEditing. The Economic and Social Council, acting under the general direction of the General Assembly, coordinates the activities of the United Nations and its institutions in the social and economic spheres. As a general forum for discussing international economic and social issues and developing policy recommendations in this area, the Council plays an important role in strengthening international cooperation for development purposes. In its work, the Council consults with relevant non-governmental organizations, supporting that vital dialogue between the United Nations and civil society.

The Council consists of 54 members elected by the General Assembly for a three-year term. The Council meets annually - in New York and Geneva, alternately - for a month. During the session, a ministerial meeting is held to discuss important economic and social issues, and since 1998, a session has been held to discuss humanitarian issues.

The work of the Council is carried out by subsidiary organizations, which hold regular meetings throughout the year and report to the Council. For example, the Human Rights Commission monitors the observance of human rights in all countries of the world. Other organizations work on social development, the situation of women, crime prevention, drug control, and environmental protection. The five regional commissions promote economic development and economic relations in their respective regions.

Board of Trustees Edit. The Board of Trustees was established to provide international oversight in 11 of the seven member status' guardianship territories, as well as to ensure that their governments exercise self-governance or independence in those territories. By 1994, all of the guardianship territories had become self-governing, either as separate states or gaining independence, or by merging with independent neighboring states. Eventually, the event was held under the auspices of the United States-administered Pacific Islands (Palau), which became the 185th member state.

At present, with five permanent members of the Security Council, the Board of Trustees is largely complete, and its rules of procedure have been amended to allow it to meet only when circumstances permit.

International Court of Justice. The International Court of Justice is known as the World Court and is the main judicial body of the United Nations. The International Court of Justice, composed of 15 judges elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council, deals with disputes between states. States' participation in the trial is voluntary, but if the states agree to it, they must obey the decision of the Court. At the request of the General Assembly and the Security Council, the Court shall also engage in deliberative deliberations.

Secretariat Editing. The Secretariat shall carry out operational and administrative work in accordance with the instructions of the United Nations General Assembly, the Security Council and other organizations. It is headed by the Secretary-General, who is in charge of general administration. Today, the Secretariat consists of seven departments and various departments, employing 8,900 people from nearly 160 countries. There are also United Nations offices in New York, Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi.

What is the UN doing to stabilize peace?. One of the main tasks of the United Nations is to maintain peace throughout the world. Under the Charter, member states resolve their international disputes peacefully, do not use force against other states, and do not pose a threat to them.

For many years, the United Nations has played an important role in resolving international crises and resolving conflicts. He has carried out a series of peacekeeping, peacekeeping and humanitarian operations. He also managed to resolve some serious conflicts. In the event of a conflict, it will take more drastic and coordinated measures aimed at rooting out the violence and laying the foundations for lasting peace. The United Nations has made remarkable progress in this regard. For example, it managed to defuse the 1962 Caribbean crisis and the 1973 Middle East conflict. In 1988, UN peacekeeping efforts helped resolve the Iran-Iraq war, and the following year, Soviet-led troops withdrew from Afghanistan through UN-sponsored talks. The United Nations helped restore Kuwait's independence in the 1990s, helped end civil wars in Cambodia, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mozambique, and restored democratically elected governments in Haiti and Sierra Leone, as well as resolving disputes in a number of other countries.

DisarmamentEdit. One of the most important tasks is to stop the proliferation of weapons, as well as to reduce the number of weapons of mass destruction and, ultimately, the loss of all their stockpiles. The United Nations serves as a permanent forum for disarmament negotiations, recommendations, and research initiatives. It supports multilateral negotiations within the Conference on Disarmament and other international organizations. These negotiations resulted in international agreements, such as the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (1996) and the Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone. There are also treaties banning the development, stockpiling, and stockpiling of chemical (1992) and bacteriological (1972) stockpiles, and bans on the placement of nuclear weapons on the seabed (1971) and in space (1967). other types of weapons were banned or restricted. In 1977, more than 100 countries signed a convention banning the use of landmines. The United Nations has called on all states to accede to this convention and other international treaties prohibiting the use of weapons of mass destruction. The United Nations has also called for tighter controls on firearms and small arms. An international conference on the illicit trade in firearms was convened in 2001 by a resolution of the General Assembly.

The Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) operates under a system of safeguards agreements and is responsible for ensuring that nuclear weapons and equipment intended for peaceful use are not used for military purposes. The Hague-based Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons collects information on chemical facilities from all over the world and conducts regular monitoring to ensure compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention.

PeacebuildingEdit. As part of its peacekeeping mission, the United Nations uses diplomatic mechanisms to help reconcile conflicting parties. As part of its efforts for international peace and security, the Security Council may recommend ways to resolve the conflict and establish peace, or to stabilize it, for example, through negotiations or the International Court of Justice.

The Secretary-General has an important role to play in stabilizing the peace. He may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which, in his opinion, threatens international peace and security. The Secretary-General must use "gratuitous service", mediation, or "peaceful diplomacy" behind the scenes, either directly or through a special envoy. The Secretary-General may also use the "warning diplomacy" mechanism to prevent a conflict until the situation is resolved. It can also send missions to establish fact-finding, support for regional peacekeepers, and the establishment of United Nations political offices in countries that help build trust.

Peaceful constructionEditor. The work of the United Nations is aimed at eliminating as much as possible the root causes of the oppression. That is why one of the most important elements of peaceful construction is to spare no effort for development. The United Nations, in cooperation with other organizations in the system and with the participation of donor countries and non-governmental organizations, supports the conduct of elections and the protection of human rights in conflict-affected countries for the benefit of society as a whole and for the rule of law. helps. At the same time, the United Nations is helping these countries rebuild their conflict-ridden administrative systems, health care, public education, and other elements of social infrastructure.Some of these activities, such as monitoring the 1989 elections in Namibia, the demining program in Mozambique, and the training of civilian police in Haiti, were part of UN peacekeeping operations, some of which could continue after the peacekeeping operation. Other activities, such as the opening of the United Nations Office for the Promotion of Peace in Liberia, the operation of the United Nations Office for Human Rights in Cambodia, or the United Nations assistance to Guatemala, have affected almost all aspects of life in the country. types are made at the request of governments.


The Security Council reaffirms the mandate and mandate of United Nations peacekeeping operations as part of its peacekeeping and international security efforts. While long-term decisions are being explored during negotiations, many of these operations involve military personnel monitoring the ceasefire or setting up a buffer zone. Other operations may involve civilian police officers and civilian experts who assist in the organization of elections or monitor the protection of human rights. Some similar operations in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia were interpreted as a precautionary measure to prevent the escalation of hostilities. In most cases, the operation is aimed at monitoring the implementation of peace talks and is carried out in cooperation with the regional organization's peacekeeping forces.

Peacekeeping operations can take years. For example, the United Nations has been operating along the ceasefire line between India and Pakistan's Jammu and Kashmir since 1949, and the United Nations peacekeepers in Cyprus have been patrolling since 1964. On the other hand, the 1994 operation in the Aozu region between Libya and Chad took more than a month.

Since the first United Nations peacekeeping mission was formed in 1948, 750,000 military and civilian police have volunteered in 118 countries. They, along with thousands of civilian experts, have participated in 53 peacekeeping operations.

United Nations Peacekeeping Operations Edit

In Africa ... Edit. Over the years, the United Nations has worked to stabilize the peace, to support the three-decade-long anti-apartheid campaign in South Africa, to actively support Namibia's independence process, and to conduct 18 peacekeeping operations and elections. Missions have taken many forms, including. The United Nations has helped refugees in Mozambique return to their homes, provided humanitarian assistance in Somalia and Sudan, and made diplomatic efforts to bring peace to the Great Lakes region. He is helping prepare a referendum on the future of South Sahara. At the request of the Security Council, the Secretary-General recently prepared a comprehensive analysis of the conflict in Africa with recommendations that will help to establish a lasting peace. In 1999, the Security Council launched two new peacekeeping operations in Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

In Asia ... Edit. Following the completion of the United Nations' large-scale operation in Cambodia in 1992-1993, institutin and organizations of the United Nations system have continued their efforts to strengthen civil society, human rights and democracy.

A United Nations special mission has been operating in Afghanistan since 1993. Its mission is to help rebuild the economy, which has been devastated by national reconciliation and the protracted civil war. However, despite the strong diplomatic efforts of the Secretary-General and his special envoys, military operations continue in the country at great humanitarian cost, which has seriously affected the work of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan.

UN-sponsored talks in East Timor between Indonesia and Portugal, which paved the way for a global referendum on the region's status, ended in May 1999. As a result of these negotiations, the UN mission monitored the voter registration process, and in that referendum in August 1999, 78 percent of East Timor's population voted for independence from Indonesia. When the referendum results were announced, anti-independence police tried to force 200,000 East Timor residents to flee their homes. In September 1999, the Security Council decided to send an international security force to help restore order. The UN Interim Administration has replaced international forces and is currently monitoring the process of independence in East Timor.

In Europe ... Edit. The United Nations is working hard to resolve the conflict in the former Yugoslavia by providing emergency humanitarian assistance to some 4 million people. In 1991, the United Nations cut off arms supplies; At the same time, the Secretary-General and his representative began to assist in diplomatic efforts to stop the bloodshed. From 1992 to 1995, United Nations peacekeeping forces worked to restore peace and security in Croatia, to ensure the security of the civilian population of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to prevent the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia from falling into the whirlpool of war. Since the signing of the Dayton (Paris) Peace Accords in 1995, four United Nations missions have contributed to peace and security in the region. One of the largest, the United Nations Interim Administration for Eastern Slovenia, oversaw the reintegration of Croatia. Following the cessation of NATO bombings in Kosovo (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) and the withdrawal of Yugoslav forces, in 1999 the United Nations established an interim international administration. The Security Council gives the UN administration extraordinary powers with all legal, executive and legal powers over the territory and people of Kosovo. The European Union, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and the United Nations are working with the people of Kosovo to build a democratic society and sustainable autonomy.

On the American continent ... Edit

The United Nations' peacekeeping efforts and peacekeeping efforts have played a major role in resolving the conflict in Central America. In 1989, as a result of peace efforts in Nicaragua, the resistance forces voluntarily disbanded and its members surrendered their weapons to the United Nations. In 1990, a United Nations mission observed the elections in Nicaragua, the first election in an independent country to be monitored by the United Nations.

The Secretary-General's peace talks in El Salvador put an end to 12 years of hostilities, and the United Nations peacekeeping mission ensured that all agreements were implemented. Guatemala's 35-year-old civil war has ended thanks to UN-sponsored talks. Today, the United Nations Monitoring Commission in Guatemala was called upon to ensure the full implementation of the comprehensive peace agreements.

Following international efforts to re-establish a democratically elected government in Haiti, the United Nations continues to train its national police.

In the Middle East ... Edit. The United Nations has been paying close attention to the Arab-Israeli conflict for five decades (during which five large-scale wars have erupted). The United Nations developed the principles of a just and lasting peace in two key Security Council resolutions, 242 (1967) and 338 (1973), which provide a solid basis for resolving the problem.

The United Nations has supported other initiatives aimed at resolving political conflicts and has sent a number of peacekeeping missions to the region. The first United Nations military observer mission, established in 1948, is still active in the region. During the Suez Crisis of 1956, the United Nations formed its first peacekeeping force.

There are currently two peacekeeping missions in the region. One of them, founded in 1974, controls the area separating Israeli and Syrian armed forces in the Golan Heights; The second, established in 1978, aims to ensure stability and protect the people of southern Lebanon.

As for other parts of the Middle East, since Kuwait regained its independence in 1991, a United Nations observer mission has been monitoring the demilitarized zone between Iraq and Kuwait.

What is the UN doing to stabilize justice, human rights and international law?

Thanks to the efforts of the United Nations, hundreds of multilateral agreements have been signed with governments to make the world safer and healthier, more promising and cleaner for all of us. This comprehensive set of norms of international law and the development of human rights standards are the greatest achievements of the United Nations.

Human RightsEditing. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the General Assembly in 1948, proclaimed the fundamental rights and freedoms common to all men and women, including the right to life, liberty and citizenship, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and the right to work, study and participate in government. made.

Two international agreements to which most countries are parties are legally binding on these rights. One of the agreements is economic, social and cultural rights. The second is on civil and political rights. Together with the Declaration, they form the International Bill of Human Rights.

The Declaration Convention on the Rights of the Child, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; It has laid the groundwork for more than 80 conventions and other declarations, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Declaration on the Elimination of the Status of Refugees and Genocide, the Declaration on Self-Determination, Violent Disappearance, and the Right to Development.

As the development of the norms draws to a close, the United Nations is focusing on the implementation of the norms in its human rights work. The High Commissioner for Human Rights, who coordinates the entire work of the United Nations system, works with governments to prevent any violations, to investigate any crime, and to ensure that human rights are better protected.

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights is an intergovernmental body that conducts public hearings on human rights issues. It appoints independent experts - "special rapporteurs" - to report on specific human rights abuses or to study the human rights situation in a particular country. The United Nations Office at Geneva has a direct hotline (41-22-917-0092) that provides information to the general public on human rights violations.

United Nations human rights organizations work through early warning and conflict prevention, through a variety of measures, as well as efforts to root out conflicts. A number of United Nations peacekeeping commissions are housed with a human rights component: such a component is included in missions, including in Georgia and Guatemala. In Haiti, the work is part of a joint operation by the United Nations and the Organization of American States. All United Nations human rights activities are currently taking place in various parts of 27 countries and territories.

The emphasis on human rights is even more important in the United Nations' development efforts. In particular, the right to development is seen as an important element of a dynamic process that embodies all civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights, and contributes to the well-being of all members of society. Finding the key to the right to development is explained by the eradication of poverty, which is one of the main goals of the United Nations.
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