Dunbar primary school

The Support for Learning Team

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The Support for Learning Team

At present we have one full time Principal Teacher for Inclusion and one part-time Support for Learning Teacher working closely with Special Needs Auxiliaries, Nursery Nurses and Classroom Assistants, all of whom support children with a variety of needs: Learning, Sensory Impairment and Social, Emotional and Behavioural difficulties. This team meets regularly with the Senior Management and work closely with any outside agencies who may be involved in supporting children’s learning. Regular consultation also takes place with parents, Psychological Services and Pupil Support. The support provided can take many forms and will at all times be dictated by the needs of the child. Support may include individual/small group teaching either in class or in the Support for Learning Base using specialist resources and differentiated materials including software programmes.
The PT Inclusion and the Support for Learning teacher have an overview of all stages within the school and are responsible for arranging both in school and multi agency meetings and reviews within these year stages. Consultations also take place with class teachers every 6 weeks, which ensure that early intervention can take place and appropriate supports arranged sooner rather than later. Parents/Carers of any pupil who it is felt should move into the Staged Assessment and Intervention framework will be informed and early discussions will take place.

Pupils may be asked to contribute to discussions that take place regarding additional support needs. There is a range of specialist provision available to meet the learning and development needs of all children and young people. There are outreach teachers who work with those pupils from whom English is an additional language, those who have long-term absence from school due to illness, those who have visual or hearing impairment and also pre-school pupils who have severe/complex additional support needs. There are various approaches used to support children and young people who have social, emotional and behavioural difficaulities. These include in school support bases, enhanced curriculum groups and input from the Children’s Services Integration Team.

Professionals Visiting School / Information Sharing And Confidentiality

Schools can call on professionals from a number of different agencies / services for help and advice. These include Educational Psychologists, Outreach Teachers, Officers within the Inclusion and Equality Division, School Doctor, School Nurse, Health Visitors, Social Workers, and Integration Team Workers. Formal referral to any of these agencies / services would only take place with the consent of parents / guardians. There will however be occasions when issues may be discussed in confidence without formal referral and therefore without such consent. If parents are concerned about this they should contact the school for further information.


At Dunbar our homework policy reflects our view that parents/carers, pupils and teachers can work in partnership to support learning. We are aware that many of our pupils take part in a wide range of out of school activities and recognise that these play an important in their all-round development. We would therefore ask that you help your child to balance homework activities throughout the week.

Homework is seen as a means for each pupil to:

  • consolidate work that has been taught by the class teacher

  • research, collect, record and present information for a project

  • practise learning important facts i.e. tables, spelling, capitals of the world etc.

  • share information about learning at school with parents/carers

At the beginning of each session, each class teacher will issue a letter giving parents/carers guidelines on homework activities for the session. Further letters may be issued at different times of the year if activities are to change significantly. Individual class websites offer further advice on homework activities.

Establishing good habits in primary school should enable pupils to organise their workload, and this in turn should help to establish an effective study pattern when they reach secondary school.


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  • Please check and sign your child’s homework.

  • Please give your child lots of positive encouragement to complete the activity to the best of their ability.

  • Please do not accept homework that is rushed or untidy. This may well not be accepted by the teacher.

  • There may be times when your child is unable to complete a homework activity because they are finding it too difficult. There may be other times when they are taking too long to complete an activity. Rather than have children struggling at home in these circumstances, we would encourage you to stop your child from completing the work. In addition we would ask you to send in a note to the teacher explaining the situation. This is vital information for the class teacher. Steps can then be taken to resolve the matter in school and ensure that children are not either experiencing anxiety or a sense of failure!

Our Homework Policy gives more information and is available on our school website.


There are certain things which require to be observed in the best interests and safety of everyone.

School Rules

  1. Punctuality - pupils require to be at school for 8.45a.m.

  2. Pupils are expected to form into lines in the playground for convenient entry to school.

  3. Pupils are not allowed to climb on perimeter walls or on to the building.

  4. Pupils enter and leave school via the Pupils’ Gate on Countess Crescent and Kellie Road.

  5. All pupils taking school lunches remain within the playground over lunchtime.

  6. Pupils are expected to obey ancillary staff - auxiliaries, janitor etc. - as though they were teachers.

  7. Pupils are instructed to cross streets by means of Road Crossing Patrols (7 in number) and to obey them as they carry out their duties.

We have the services of Playground Supervisors who look after the pupils at break and lunch times. If the weather is inclement, arrangements are made to keep children inside. Parental support is sought in endeavouring to maintain a happy and secure environment for our children. We also request that parents/carers provide appropriate clothing in order that children can benefit from. A new Positive Behaviour Policy was developed with parents, staff and pupils in January 2013 which can be found on the school website.


It should be noted that our overall attendance record is very good. This is something to be commended. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their child attends school regularly, in cases of unsatisfactory attendance, the Head Teacher will call on the Child & Family Support Worker (Attendance) to visit the home and discuss the problem with the parents. If such unsatisfactory attendance persists the Head Teacher, following discussions with the Child & Family Support Worker (Attendance) and other agencies will decide whether the case should be referred to the local Area Attendance Advisory Group. This Group has been formed to make recommendations to the Director on the statutory responsibilities of the Authority with regard to defaulting parents.


If your child is unable to attend school through illness or for any other reason you must phone John Muir Campus for Nursery – P3 on 863773 or Lochend Campus for P4-P7 on 860997 before 9.30am. The school office will contact any parent/carer who has not reported their child being absent on the first day of illness. A note should be handed to the class teacher on your child’s return to school. Parents are actively discouraged from taking pupils out of school for family holidays. Holidays during term time are classed as ‘unauthorised absences’ and are recorded as such on the attendance register.


Dunbar Primary School has a medical room in each campus and trained First Aiders. Please note that when a child becomes ill in school he / she will remain in class whilst the teacher informs the office of the circumstances. The office will contact home or Emergency Contact and the child will be collected from the classroom. The only exception would be where the use of the First Aid room was desirable, the pupil remaining under the care of a First Aider. It is important that parents inform School of any special medical conditions.


All members of staff who have agreed are trained in the administration of specific drugs to pupils suffering from all epileptic seizures or a severe allergic reaction and who are required to apply specific drugs to those pupils will be covered by East Lothian Council’s Public Liability Policy. Pupils requiring prescribed medication during school time must first have a self-administered or school administered form completed by parents/carers and returned to our school first aiders.


The school, in line with other ELC Schools now operates a school dress code, which all schools are expected to follow. It is fairly straightforward:

Grey, red or white shirt/ blouse or polo shirt, grey or black skirt or trousers.

Grey/Red/Black jersey/sweatshirt or cardigan.

Football colours are not allowed, as are any T-shirts portraying unacceptable slogans.
School sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts, fleeces and jackets have proved very popular and can be purchased through the school office.

These are on sale throughout the year, orders being collected from the School Office at the end of each month. Any parent wishing to place an order should collect an order form from the office. Plain red/black/grey sweatshirts can also be purchased independently by the parent/carer. All items of clothing must be named.

The Authority operates a scheme of provision to ensure that a pupil is sufficiently suitably clad to take full advantage of the education provided. Families in receipt of Income Support and Employment and Support Allowance will automatically qualify for such a scheme. Other cases will be determined according to the personal circumstances of the family. Parents who wish to apply for the scheme should complete and application form, which is available from the Education & Children’s Services, Inclusion & Equality, John Muir House, Haddington, EH41 3HA.


  • T-Shirt/Polo Shirt and Shorts

  • Non-Marking Soled Gym Shoes

  • Tracksuit/Joggers and Long-sleeved T-Shirt (for outdoor gym activities)

Staff will notify the pupils as to the days for P.E. The pupils are expected to be appropriately dressed for P.E. in order to ensure their safety and comfort during these activities.


School Meals

There is a two week menu rota in operation at both campuses (copies of the menu are available from the school offices). There is a set price for a choice of 3 different meals. Children bringing packed lunches are accommodated in the Dining Hall. There are two Dining Hall Supervisors and Senior Staff in attendance at the Dining Hall during lunchtime.


Milk can be purchased for pupils on a termly basis (June/Dec/March) and can be paid for the term or for the full session (cheques made payable to East Lothian Council). Free milk will be available to all children in nursery education.

Free School Meals/Milk

Forms are available at both campuses to apply for Free School Meals or please contact Education Business Unit (01620 827764/827562)


When pupils are at school, the responsibility for their safety rests with the Authority. The Headteacher and staff (including Playground Supervisors, if appointed) undertake this responsibility as the Authority’s representatives. This means that reasonable steps should be taken to prevent any pupils suffering injury and to ensure that accidents or difficulties can be reported to a responsible adult and appropriate action taken.


This is occasionally forced upon us through e.g. low temperatures or failure of staff to reach school because of snow-blocked roads etc. In the event of the school having to close an announcement would be made through local radio stations and a Groupcall message will be sent. Pupils will only be released to parents/carers or emergency contacts as they arrive at school. Thereafter contact will be made by telephone with parents/emergency contacts. Should contact not be possible children will be retained in school. In the event of the school have to close at very short notice before the start of the school day ELC will endeavour to make an announcement through local radio stations and send a Groupcall message. However, not all parents may hear this announcement and may send their children to school or accompany them as normal. Please note: Accompanied children can return home with their parents/carers once informed of the school closure by school staff. Unaccompanied pupils will be admitted into school and only released when collected by parents or emergency contacts. It is vital that your children know that even if they hear of the school closure on the way to school they must continue to school where they will be looked after until contact can be made with parents/emergency contacts.


Most complaints can and should be resolved at school level. If you have cause for concern, the first person to approach will normally be the Head Teacher. If parents remain dissatisfied then the procedures contained within “Resolving Issues - Parents and Schools Working in Partnership” should be followed. The list of ‘useful’ addresses in the next section includes the names of the relevant contact persons.

If you remain dissatisfied you can make a complaint in writing to one of the Service Managers:

Pupil Support Matters Sheila Ainslie 01620 827494

Psychological Services Manager, Pupil Support Division

All other matters Richard Parker 01620 827633

Manager, Schools Support Division

The address for both of the above officers is Department of Education & Community Services, John Muir House, Haddington, EH41 3HA


East Lothian Council does not tolerate physical or verbal abuse towards staff. Such abuse is a criminal offence and may lead to prosecution.

Resources and People Services
John Muir House Handbook
(Appendix to School Handbook)
November 2014


Page 4 Communication

- School Communication with Parents

- Divorced/Separated Parents

- Complaints Procedures
Page 5 School Ethos

- Creating a Positive Ethos

- Anti-bullying Policy

- Anti-bullying East Lothian (A.B.E.L)

Page 6 Parental Involvement

- Parent Forum and Parent Council

- Parent Staff Association

- Scottish Parent Teacher Council

Page 7-8 The Curriculum

- Curriculum for Excellence

- Educational Excursions

- Outdoor Education

- Religious Observance
Page 9-11 Assessment and Reporting

- What is meant by Assessment

- How do teachers report on your child’s progress

- Where can I find out more information about assessment and reporting?

Page 12-13 Transition

- Enrolment

- Pupil Placement

- Reserved Places/Roll Capping in schools

- School Catchment

- More Choices More Chances

Page 14-17 Support for Pupils

- Pupils who have additional support needs

- The Education (Additional Support for Learning Act) (Scotland) 2004 (amended) 2009

- Enhanced Transition for pupils with Additional Support Needs

- East Lothian Educational Psychology Service

- Professionals visiting schools/information sharing and confidentiality

- Exceptional circumstances in which information may be disclosed without consent

- Child Protection

- Children and Young People who are looked after

- Teach Team

Page 18 School Improvement

- The role of Quality Improvement Officers

Page 19/....3

Page 19-25 Local Authority Policies and practical information

- Composite Classes

- Absence and Attendance

- Transferring Educational Data about Pupils

- Consulting with pupils

- Exclusion of pupils

- Assistance with provision of school clothing

- Free school meals

- Education Maintenance Allowances (EMA)

- Employment of Children

- Home Education

- Transport: Policy of the Council and Local Arrangements
- Road Safety

- Health and Safety

- Medical care

- Administration of Medical Procedures

- Emergency closure of schools

- Unacceptable Behaviour

- Schools within East Lothian

- Useful telephone numbers

- School session dates 2015/16

- Scottish Government Education Department



School Communication with Parents

The Children (Scotland) Act 1995 amended the definition of "parent" in the Education (Scotland) Act 1980 to "Parent includes guardian and any person who is liable to maintain or has parental responsibilities in relation to, or has care of, a child or young person". Communication with parents can take many forms and have many purposes. Schools are supported by East Lothian Council to use a range of ways to ensure that all parents have the information that they need to support their own child’s learning and to help them become involved in the life of the school.

Divorced/Separated Parents – Information

Effective communication between the school and parents is vital. This can sometimes be difficult when parents separate or divorce. If parents are separated or a divorce was granted after November 1996 both parents will retain parental responsibilities, unless the court has specifically removed those responsibilities. In relation to placing requests, appeals against certain educational decisions and access to pupils’ records both parents will normally have equal rights. Even if a divorce was granted prior to November 1996 the parent without custody may not have lost all rights to information and to be involved in decision-making. The above definition may also give others rights.

Schools will therefore request the names and addresses of both parents at the time of enrolment and at the annual update of data. The parent/s with whom the pupil resides will automatically receive all communications from the school. If a parent lives away from the family home they will, when the school is first informed of their address, receive a Recorded Delivery letter enquiring whether or not they wish to receive information about their child’s education. If no reply is received it will be assumed they do not wish to be kept informed and there will be no further communication unless a request for information is subsequently received. If they wish to be kept informed they will receive copies of all communications regarding the pupil including copies of reports and notification of Parents’ Meetings. The parent with whom the pupil resides will be informed that this is happening.

The school is dependent on the parent with whom the pupil resides supplying the appropriate information i.e. the address of the parent not living in the family home, details of Court proceedings prohibiting that parent’s involvement in the child’s education or any other relevant documentation. Parents/Carers should note that children can only be collected from school by the parent with whom they reside unless the parent/carers have authorised an alternative arrangement. If someone else is to collect the pupil the school should be informed in advance.

Complaints Procedures

Most complaints can and should be resolved at school level. If you have cause for concern, the first person to approach will normally be the Head Teacher. If a meeting is required with the Class or Guidance Teacher, Head Teacher or another senior member of staff then this should be arranged as quickly as possible. If you still remain dissatisfied then the procedures contained within “How to make a comment, compliment or complaint about a Council service” should be followed.

Further information can be obtained at: http://www.eastlothian.gov.uk/complaints5

School Ethos

Creating a Positive Ethos

East Lothian Council schools endeavour to create a positive learning ethos in a variety of ways. Some schools have taken on initiatives such as UNICEF’s accredited scheme which promotes the learning of the UN’s Convention of Rights for the Child. Some schools have taken on approaches to promoting positive behaviour such as restorative practice and/or the Nurturing Classroom/School. Being Cool in School is an Authority-wide initiative in schools which encourages pupils to assert themselves appropriately as they face everyday situations.

More information can be found from the Scottish Government’s website on “Improving relationships and promoting positive behaviour in Scotland’s schools” at: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2008/04/15100117/1

Anti-Bullying Policy

All schools have an Anti-Bullying Policy as part of East Lothian Council’s Anti-bullying Policy and incidents of bullying in schools are recorded as part of the Policy.

Further information can be found at: http://www.eastlothian.gov.uk/antibullying

Anti-bullying East Lothian (A.B.E.L)

Anti-bullying East Lothian (A.B.E.L) is located at the Brunton Hall, Musselburgh. A.B.E.L is a voluntary organisation that arose out of the strong desire of parents to do something for themselves to overcome the devastating effect that bullying can have on children, their families and their community. A.B.E.L offers information and support to the young person being bullied and their family and the young person displaying the bullying behaviour and their family.

Further information can be found at: http://antibullyingeastlothian.org.uk6

Parental Involvement

Parent Forum and Parent Council

The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 encourages and supports more parents/carers to become involved in their children’s education. The main aims of the Act are to:

• Help parents/carers become more involved with their child’s education and learning.

• Welcome parents/carers as active participants in the life of the school.

• Provide easier ways for parents/carers to express their views and wishes.
All parents/carers are automatically members of the Parent Forum at their child’s school and will be entitled to have their views represented to the school, education authority and others, through a representative Parent Council for the school. As a member of the Parent Forum, parents/carers will have a say in selecting their Parent Council (the representative body) to work on behalf of all parents/carers at the school.

The role of the Parent Council is to:

• Support the school in its work with pupils

• Represent the views of all parents/carers

• Encourage links between the school, parents/carers, providers of nursery education and the community

• Consult with and report back to the Parent Forum.

The Parent Council arrangements came into effect in August 2007. For more information on the Parental Involvement Act or to find out about Parents as Partners in their children’s learning contact the school or Val McIntyre, Principal Officer, Resources and People Services, telephone number 01620-827228 or by e-mailing vmcintyre@eastlothian.gov.uk or the Parentzone website http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/parentzone

Head Teachers now have a legal obligation to consult with their Parent Council to establish what they would like included in the School Handbook and ensure it is incorporated. Discussions should take place at Parent Council meetings and any decisions taken must be reflected in the school handbook.

Further information can be found at: http://www.eastlothian.gov.uk/parentcouncils

Parent Staff Associations

Where a Parent Staff Association exists at a school information on the Parent Staff Association will be provided by the school.

Scottish Parent Teacher Council (SPTC)

The Scottish Parent Teacher Council is the national organisation for Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) and Parent Associations (PAs) in Scotland and runs an independent helpline service for all parents. You can contact the Scottish Parent Teacher Council by telephone 0131-474-6199, by e-mail sptc@sol.co.uk, the website http://www.sptc.info or write to Scottish Parent Teacher Council, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB.

East Lothian Council takes out an annual membership of the SPTC for their Parent Councils. 7

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