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The League of Nations and Round Table Groups sowed the seeds of that which was yet to come. But first to be visited upon the land was a great battle like none before: World War II. Once again the supposed war to end all wars. In thousands of years man has yet to learn that war cannot end war - only peace and good will ends wars; just as light dispels darkness.

The United States was the sole world power to emerge from the war. Europe had been devastated and much of it lay in ruin. The first task was to rebuild Western Europe and to create a North Atlantic alliance against the Soviet Union: commonly known as NATO. The Marshall plan was the means by which to rebuild Europe.

Internationalism or Totalitarianism

At the Bretton Woods meeting, the United States utilized its new position as the lone super power in the world - both militarily and monetarily. The U.S. was in possession of most of the world's gold reserves, which at that time still backed most world currencies. It also had the largest industrial base and strongest economy of any nation on earth. The U.S. Dollar was the reserve currency of the world, which together with the international monetary fund and world bank, formed the basis of the global elite's institutional mechanisms to foster the beginnings of a one world monetary system.

Although it appeared that the United States was leading the world, it was really the corporate military industrial complex within and without the U.S., together with the elite international financiers who owned most industries that was steering world policy. The United States had always been an isolationist country. It had to be dragged into World War II. So too its acceptance and membership into the entanglements of international institutions had to be had by stealth, much as the spider builds his web to trap his unwary host. This is a point most often misunderstood in the field of geopolitics and political science: the difference between the vehicle of power and the power that employs the vehicle, as a mode of transportation, to spread its force of will - across the land.

Nation states make war with one another - they have geographical boundaries that define one combatant from another. Often times more than one nation state will join with others against a common foe, be it a single nation or a group of nations. However, capitalists or international money changers know no national boundaries; their pursuit of profits scans the entire globe. This is an important distinction to remember and is often overlooked when discussing the geopolitics of world governance. There are Nation States, and there are supranational organizations of international capitalists - whose interests are not always one and the same. In the end it is the money changers who control the day.

High Priests of Globalization

With the advent of international institutions and transnational corporations, the idea of the nation state is becoming of less and less importance. It is similar to a group of children playing monopoly - why settle for one or two of the properties on the board when the entire board is offered for the taking?

At first this global interpenetration of nation states was between Europe and the United States. The rise of the European Union is most obvious in its design and purpose, both in its geographical zone of influence, as well as in its common currency - the Euro. It is zone number one on the map of the New World Order. The European Union is not in direct competition with the United States in the ways believed by most scholars or politicians. It is the prototype of that which is yet to come.

The resistance of Britain in accepting the Euro and membership within the European Union is a most interesting conundrum. This did not happen by accident but by design. The question remains: by what design? For what purpose? Usually, by following the money, the design and intent of those who pull the strings can be discerned. Along these lines runs Britain's backing of the United States in attacking Iraq. All pieces of the mosaic.

The Dioscuri Twins

The two great Aryan Nations, twin stars of the constellation Gemini, are striding together across the world stage in support of one other. But is it the nations acting in concert - or the elite money changers within and behind not only both nations - but all nations? And for what purpose other than world dominance and supremacy? Transnational corporations and the elite collectivists who own them know no boundaries in the pursuit of profit.

It is a grave mistake to think that all, or even most, nation states within the common market seek to destroy one another in their competitive search for profit - refusing any type of cooperation between rival factions. Such is not the case, as the nation states are not the key players: the elite money changers that finance them are the dominant force.

The Bilderberg Group and other similar organizations are the joining together of the elite collectivists of the world, united in cooperation to form a one world government and New World Order that places the entire global marketplace under their control: a truly "common" market if you will. One that assures that the pickings will be easy. One hand washes the other: why bite the hand that feeds you?

"Rather than constituting an all-powerful secret Atlantic directorate, Bilderberg served, at best, as the environment for developing ideas in that direction, and secrecy was necessary for allowing the articulation of differences rather than for keeping clear-cut projects from public knowledge. In this sense Bilderberg functioned as the testing ground for new initiatives for Atlantic unity." [6]

The Soviet Union's Demise

Since the 1940s, and in the aftermath of World War II, the United States has been regarded as the sole superpower in the world. This consensus is based on two points:

  • The overwhelming superiority of U.S. military power

  • The dominant role of the U.S. Dollar as the reserve currency of the world

With the downfall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the world was no longer bipolar but unipolar. A fascinating and telling question is what caused the collapse of Russia? Was it a direct military confrontation with the U.S. or any other nation? No it was not.

Then what or who took down the Soviet Union - a one time equal rival of the U.S. for world supremacy? What power is greater then the military power: the money power.

For awhile after WWII the Soviet Union was a major military threat to the United States, at one time surpassing the U.S. in troops and weapons systems. This was the reason for the cold war.

To fund its war machine Russia took on too much debt - enticed as they were by the international bankers and merchants of death to procure more and more weapons, while spending more and more money, which meant borrowing more and more money or credit. The money changers knew full well what they were doing as they lined their pockets with profit, and what the consequences would be. It was all part of their plan. If nothing else - they are not stupid.

It cost the money changers nothing to create the money to loan the Soviet Union as credit, allowing the bankers to collect the interest payments and to foreclose on any unpaid loans, enabling them to confiscate private property that was put up as collateral. A collectivists dream come true: tag sales of national scope and size.

Soon the Soviet Union was experiencing a monetary debt crisis. The ruble was devalued and many loans were in default. Government bonds ceased to be issued as the interest rates were over 150% and the government had no money to pay the interest with anyways. The Soviet Union had been taken down - by monetary, not military means.

American Hegemony

The question naturally arises: why didn't the U.S. find itself in the same position as the Soviet Union? Had not the U.S. increased its budget and total cost procurements to stay equal with, if not ahead of Russia? - Yes it had.

So why didn't the US experience a debt crisis as did Russia? Because the U.S. Dollar is the reserve currency of the world, which means that the United States is in a monetary and financial position unlike any other nation on earth. The US is able to create all the money it wants, and to then buy all the goods and services it wants from its foreign trade partners, paying them with paper fiat debt-money. Almost three quarters of world trade is done in dollars. Thus the world is dependent upon the US Dollar. This was the purpose behind the Bretton Woods Agreement. Remember - the bankers if nothing else are not stupid.

Foreign nations must do something with all the US Dollars they accumulate, and they do: they buy US Treasury Bonds, helping the US to retain it hegemony over the world's monetary system. In other words the US exports inflation to the world - who then turn around and reinvest those very same dollars in US Treasury Bonds, basically subsidizing the largest debtor nation on earth - the United States.

Compact With The Devil

Most countries have to control their trade deficits, either that or face the destruction of their currency by devaluation and loss of purchasing power. The foundation of the US Dollar's supremacy is its role as the petrodollar: oil is brought and paid for only in US Dollars, a compact made between OPEC and the United States. In return, the US agreed to militarily defend and provide weapons to OPEC. A compact made with the devil.

Every nation needs to get dollars to import and pay for oil, some more than others. This means that the majority of their trade is done with countries who use the dollar, especially the US. They must have, and thus seek out - US Dollars. Japan who is dependent on oil imports is a prime example. Japan needs to import oil. To pay for the oil Japan needs US Dollars. Thus Japan's trade surplus with the United States. Another compact made with the devil.

National or International Policy

Most if not all analysts will concur that the above events and policies are the national policies of the United States and the reactions from similar nation states affected by the policies. It is a mistake to view world affairs and international policies as national in scope, as opposed to INTERNATIONAL.

As stated earlier - nations have BOUNDARIES and geographical limits. Nation states make war with one another or with groups of nation states. They do not go to war against the entire rest of the world besides themselves and or their allies.

The money power is greater than the military power, as the military war machine can only exist if there is money to pay for it. The money power is controlled by the international elite money changers who not only control central banks - they created central banking.

They also created the International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, The United Nations, The Bretton Woods Accord, NATO, and the World Trade Organization, to name but a few of their progeny. As this series of papers has shown - the various secret and elite organizations that decide on all important global policies is made up of various political leaders, royalty, industrialists, and very important people from different NATION states. Collectively they are beyond the scope and influence of mere nations - even that of the United States.

Furthermore, the international money changers and their co-conspirators, who are captured by more then the pursuit and worship of Lucre, have not yet been mentioned or revealed as part of the elite cartel. That will come in due time.

"A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the Nation and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world - no longer a Government of free opinion no longer a Government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men....

Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." [7]

"The powers of financial capitalism had (a) far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank...sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world." [8]

"In a small Swiss city sits an international organization so obscure and secretive....Control of the institution, the Bank for International Settlements, lies with some of the world's most powerful and least visible men: the heads of 32 central banks, officials able to shift billions of dollars and alter the course of economies at the stroke of a pen." [9]

The End of the Gold Reserve Standard

Another misunderstanding of the world power game is the conventional and mainstream theories espoused by academics, politicians, and the news media. It is not their fault - the international elite specialize in obfuscation, illusion, and delusion - besides the fact that they own all major world media outlets. The news is reported how they want it reported.

By 1971 gold was leaving the United States faster then water through a sieve. US Federal Gold Reserves had fallen precipitously. Foreign nations were demanding gold in payment to settle international trade accounts - according to the contractual obligations of the Bretton Woods Agreement, as signed by all the powers. The starch ally of the US, The Bank of England, even joined the French in demanding US gold for dollars. No honor amongst thieves.

The Nixon administration finally decided that enough was enough. All foreign accounts were defaulted on regarding payment in gold, such payment to be made with Federal Reserve Notes or paper fiat debt-money. There are those who contend that this break with the gold standard ushered in a new system of monetary policy controlled by private international banks. This was not a new system of control - it was a consolidation and strengthening of the preexisting system that the elite money changers had already established and put in placed. This was just a newer more powerful model: now they wielded even more power.

Once the gold standard fell by the wayside, the 1970's witnessed a plethora of paper fiat credit, created and extended by the large international banks. One of the results of this boom in credit issuance was the oil crisis. Prices of oil went sky high. This was due to the fact that the OPEC oil Sheiks had figured out that they were being paid for their oil with US dollars that were continually losing purchasing power. Hence they wanted a greater quantity (higher prices or more units) of US dollars to make up for the loss of purchasing power (quality) of the money being exchanged for their oil. They were almost as smart as the bankers.

Intended Consequences

With the over issuance of the US dollar came the debasement and loss of purchasing power that always occurs with paper fiat monetary systems. In order to try to protect the falling dollar, Paul Volcker, the existing Chairman of the Federal Reserve at the time, raised interest rates to record levels to stem the dollar's demise. Little is revealed of the ironic twist that Volcker had played in going off the gold standard. Easy come - easy go.

Record high interest rates played havoc with third world countries that had borrowed from the IMF and the World Bank. In the early 1980s Mexico defaulted on its external debt. Thus began the third world debt crisis, the onus of which, is almost always placed on the shoulders of the debtor - when in truth the cause was the malinvestments and improper lending practices of the elite international banks that caused a false sense of prosperity, when in truth the world was inundated by debt and higher prices due to the loss of purchasing power of the medium of exchange - primarily the US dollar.

The international monetary fund performed according to the script written by the elite collectivists. They came in and mopped up what was left in the wake of the devastation; assuring that the loans would be paid off: how? - by the further extension of credit via bridge loans, all tied to Draconian measures of international control over the monetary, financial, and economic policies of individual nation states. Serfdom 21st century style.

This resulted in the intended consequence of the destruction of many national economic systems that then became the breeding ground for transnational corporations to come in and take advantage of the dire circumstances. Cheap labor was exploited, as was the construction of factories that were under much less stringent regulations and building costs than existed in the United States or Europe; hence they were much cheaper or "cost effective" to own and operate - at least for the elite collectivists. But what of the indigenous people? Did anyone care to ask them? Qui Bono?

The European Union & The Euro

Both the Euro and the European Union's role in the global scheme of world power is generally misunderstood. Most often both are viewed as a DIRECT tool for global domination or hegemony. While this is true on one level - such is not the level that is espoused by most academics or politicians.

It must be remembered that the European Union and the Euro are the brainchild of the international elite, just as central banking and all international institutions are. They were created as the prototype or model of one world government and one world money. Hence the breakdown of national boundaries resulting in a zone of influence.

Likewise is the Shanghai Organization zone, and the North Atlantic Alliance zone. All three result in the reduction of nationalism in favor of internationalism. The individual citizen is at the bottom of the food chain, when in fact they are sovereign and come before both nations and supranational zones of governance.

People come first; nations second; and international organizations last. All forms of government are for the people, by the people, and of the people. Governments receive their granted powers from the people, to serve the people, and to protect their god given and unalienable rights. So it is written. So it will be. So it is. Until night is no more.

"The beast that was, and is not, is himself also an eighth,
and is of the seven; and he goes to destruction." [10]

[1] Revelations 17:10
[2] Congressional Record of remarks in the United States House of Representatives
[3] Retinger 1946, p. 7
[4] Pomian 1972, p. 212
[5] Attributed to David Rockefeller at the June 1991 Bilderberger meeting Baden, Germany
[6] Van der Pijl p. 183
[7] Woodrow Wilson - In The New Freedom (1913)
[8] Prof. Carroll Quigley in Tragedy and Hope
[9] Keith Bradsher of the New York Times, August 5, 1995
[10] Revelations 17:11

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