Catalogue of Arabic, Persian and Urdu Manuscripts

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Catalogue of Arabic, Persian

and Urdu Manuscripts,

Rot graphs and Microfilms etc.

in the Collection of

Prof. Muhammad Iqbal Mujaddidi

Compieled by
Muhammad Iqbal Mujaddidi &

Hamid Ali Ansasri,

with the technical assistance

Khalid Mahmood


Punjab University Library, Lahore, Pakistan

مفتاح النصیحۃ فی دفع کیودانفسیہ

Miftah ul Naseehat Fi Dafy Kayood ul Nafsiah


Muhammad Karimullah Dehlavi

Size: 23.5x16; ff.270; ll.17, its paper of handmade in India during the British Period

Its style is Indian Nastaliq and Shikastah, (Arabic & Persian)

Beginning: الحمد للہ الذی نزل الفرقان علی عبدہ ۔۔۔
Mufti Karimullah bin Maulana Lutfullah, was an author of many books, In Tazkirah-i-Ulama wa Mashaikh Pakistan wa Hind 17 works of the same author has described (vol.1 pp. 209-36) for details see:

  1. Bashir ul din Ahmad: Waqiat-i-Darul Huqumat Delhi, 2/193

  2. Rehman Ali: Tazkirah Ulama-i-Hind, p.397

  3. Sir Syid Ahmad Khan: Asarul Sanadeed, 2/94

  4. Abdul Hay Hasami: Nuzhatul Khawater, 7/398

The Manuscript deals with the Tafsir, Hadith & Fiqh, many extracts of well- known books of theology are quoted. The author criticized many of his contemporary scholars who were opponent of the author, specially the Wahhabies and Shias etc. He also criticized Shah Ismail of Delhi and Shah Muhammad Ishaq bitterly.

The present MS. is scribed by the author himself, it is a unique and rare MS. no other copy is recorded.
تفسیر حسینی

Tafsir Hussani


Moin Waiz Kashfi

Size: 21x14cm; ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian); red and blue borders; red headings; defective at the ends; folio disarranged and brittle

Beginning: ربنا اتنا من لدنک رحمۃ و بنی لنا من امرنا رشداً ۔۔۔ ہمی گوید بندہ ضعیف مسکن معین ۔۔۔
The very well-known tafsir of Holy Quran, the MS. remained in the Mosque of Wazir Khan, Lahore and the teachers used it in Dars. They also wrote some marginal notes on the MS.

The tafsir is very well-known among the Persian readers and has been printed repeatedly.

تفسیر حسینی



Hussain Waiz Kashfi

Size: 28x16.5cm; ff. 206; ll.29

Nastaliq (Persian); Lawh-i-Munaqqish with illuminated and blue borders. The Quranic text is red. The text of this Tafsir had printed for many times from India and Iran. But the present Manuscript by the notes of this Shaikh is not available in other Libraries of Pakistan.

Beginning: بعد از تمہید قواعد محامد الہی و تاسیس مبانی ثنا خوانی حضرت رسالت پناہ ﷺ ۔۔۔
The MS. of this Tafsir is collated by Kh. Ghulam Muhay-ud-Din Qusuri in the year 1268 a.h. On the margin many books are referred like Rashidi, Madarik, sayings of Kh. Ihrar, Tafsir of Kh. Muhammad Parsa and other books of theology and Sufi Literature. At many places on the margin he wrote his name as Fiqir Ghulam Muhay-ud-Din Ahmadi Qusuri Dawam al-huzuri, The author was a successor of in the Naqshbandiyya Order of Shah Ghulam Ali Dehlvi.
For details see:

  1. Fafat Rauf Ahmad, Jawahir-i-Alviah

  2. Ghulam Muhay-ud-Din Qusuri, Malfuzat-i-Sharifa

  3. Tazkira Ulama Wa Mashaikh Pakistan Wa Hind

رسالہ در تفسیر اللہ نور السموات

Risalah Dar Tafsir Allah Nur-us-Samawat

Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlvi

Size: 26.5x16cm; ff.9; ll.19

Nastaliq (Persian); worm eaten and red headings

Beginning: الحمد للہ الذی نور السموات والارض ۔۔۔
The author was a will-known a scholar and muhaddis of sub-continent. In this MS. he wrote the tafisr of the said Sura with special reference to Hadith literature.
تفسیر آیات و شرح احادیث

Tafsir Aayat Wa Sherh-i-Ahadith

Size: 21x15.5cm; ff.76; ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian); under lined Arabic words, water spotted, vacuum packed, rich interpretations on margins

Beginning: امن ثنا گو حیران بدی سلم ۔۔۔
The MS. was in the possession of the teachers of Wazir Khan Mosque, Lahore. They have written marginal notes on it but no one showed his name.
تفسیر سورۂ یوسف

Tafsir Sura Yusuf

Size: 21.5x14.5cm; ff.210; ll.16

Nastaliq (Persian); red headings; damaged; water spotted and worm eaten

Scribed by; Darwaish Muhammad bin Hafiz Abdul Aziz on 15 Rajab, 1065 a.h.
Beginning: defective
The authors name is not appeared at the end of the MS., its style of writing is 11/17th century. The author quoted many authentic books during the tafsir.
شرح احسن القصص



Muhammad Aziz-ud-Din Qanugo (c.13/19)

Size: 25.5x16cm; pp.475-610; ll.21

Nastaliq (Punjabi & Urdu), Red headings against verses, Rubberications, interpretations and meaning has been added on margins in Urdu Language, comparative pagination has been added later on. The MS. is defective at the both ends.

Beginning: سپاس بیقیاس اس خدا کو کہ جس نے ایک انسان کو رنگین خیالی کا مادہ ۔۔۔
The present MS. is a commentary on well-known Panjabi versified book Ahsan-ul-Qassas by Maulvi Ghulam Rasool Alampuri, the commentator Muhammad Aziz-ud-Din Qanugo who was lived in the town Jaura, Tarantaran, Amritsir in 25 Rajab, 1336 / 7 May, 1918. The present MS. is written by the writer himself.

For some details see: MS. No. 46

تیسرالقادری فی شرح البخاری

Tesir-ul-Qari Fi Sherah-il-Bukhari


Noor-ul-Haque Mashriqi

Size: 37x28.5cm; ff.268; ll.29

Nastaliq (Persian); water spotted, worm eaten; defective at the end

Beginning: محی الدین للہ اما بعد این صحیفہ کرامت ۔۔۔
The author was the eldest son of Sh. Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlvi, he also compiled some other books, like Zubdatul Tawarikh etc. He wrote this commentary on Sahih Al-Bukhari and dedicated to the king Aurangzeb Alamgir. Its text has published from Ansari Press, Dehli.
For some details see:

Nizami, K.A., Hayat-i-Sh. Abdul Haque, pp.255-61

چہل حدیث

Chehal Hadith


Ahmad Sirhindi Mujaddid Alf-i-Sani

Size: 23x15cm; ff.8; ll.15

Naskh (Arabic); worm eaten and damaged

Beginning: الحمد للہ الذی انزل الکتب علی عبدہ ۔۔۔
The compiler collected 40 Ahadith like many other ulama to get blessings of God. This risalah has been printed.
اربعین جامی



Abdur Rahman Jami

(d. )
Size: 26.5x18cm; ff.4; ll.13

Nastaliq (Arabic & Persian); worm eaten & water spotted. Defective from the beginning

The MS. is Scribed in gook hand writing.
Beginning: defective
The author Mulana Jami translated the Ahadith in vertical Persian and completed in 880/1397. The MS. has been printed reputedly.
احادیث مع فارسی ترجمہ

Ahadith Maa Farsi Tarjuma

Size: 26.5x17cm; ff.16; ll.11

Naskh, Nastaliq (Arabic, Persian); water spotted and worm eaten

Beginning: قال النبی علیہ السلام لاتجالسوا ۔۔۔
Someone copied the Ahadith and translated into Persian on the margin for public use but the translated did not mention his name.
چہل حدیث مع منظوم فارسی ترجمہ

Chehal Hadith Maa Manzoom Farsi Tarjumah


Zia-ud-Hussain Alvi

Size: 23x14; ff.12; ll.14

Naskh (Arabic & Persian); Red headings, red and blue borders

Beginning: defective
The translator Zia-ud-Hussain bin Shah Hussain bin Mir Muhammad Yusuf Naknam Alvi, was a scholar and Sufi have good relations with the king Aurangzeb Alamgir, as he narrated in the beginning in the MS. that the king used to recite these Ahadith, so I have versified into Persian to make easy for the king (f.4a). The author’s biographical information is not known to us.
قصص الانبیاء


Size: 26x18cmcm; ff.110; ll.21

Nastaliq (Persian); red headings, worm eaten, water spotted and some paper vacuum packed. Defective at the both ends.

Beginning: defective
The author’s name is not appeared in the text; it seems to write one of the teachers of Mosque Wazir Khan, Lahore.
واقعہ معراج

Waqia Miraj

Size: 25x18cm; 41; ll.10

Nastaliq (Urdu); worm eaten, red headings, defective at the end

Beginning: آج وہ رات مبارک ہے کہ جس میں جناب ۔۔۔
Some of the teachers related to the Mosque of Wazir Khan, Lahore narrated the event of Miraj Sharif but his name is not found in the beginning of the MS.
معارج النبوۃ



Muin-ud-Din Farahi

Size: 20x14cm; ff.301; ll.15

Naskh (Persian); worm eaten; red headings; defective at the end

Beginning: باب چہارم در ذکر معراج حضرت رسالت ﷺ
It is a well-known biography of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and has been printed repeatedly.
For some details see:

Storey, C.A., Persian Literature, 1/1/187-88

روضۃ الاصحاب

Rauzatul Ashab


Waheed-ud-Din Muhammad know as

Mir Khan Jami al-Sfrghabadi


Size: 22x16cm; ff.112; ll.17

Nastaliq (Persian); worm eaten; red headings; defective at the end

Beginning: حمدی کہ منشعب از دل و جان و از روی ۔۔۔
The author was a scholar of Sunnite, he wrote the book against the Shait and collected many traditions. He completed his book in 944/1537.

The MS. deals with the history and merits of Khulafa-i-Rashideen. It’s another copy is in the Buhar Library (see: Storey, 1/1/213).

مطلع الانوار النبویۃ


Size: 20x15.5cm; ff.22; ll.15

Naskh (Arabic); red headings; defective at the end

Beginning: الحمد الکثیر الطیب المبارک فیہ للہ رب العالمین ۔۔۔
It is a collection of Ahadith based on the known books of the subject. The MS. is divided into some chapters and facit., the book was in the Arabic course of the Madrasas, so have many marginal notes.
خصائص نبی اکرم ﷺ

Khasais Nabi Akram (pbuh)

Size: 22x13cm; ff.12; ll.12

Nastaliq (Versified Persian); water spotted and some worm eaten

Beginning: بعد حمد خدا و نعت رسول ۔۔۔
The author did not mention his takhalus or name in the text. It seems that it is written in late 18th century.
مکتوبات حامدیہ



Hamid Qari Lahori (d. 1166-1753)

Size: 25x16; ff.75; ll.21

Nastaliq (Persian)

Beginning: الحمد للہ الذی اوضح طریق الوصول الیہ بانزال الکتب وارسال الرسل ۔۔۔
The author was a well-known theologian of the Punjab and was writer of many other books on the Fiqh. He was a Sufi of Suharwardi Orders and was a pupil and followers of Mulla Shaikh Temur Lahori. He wrote also some important discourses on the burning issues of his time.

This is the collection of 20 letters of the author on the burning issues of Fiqh. Every letters is much lengthy just like a separate Risala. The author referred many of the well-known collections of the Fatwa and commentaries on the books of Fiqh. He gave original quotations of those books. See: Ghulam Sarwar Lahori, Hadiqat-ul-Auliya, p.266.

رسالہ در تحقیق مسائل مہمہ

Risalah Dar Tahqiq Masail-i-Muhimah

Beginning: مسلہ اول گل انداختن برجنازہ ۔۔۔
This seven folio Risalah have the ten masail and its solutions. This MS. was once in the Library of well-known scholar of the Punjab Kh. Ghulam Muhay-ud-Din Qusuri who wrote some notes on the margins of this MS.
رسالہ در جواز نماز جنازہ کناس

Risalah Dar Jawaz Namaz-i-Janaza Kinas

Beginning: الحمد للہ رب العلمین والصلوۃ والسلام علی رسولہ محمد والہ اجمعین ۔۔۔
Four Folio Risalah deals with the offering of the Janaza prayer. It is just like a Fatwa declared by the author who was a Mufti of Lahore. He referred many books of Fiqh during his discussions. The quotations are in Arabic and Persian both. One of its copy is in Gang Bakhsh Library of Persian Research Institute, Islamabad. MS. No. 2441. See: Fihrist Alphaby, p.697.
تحفۃ المسلمین

Tuhfat-ul Muslimin


Mian Muhammad Aqil Lahori

Size: 24x14.5; ff.48; ll.18

Nastaliq, (Shikashta Persian); slightly worm eaten with red headings, interpretation are given on borders. Probably written with different hands.

Beginning: الظہر بعد از ادا لجمعۃ جائز ۔۔۔ اعلم ان جماعت
The author was a scholar of the Punjab who used to teach Tafsir, Hadith and Fiqh in his school at Lahore. Many students from Central Asia Afghanistan and the various places of India were preset during his lectures. He wrote many books on the important issues of Fiqh, like Sharah Sumail-i-Tirmazi. Some of his discourses are in Gang Bakhsh Library, Islamabad. (see) the index of Fihrist Alphaby.

The authors son Qutub-ud-Din and grandson were also scholars and writers. The present MS. is collection of the sayings of Mian Muhammad Aqil Lahori, collected by Hamid Qari Lahori, (his pupil). The author collected the Risail of Mian Timur Lahori and the sayings of other scholars of the Punjab, at one place he has given many names of the students of Mian Timur Lahori lived in Lahore and Qasur. In these days Mian Hamid Qari’s mausoleum and school are situated on the Whet Road, Lahore. Two MSS. Qissah-tul-Miraj and Intikhab-e-Tariqah-i-Muhammadiya are preserved in the National Museum of Pakistan, Karachi.

See: Tazkarah Ulama Wa Mashaikh Pakistan, vol.1, p.105
دستور الاحکام



Bahadur Shah Qadri Bhakri

Size: 22.5x12.5cm; ff.60+7; ll.14

Nastaliq (Panjabi); worm eaten, brittle, some vacuum packed. Scribed by: Farzand Ali for his son Ghulam Qadir on 3 Ramazan 1272.

Beginning: 1۔ یا مجیب الدعوات خداوندا بہ بین موی سفیدم ۔۔۔

2۔ الحمد للہ الذی خلق السموت والارض ۔۔۔

The author who was a scholar and a Sufi collected some very notable traditions of the Fiqh for the public use in the local languages of Sialkot, Punjabi and Hindi, he compiled in 1257. The author also discussed some very important issues of his age by the request of his followers.
زاد الفواد



Jan Muhammad Abdul Ghani Abbasi (c.12/18)

Size: 23x14.5cm; ff.12; ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian), worm eaten.

Beginning: Defective
The MS. deals with the Sufism and some discussions of Fiqh the author biographical information is not available.
رسالہ علم فقہ

Risalah Ilam-i-Fiqh

Size: 21.5x12.5cm; ff.15. ll.16

Nastaliq (Persian); worm eaten & water spotted

Beginning: defective
The present work has compiled in the first year of the accession of king Akbar Shah II. (1221/1806). The author discussed some burning issue of his time also; he referred some important books of theology and collections of the Fatawa.
مسائل فقہ


Size: 21.5x 15.5cm; ff.16; ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian); red headings and some marginal notes

Beginning: اگر گوی کہ جندی با امیر در شہری در آمدند ۔۔۔
The author whose name is not mentioned in the text, discussed that if some ambassador comes to any city with his solders is it necessary of him to pray Zuhar prayer after the Jumma prayer? The author proved that being traveller compulsion of Zuhar prayer is not applied upon him.
خصوصیات و فوائد

Khususiat Wa Fawaid

Size: 23.5x13.5cm; ff.32; ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian); red headings & brittle

Defective at the both ends
Beginning: defective
The MS. deals with the Fiqh, Aurad conditions for the traveller and some other issues of the author’s period (11/17).
وسیلۃ النجات

Wasilatul Nijat


Abdul Aziz Muhadis Dehlvi, Shah

Size: 23x13.5cm; ff.14; ll.17

Nastaliq (Persian), worm eaten and damaged

Beginning: الحمد للہ حق حمدہ والصلوۃ والسلام ۔۔۔
This short risalah is about Ilm-i-Kalam and compiled against the believes of the Shait. It is printed and included the author’s collection of Fatawa.
رشد المجالس



Musa bin Muhammad Shawan Afghan

Size: 22x15cm; ff.22; ll.16

Nastaliq (Persian); damaged and worm eaten

Beginning: الحمد للہ رب العالمین والصلوۃ والسلام ۔۔۔
Author’s biographical information is not known to us, he lived in the frontier territories of Pakistan. He compiled this risalah on some advises and religious affairs among the Muslim people.
For some details see:

Monzavi, Ahmad, Fehrit-i-Mushtarik, 4/2351, 14/554

تنبیہ الغافلین



Murad Sharf-ud-Din Hussani Ropari

Size: 18x13cm; ff.44. ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian); Brittle, worm eaten and water spotted, red headings, some pages are vacuum packed

Beginning: جہان جہان امتنان سزاء حضرۃ منان ۔۔۔
The author tried to describe the term Maqam-i-Mahmood by the quotations of various books of Sufism and Shiria. He also discussed some other issues of the Sufis and Ulama of various centuries by given his own opinions.

It is a rare MS.

بستان ابواللیث

Bustan Abul-Lais


Abul-Lais Ahmad bin Umar Samarqandi Hanfi

Size: 28x15.5cm; ff.160; ll.19

Nastaliq (Persian); worm eaten; red headings; defective from beginning

Beginning: defective
The author was lived in Baghdad, a great theologian and author of many other books. He compiled the bustan for Waz (preaching).
For some details see:

Kahala, Umar Raza, Mujam-ul-Muaalifin, 2/32

احوال آخرت


Size: 25x16cm; ff.31; ll.10

Nastaliq (Urdu); defective at he both ends

Beginning: defective
It is an old Urdu prose style, but author’s name is not mentioned in the text.
نجات المساکین



Muhammad Abid bin Maulvi Ghulam Rasool Wazirabadi

Size: 21x14cm; ff.15; ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian); red and blue borders

Scribed by; Muhammad Hassan bin Ghulam Ali bin Hazrat Mian Muhammad Abid on 1241 a.h.

The MS. scribed by the order of Mian Ghulam Muhammad known as Imam Gamu of the Mosque of Wazir Khan, Lahore.

Beginning: سپاس بی قیاس مرآن ذاتی را کہ لا الہ الا اللہ ۔۔۔
The author’s biographical detail is not known to us he introduced himself as Hafiz Muhammad Abid bin bin Maulvi Ghulam Rasool bin Maulvi Illah Bakhsh Wazirabadi Chanabi Hanfi Qadri that some of my friends requested to write the details and salient fetchers of the Kalima-i-Tayyaba, so I have compiled it.
رسالہ در منع تمباکو نوشی

Risalah Dar Mana Tambaqoo Naushi


Muhammad Abid bin Maulvi Ghulam Rasool Wazirabadi

Size: 21x14cm; ff.16; ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian); red and blue borders

Scribed by; Muhammad Hassan bin Ghulam Ali bin Hazrat Mian Muhammad Abid on 1241 a.h.

The MS. scribed by the order of Mian Ghulam Muhammad known as Imam Gamu of the Mosque of Wazir Khan, Lahore.

Beginning: الحمد للہ رب العالمین والعاقبۃ للمتقین ۔۔۔
For authors full name see MS. No. 30, many scholars wrote on the same topic to forbid the Muslims to smoking.
کنزالعباد فی شرح الاوراد

Kanzul Ibad Fi Sharhil Awrad


Baha-ud-Din Zakariyya (d. 661 a.h)

Size: 26x17; ff.260; ll.25, its paper is made of Bukhara.

It is in the Naskh but its style is Central Asian. (Persian)

Commentary by Ali Bin Ahmad Al-Ghuri one of the followers of Shah Rukn-e-Alam Multani (d.735 a.h)

Scribed: by Shams-ud-Din Ahmad Bin Maulana Sadar-ud-Din in Samarqand in 854 a.h.

Beginning: اعظم المحامد للہ العظیم و اکرم الصلوات علی رسولہ الکریم ۔۔۔
It is about the spiritual guidance for the Sufis, Zikr and daily practical life of a Muslim.

The Manuscripts has many marginal notes in various styles but the writers did not showed their names. The heading are given on borders and bold.

It has Central Asian style of Khatt, Shikasta.
For details see:

  1. Abdul Haq Delhvi Akhbar al-Akhyar pp. 50-53

  2. Muhammad Shafi Maqalat-e-Dini Wa Ilmi, vol.I 235-241

  3. Laaly, Lal Beg Badakhshi, Samart al-Quds, p.101, 139, …


خزانۃ السالکین

Khazanatul Salikin


Frid bin Muhammad bin Daulat Shah

Jalwani Kabizbenji of Ahmad Abad, Gujrat
Size: 25.5x17.5; ff.317; ll.19

This is in Persian but its script is Naskh in the Gujrati style. (Persian)

Beginning: بدین الودکی ذات مقدس را ثنا گوید ۔۔۔
The MS. is a collection of Malfuzat of Shah Alam bin Shah Qutb-i-Alam Gujrati (847- 20 Jamadiul Sani 880 / 1424-1675). It consists of the Malfuzat from 6 Zilhajj-Jamadiul Akhir 880 Friday. The author compiled it by the order of Bandgi Mian Syed Muhmmad known as Hazarat Mian Manjuh Shah. Its first majlis begins with 6 Zilhajj, Friday 871 (see f. 4b) and the last majlis is written in 19 Zilhajj Friday, 873 (see f. 315b). This is multi volume book, its two volumes are preserved in Maulana Azad Library, Muslim University Aligarh and another MS. is in the Pir Muhammad Shah Library in Ahmad Abad, Gujrat.

This collection of the Malfuzat is compiled in the life time of Shah Alam. This MS. is the first volume of the series. This volume is unique and not recorded in the other Library. Shah Alam Gujrati used to speek in Hindi (Urdu) and Gujrati. It is important for the local literate of sub-continent.

For details see:

  1. Nazir Ahmad, Maqalat-i-Nazir, pp. 457-482

  2. Muhammad Aslam, Malfuzati Adab Ki Tarikhi Ahmiyat, pp. 237-261

  3. Ali Muhammad Khan, Miraat-i-Ahmadi, Khatima, p. 323

  4. Ghausi Mandavi, Gulzar-i-Abrar, p. 336

  5. Nizami K., Suhrawardi Silsilah and its influence on medieval Indian Politics, Medieval India, vol.III, no.12 (1957)


ضرب الاقدام

Zarb ul Iqdam


Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhadis Delhvi (d.1052/1643)

Size: 21.5x14.5; ff.9; ll.15 (The MS. not dated)

Nastaliq (Persian); interpretations are given on borders

Beginning: الحمد لحضرت اللہ والصلوۃ علی خیرخلق اللہ ۔۔۔
Its author was a well-known theologian of sub-continent and an author of many books on various topics of Islam. (see: Mirat-ul-Haqaiq, Hayat-i- Sh. Abdul Haq, Tazkirah Sh. Abdul Haq). The MS. deals with offering two rakat of salat face towads Baghdad.
اذکار معصومیہ



Kh. Muhammad Masum Sirhindi (d.1079/1668)

Size: 20.5x12; ff.112; ll.13

Nastaliq (Persian); dated 1076 a.h.

Beginning: (Defective from the beginning)

باید دانست کہ ذکر را در ایں حدیث بمعنی ۔۔۔
It is the collection of the practices of the Naqshbandi Sufis and the Azkar used to practice Kh. Muhammad Masum. It has published and its Urdu translation is also printed but the present MS. Is scribed by his Khalifa Sufi Dost Muhammad Baig Peshawari and this is the oldest copy.
Consult the following sources:

  1. Safar Ahmad, Maqamat-i-Masumi

  2. Kamal-ud-Din Muhammad Ihsan, Rauzat-ul-Quyyumiah, v.2

  3. Ubaid Ullah, Hasnat-ul-Harmeen (collection of the saying of the Kh.)


مجموعہ نوشتہ ہای خواجہ غلام محی الدین قصوری

Majmuah Nowishta Hai Kh. Ghulam Muhay-ud-Din Qusuri


Khawaja Ghulam Ghulam Muhay-ud-Din Qusuri

Size: 22.5x14.5cm; ff.172; ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian)

Beginning: الحمد لمن ہوالوحید والشکر لمن ہوالمجید ۔۔۔
This Majmuah is prepared by Kh. Ghulam Nabi Lillahi (d.1302/1884); it has the following short discourses.

  1. List of some books who has borrowed from Kh. Qusuri the Ulamah of the Punjab

  2. The chronogram for the death of Kh. Qusuri by Ghulam Rasool of Qallah Mian Singh

  3. Letter of Kh. Qusuri to Sh. Ahmad Arab

  4. Lietter of Sh. Ahmad to Kh. Qusuri

  5. Letter of Kh. Qusuri to Qazi Jewan

  6. Its reply

  7. Arabic poems of the author

  8. Manajat of Mulana Khalid Kurdi

  9. Shahjrat

  10. Persian poems of Kh. Ghulam Dastghir Qusuri

  11. Persian poems of Ghulam Muhay-ud-Din Qusuri

  12. Urdu poems of Ghulam Muhay-ud-Din Qusuri

  13. Shajrah of Qadriah order by Kh. Qusuri (Persian)

  14. Shajrah of Qadriah order by Kh. Qusuri (Panjabi)

There are some Ijazat Namahs stamped by Shah Ghulam Ali Delhvi in this Majmuah.

ہدایت الطالبین

Hidyatul Talibin


Muhammad Hassan Zakori

Size: 21x16; ff.114; ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian); some headings are red

Commentary by Muhammad Gul Zakori
Beginning: الحمد للہ رب العالمین والصلوۃ والسلام علی سیدالمرسلین ۔۔۔
The MS. is a guide book for the Sufis of the Naqshbandi orders, which was given to the followers for their guidance in their practical life.

The author was q well-known scholar and Shaikh of this order. He lived in Zakori, D.I.Khan and died at the same place in 1312 a.h. and wrote some notable books on Sufism and had many students and followers. There are some sourced like of the author and the commentator as:

  1. Muhammad Hassan Zakori, Rawzatul Awliya, pp.217-220

  2. Muhammad Hassan Zakori, Hidayatul Talibin, pp.92-96


باقر الانوار



Muhammad Baqir Uchi Bukhari (c.12/18)

Size: 19.5x12cm; ff.19; ll.13

Nastaliq (Persian), undated

Beginning: الحمد للہ الذی ہدانا الی الاسلام و جعلنا من امۃ ۔۔۔
The author biographical information is not found in the Tazkirahs of the Sufis, and other person of the same name was the author of Jawahir-ul-Awliya (1096/1686) is different from the present author. The MS. is a collection of the Aurad and meditation and prayer of Sufis, especially of Suharwardi order. The author referred some rare discourses of this order those are not available is now.

For some details see:

The Muqadimah of Jawahir-ul-Awliya by Dr. Ghulam Sarwar
سراج الھدایۃ



Ahmad Barni (c.772/1371)

Size: 21.5x14cm. ff.110, ll.16-17

Nastaliq (Persian); with red headings and the references are also in the same colour. The MS. is defective at the both ends but it has been completed by the help of photocopy system.

Beginning: الحمد للہ رب العالمین والعاقبۃ للمتقین ۔۔۔
The MS. is a collection of the sayings of the very reputed Sufi Makhdum Jahaniyan Jahanghast Bukhari (d.785/1383), the author was one of his followers and lived with him when the Makhdum came from Thatha to Dehli in 772/1371, was present there. The MS. has nine chapters full of the discussion on Sufism and Fiqh. There are very some important and burning issues of his period discussed. There are many MS. of the present MS. is preserved in the Libraries of the world. It has edited by Qazi Sajjad Hussain and printed from Delhi.
For details see:

  1. Muhammad Ayyub Qadri, Makhdum Jahaniyan Jahanghast, pp.189-191

  2. Abdul Haq Dehlvi, Akhbar-ul-Akhyar, pp.452-454

  3. Ghulam Sarwar Lahori, Hadiqat-ul-Awliya, pp.156-158


ہدیۃ القادریہ

Hidaiat ul Qadiriah


Habatullah bin Abdul Hayy Qarshi

Qadri Makki Jely Lahori (c.12/18)
Size: 20x11cm; ff.15; ll.13

Nastaliq (Arabic), warm eaten

Beginning: اما بعد الحمد والصلوۃ فاعلم ان الکلمۃ العلیا اعنی لا الہ الا اللہ ۔۔۔
The details about the author not available in the Tazkirahs of Sufis, he belonged to Lahore and Qadri order. His elders were from Mecca Mukirrimah then Jeal of Iraq then migrated to Lahore. The MS. deals with the theory of Wahdatul Wujood. The author who lived in Lahore in the period of the King Farrukh Sayyer (1124-1131/1713-1719). He proved his ideology with many authentic sources that the theory is genuine. He wrote some points against those Sufis who were the opponent of this idea. The MS. is a rare and unique, no other copy is recorded.
خلاصۃ المعارف

Khulasatul Maarif


Sh. Adam Banuri Naqshbandi

Size: 21x15cm; ff.379 (2 vols.); ll.20-21

Nastaliq (Persian), with marginal notes by Sh. Muhammad Amin Badakhshi, the author’s successor in Mecca Mukarrimah. Scribed by one of the disciples of the author by the order of Sh. Badakhshi, undated but complete MS possesses many stamps, especially Sh. Badakhshi, as (اغفراللہم محمد امین بدخشی 1062ھ۔) and some other stamps of (موید دین محمد فاروق 1091ھ) and a stamp by (محمد عوض بن محمد فاروق 1155ھ۔). The MS. was in the possession of Sh. Badakhshi who wrote under his stamp (رحم اللہ من اوصلہ بید الشیخ محمد ایمن بدخشی مکی و اولادہ فی شبیکہ فی حوش امام طبری عندالاغواث) Sh. Badakhshi handed over the MS. to the well-known Naqshbandi Sufi and author of (عطیۃ الوہاب) Sh. Muhammad Baig Burhanpuri Mecci, with this will that this MS. should give to Sh. Burhanpuri then the MS. shifted to the well-known Sufi of the Punjab Kh. Ghulam Muhayuddin Qusuri, who signed over the first folio of the MS.

Beginning: الحمد للہ رب العالمین حمداَ کثیراَ بعدد کمالات ۔۔۔
The author Sh. Adam Banuri was the most prominent disciple of Sh. Ahmad Sirhindi Mujaddid Alfsani who had innumerable followers from Central Asia to Lahore, by afraid of his popularity among the people, the King Shah Jahan (1037-1068/1628-1658) ordered the Sheikh to leave India, so he left for Hermayn Al-Sharifayn in (1051/1641) and settled in Madina Munnawirah, where he died and buried. He wrote many books like Nazm ul Nikat, Nikat ul Asrar, Tafsir Surah Fatiah, Maktubat, Darood Ilhamia and Wazuh ul Muzahib etc.

The present MS. is in two volumes. It has compiled during his first travel of pilgrim in (1035-1037/1625-1628), the both part have many chapters and facets. It deals with Sufi practices and some discussions of various topics of Sufism. The author discussed some very important issues of that time also in Hermayn Al-Sharifayn among the scholars of that time.

Khulasat ul Maarif is very popular books among the Sufis, so many MSS. of it are available in the Libraries of India, Pakistan and other countries, Mr. Rieu has guessed that the author did not wrote its second volume but the present MS. have the both parts. (Catalogue of Persian MSS. of British Museum, vol. (Blanck)

The present MS. is very rare.

For details see:

  1. Badakhshi, Muhammad Amin, Nataij ul Hermayn (life of Sh. Adam) MS. in Library of India office, London (no. Ethe 652)

  2. Kishmi, Muhammad Hashim, Zubdatul Maqamat, pp.228-231

  3. Kamal ud Din Muhammad Ihsan, Rawzat ul Qayyumia, 1/381-82

  4. Ghulam Sarwar Lahori, Khazinat ul Asfia, 2/371-72

  5. Chamkani, Muhammad Umar, Zawahir, MS. Shirani collection, Punjab University Library, Lahore (no. 388)


The same
Size: 21x10.5cm; ff.210; ll.13

Nastaliq (Persian), warm eaten and brittle, red headings, red and blue borders. vol.1.

Beginning: Defective at the both ends.

(صاف المنظۃ و صادق الدیانۃ ہمہ اہمال)

رسالہ المفاضلۃ بین الانسان والکعبہ

Risalah Al-Mufazilah Bayn Al-Insan Wal Kaba

Muhammad Amin Badakhshi


Size: 21x15cm; ff.18; ll.24

Nastaliq (Persian); the quotations are marked by red ink. It is autographed copy stamped by the author. There are some corrections in the same hand writing on the margin. It’s another copy is preserved in Islamic College Library, Peshawar University (no.990).

Beginning: الحمد للہ رب العالمین والصلوۃ والسلام علی خیر خلقہ ۔۔۔
Sh. Badakhshi, the author was a great scholar of Central Asia, India and Mecca Mukarrima. He was follower of Kh. Muhammad Masum Sirhindi the 1079/1669 and the disciple of Sh. Adam Banuri. He entered in the circle of the Sh. in 1051/1642 and travelled with him to Hermayn, where he lived with his Sh. for twenty months and one day. He himself wrote that he lived in Hermayn for fifty years after the death of Sh. (Nataij ul Hermayn, ff.115-116 a.b). He was author of about twenty four books, which are on Sufism and Fiqh. He wrote a separate book on life and teaching of his Sh. Adam Banuri entitled Nataij ul Hermayn, in three volumes, not printed so far but it 3rd volume is translated into Urdu by Dr. Moeen Nizami under the title of Manaqib ul Hazrat. Once he travelled from Mecca to Egypt, where he died and buried, Zawahir f.103A (approximately after 1102/1690).
For some details see:

  1. Tazkirah Ulama Wa Mashaikh Pakistan Wa Hind, 1/851-54

  2. Chamkani, Muhammad Umar, Zawahir MS., Shirani collection, Punjab University Library, Lahore (no.388)

  3. Nizami, Moeen, Manaqib ul Hazrat, the introduction


کرامات آدمیہ



Muhammad Amin Badakhshi

Size: 21x15cm; ff.41; ll.21-25

Nastaliq (Persian); with red headings. It is autographed and stamped by the author with marginal notes by the author.

Beginning: باب اول در بیان بعضی از خوارق عادات حضرت خلیفۃ الزمان ۔۔۔
For the life sketch of the author see MS. no.32A. The present discourse deals with the miracles of the author’s Sh. Adam Banuri. He also gave some aspects about the miracles of the Sufis those are related with the prosperity of Holy Prophet (Mojzat) and in some other facets quoted some rare books and proved that the Sufis miracles are legal. He numerated many miracles of the Sh. although the book is full with miracles collection, but has some biographical aspects also.

This is unique and single copy MS. (no other copy is recorded).

عشق السالکین



Umar Naushahi (c.1193/1779)

Size: 23x12; ff.93; ll.15-16

Nastaliq & Shikasta (Persian versified), brittle and warm eaten. The MS. was compiled in 1193 a.h., and this copy was scribed by Syed Daud Ahmad at Zafarwal, Sialkot, on 14 Rabi-ul-Sani 1268 a.h.

Beginning: حمد بیحد مرثنای بیشمار ہست ذاتِ پاک حق ۔۔۔
The author Sh. Umar Naushahi the follower of Sh. Bakhat Jamal Naushahi, author’s biographical information is not available in the tazkirah of the Persian poets and Sufis of this order. This MS. is folklore of Akhtar Munir and Mahroo’s love story, in the beginning author gave some details of Sufism. The well-known author of Naushahi order copied this MS. in 1398 a.h. which is preserved in his own Library, Lahore.
رسالہ نور توحید

Risalah Noor-i-Tawhid

Size: 22x13.5; ff.18; ll.13

Nastaliq (Persian)

Beginning: الحمد للہ رب العالمین والصلوۃ علی رسول اللہ ۔۔۔
This risalah deals with the philosophy of Wahdatul Wujud, he quoted some saying of the great Sufis in this way, especially the writings of Chisti Sufis. He also discussed the Tanazzalat according to Wahdatul Wujud. It seems that it has written by Kh. Khurd Dehlvi (d.1073/1663).

عین القین



Shah Fakhar ud Din Dehlvi

Size: 22x13.5; ff.2; ll.28-30

Nastaliq (Persian)

Beginning: حمد مرخدای را کہ خود را بخود نمود
This short risalah is about the spiritual progress of the Sufis and their exaltation to the destination of Ayn-ul-Yaqin. The author was a great scholar and Sufi who wrote many books on Sufism,
For details see:

Tarikh Mashaikh-i-Chasht, vol.v/. The present MS. has printed.

رسالہ راز و نیاز

Risalah Raz-o-Niaz

Size: 22x13.5; ff.8; ll.13

Nastaliq (Persian)

Beginning: وجود حضرت حق را ہفت مراتب است اول ۔۔۔
This risalah is about the description of Wahdatul Wujud. The author sported the theories of Sh. Ibn Arabi. He also discussed Ayan-i-Sabitah and barzakh. It comes across that the author was one of the followers Shah Fakhar ud Din Dehlvi.
ملفوظات شریفہ



Kh. Ghulam Muhay-ud-Din Qusuri

Size: 25x15.5cm; ff.28; ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian), red headings, little worm eaten

Beginning: ستایس باعث اَلاف آسایش مرذات صمدیت ۔۔۔
The present MS. is a collection of the sayings of Shah Ghulam Ali Dehlvi Mujaddidi (d.1240/1824). This not only the Malfuzat but have many aspects of socio political conditions of late 18th century also. It was that time when Dehli was occupied by the British, the resident Charles Metcalf once met with Shah Ghulam Ali, the king Akbar Shah Sani and other Rajas of the native states also used to come to Shah Ghulam Ali’s Dargha and some other points of this type are narrated in this collection. The present MS. has some other copies in the libraries of Pakistan like Punjab University Library, Lahore, Ghang Bakhsh Library, Islamabad. (for details see: Fehrist-i-Mushtarik, vol.III, Fehrist Alfabi). This MS. has edited by Muhammad Iqbal Mujaddidi and published.
مکتوبات خواجہ غلام محی الدین قصوری

Maktubat Khawaja Ghulam Muhay-ud-Din Qusuri

Size: 25.5x14; ff.50; ll.17-18

Shikashta (Persian); worm eaten and brittle

Beginning:۔۔۔ الحمد للہ و سلام علی عباد الذین اصطفی
These letters are written by the author himself. This is the collection of letters of very famous scholar & Sufi of the Punjab Kh. Ghulam Muhay-ud-Din Qusuri, addressed to Mulvi Ghulam Muhammad of Murali (D.I.Khan), some of letters are personal type but others have the discussions of Sufi affairs like muraqiba (meditation), ta’ayunat and tanazzulat. Another copy of the MS. is in the Library of Sh. Abdullah Jaan, Peshawar (for details see: the rot graphs section of the present catalogue).
مکتوبات خواجہ غلام محی الدین قصوری

Maktubat Khawaja Ghulam Muhay-ud-Din Qusuri


Kh. Ghulam Nabi Lillahi

Size: 19x13; ff.45; ll.9

Nastaliq (Persian); Scribed by Fazal Hussain 15 Rajab, 1293 a.h.

Beginning: بعد از ابداع بدائع محامد تحیات الہی ۔۔۔
The present collections of the letters are compiled by the writer’s follower Kh. Lillahi who was also a scholar and Sufi. These letters are addressed to various disciples of the writer have some discussion on Fiqh and some burning issues of the British period. The author also informed some important theories of Sufism.
مکاتیب مولانا غلام مرتضی بیربلوی

Makatib Maulana Ghulam Murtiza Birbalvi


Ghulam Murtiza Birbalvi, Maulana (c.13/19)

Size: ff.8 folding; ll.8-12

Shikashta (Persian); written by the writer himself

Beginning: بجناب فیضماب قیوم ربانی محبوب سبحانی ۔۔۔
The writer was a great scholar of the Panjab, Sufi and disciple of Kh. Ghulam Mahay ud Din Qusuri. These letters are address to Kh. Ghulam Nabi Lillahi, the author discussed some personal affair and difficulties of Sufism. This is rare and unique collection no other copy is seen.
For some details see:

Tazkirah-i-Ulama wa Mashaikh Pakistan wa Hind, II/1042


لوامع الاشراق



Jalal-ud-Din Muhammad Dawwani

Size: 20x12.7; ff.74; ll.16

Nastaliq (Persian); Red borders & headings, red pauses, worm eaten & damaged. (damaged at the both ends)

Beginning: وجہ امارات بر استحکام قواعد این دولت قاہرہ ۔۔۔
The author was a well-known scholar of a Central Asia his book is under the title of Akhlaq-i-Jalali has been published repeatedly. (see for the details: Fehritwarih Kitabhai Farsi, 6/583).


Abdullah Waiz Multani (c.12/18)
Size: 20.5x14cm; ff.18. ll.13

Nashtaliq Shikasta (Persian)

Beginning: الحمد للہ رب العالمین الذی خلقنی ۔۔۔
The author of MS. lived in the reign of Farrukh Sayyer (1124-1131/1713-1719). He was a scholar, Sufi and was in the royal service, became the chief organizer of the Mosque of Shah Jahan, he was bitter anomy of the Shiat sect. He was also a friend of Nawwab Khan-i-Dauran. The present MS. deals with Sufism and some of its difficulties discussed also.
For details see:

  1. Khawfi Khan, Muntakhab-ul-Lubab, 2/758-760

  2. Abdul Hay Hasni, Nuzhatul Khawatir, 6/168


رسالہ در عشق

Risalah Dar Ishq

Size: 19.7x13.5cm; ff.25; ll.21

Nastaliq (Persian); quotations are marked red

Beginning: اللہ لا الہ الا ہو و درود بیحد ۔۔۔
This short treaty is about Zat-i-Shuhood and other discussions on the same topic. The author also discussed other points with the references of Quran and Sunnah. The author did not write against the theory of Wahdatul Wujood.
مکاتیب میاں عبدالخالق

Makatib Mian Abdul Khaliq

Size: 21.5x14.5cm; ff.41. ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian)

Beginning: با اکثر اعزہ این طایفہ صحبت داشت و کتابہاء صوفیہ را نیز بسیاری دیدہ شد ۔۔۔
This is a collection of Mian Abdul Khaliq and some other persons like Syed Abdur Rehman, Haji Abdul Karim and Muhammad Fazil, on the discussion of some Fiqh and Sufi matters of their own time. It appears from the text that it was in 12/18 century Persian prose.
مجمع الاسرار



Bahadur Shah Qadri Bhakri

Size: 19.5x12; ff.228. ll.14

Nastaliq (Persian); Red headings lines & pauses, worm eaten & brittle. Scribed by Farzand Ali.

Beginning: دولت محرم راز اہل یقین برادر دینی خواجہ قطب الدین ۔۔۔
The authors Syed Bahadur Shah Qadri Bhakri bin Syed Mir Shah Hussani, compiled in 1229/1813. The MS. have few facets on Tariqah Qadri, Ism-i-Zat, Pas-i-Anfas and various shajrahs of the Sufis, gemological tables of the author is also is mentioned in it. It’s another MS. is in the National Museum, Karachi.
For some details see:

  1. Fehrist Nuskha Hai Khati-i-Farsi Mauza-i-Milli, p.264

  2. Fehrist Mushtrik, 3/1868


The Same
Size: 18x13; ff.210; ll.13-14

Nastaliq (Persian); Red headings, and pauses brittle & worm eaten. Scribed by Daud Ahmad on 1243 a.h.



Farzand Ali Sialkoti (c.13/19)
Szie: 20.5x15cm; ff.81; ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian); worm eaten, brittle, red pauses and headings

Beginning: اگر منکر نبوت نۂ باخطرات جزبتعظیم ۔۔۔
The author Mian Farzand Ali disciple of Sh. Bahadur Shah Qadri Bhakri (d.1274/1857-58) was lived in his Khanqah in Zafarwal, Sialkot. He was a prominent Sufi of the Panjab have many followers someone had compiled his biography which is preserved in town Zafarwal.

The MS. is rare and unique, no other copy in the record.

مجالس فرزند علی سیالکوٹی

Majalis Farzand Ali Sialkoti

Size: 25.5x15cm; ff.8+2; ll.13

Nastaliq & Shikashta (Persian); brittle, worm eaten, hand make paper

Beginning: حمدی کہ از عنایت الہی برزبان عارفان ۔۔۔
The MS. consists of sayings of Mian Sh. Farzand Ali Sialkoti with genealogical table of Naushahi family. The discussions of these Majalis are about Fiqh and Sufism, a rare MS.
مبداء الجہان



Ghani Alsufi (c.10/16)

Size: 21.5x12.5cm; ff.16; ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian); worm eaten, brittle.

Scribed by: Ghulam Qadir bin Syed Farzand Ali Sialkoti on 12 Jamadi-ul-Sani, 1270 a.h.
Beginning: حمد و سپاس مر حضرت باری را ۔۔۔
The MS. matter is based on Sh. Ghani Alsufi who was disciple of Sh. Bahauddin Zakriya Multani. The MS. has four facets, it deals with Hazrat Adam and his descent from heaven to earth and the difficulties faced in this way. It is a rare MS.


حسنات العارفین



Dara Shikuh

Size: 25.5x15.5cm; ff.13; ll.13

Nastaliq (Persian), worm eaten & brittle. Names are underlined.

Beginning: احدی راست حمد بیحد کہ حمد و حامد و محمود است ۔۔۔
The author, Prince Dara Shikuh was a well-known son of the king Shah Jahan. He wrote many books on Sufism, in this risalah he collected the Shathiyat (monkish ways) of the Sufis and there explanations with the examples of the Sufis. The text has been printed from India and Iran.
سراج السالکین



Siraj-ud-Din Abdullah

Size: 30x18cm; ff.82; ll.21

Nastaliq (Persian); worm eaten, red headings and under line important points; some important tables.

Scribe:1224 a.h.
Beginning: الحمد للہ الذی خلق الخلق اظہار القدرتہ ۔۔۔
The author belonged to the Shattari order have some other books on Sufism like Asrar-ul-Dawat and Risalah-i-Irfani, his father Kamal-ud-din Behlol lived in the town Sandela. His collection of malfuzat compiled by Qutb-ud-Din Nur-ud-Din Shattari under the title of Majalis-ul-Abrar (998-1010/1589-1601), the MS. is in the Library of Sh. Hashim Jaan Sirhindi of Tandoo Sain Dad, Sindh.

Siraj-ul-Salikin deals with the affairs of Sufism especially of the Shattari order, the practices of this order collected by Shah Muhamamd Ghaus Gawaliari under the title Jawahir-i-Khamsa, but the author of Siraj-ul-Salikin explained with at many places in his book and gave many details of these points.

For some details see:

  1. Ghausi, Gulzar-i-Abrar, p.

  2. Qutb-ud-Din Shattari, Majalis-ul-Abrar, MS.

  3. Monzavi, Ahmad, Fehrist-i-Mushtarik, 3/1254, 1322, 1491, 1546-47


بیاض خانقاہ سید فرزند علی سیالکوٹی

Biyaz Khanqah Syed Farzand Ali Sialkoti

Size: 26x16.5cm; ff.23; ll.18

Shikashta (Persian); damaged & worm eaten

Beginning: حساب یادداشت سال 28 شوال 1276ھ۔ ۔۔۔
This biyaz is a record of the Khanqah Syed Farzand Ali Qadri Sialkoti, have the details of expenses and income, list of the followers, chronogram for the dates of death of the people attached to Khanqah, there is a notable chronogram for the date of death of Syed Farzand Ali Qadri and his short biographical information.

This is a rare and unique MS. for the history of Sufism in the Panjab.

مسائل تصوف




Size: 23.5x15cm; ff.118; ll.14

Nastaliq (Persian); red headings, worm eaten and damaged

Beginning: بعد حمد و ثنای ذات مطلق کہ ۔۔۔
The author biographical information in not known, he lived in 12/18th century in India. The MS. is about some lengthy discussion on Sufism and Fiqh, quoting some verses of the known Persian poet. He discussed at many places a Sufi stage Fina, Baqa, Maqam-i-Mahmood etc.

مکتوبات قاضی ثناء اللہ پانی پتی

Maktubat Qazi Sanaullah Panipati


Qazi Sanaullah Panipati

Size: 21.5x15.5cm; ff.18; ll.15

Nastaliq (Arabic & Persian); defective from the beginning, with red headings and references, water spotted

Beginning: defective
For the biographical detail of the author see MS. No.113. The Qazi addressed these letters to some of his contemporary scholars and discussed many burning issues of Fiqh but their names are not found in the MS.

No other MS. is recorded.

فوائد السالکین



Farid-ud-Din Masood Ganj-i-Shakar

Size: 21x14cm; ff.10; ll.12

Nastaliq (Persian); red headings, worm eaten & brittle

Beginning: defective
It is a collection of the malfuzat of Kh. Mueen-ud-Din Chishti Ajmiri (d.633/1225), but it is attributed to the author. It has been printed reputed.
مصابیح العارفین



Abdul Karim Chishti Lahori

Size: 22x15; ff.12; ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian), worm eaten & brittle

Defective at the end.
Beginning: الحمد للہ الذی ۔۔۔
The author was a great Sufi of the Chishti order; he compiled Sharah Sharah-i-Fusus-ul-Hikam, Asrar-i-Ajiba and Risalah Masla-i-Hadith. The present MS. deals with the practices of the Sufis the Chishti order especially.
For some details see:

  1. Ghulam Sarwar Lahori, Khazinatul Asfia, 1/470-71

  2. Ghulam Sarwar Lahori, Hadiqatul Awliya, pp.91-92

  3. Rehman Ali, Tazkirah Ulama-i-Hind, p.320

  4. Abdul Hai Hassani, Nuzhatul Khawatir, 5/443

  5. Zahoor-ud-Din Ahmad, Pakistan Main Farsi Adab, 2/282-85


مرآۃ الحقائق



Abdul Rehman bin Abdur Rasool Abbasi Chishti

Size: 17x11.5cm; ff.7. ll.13

Nastaliq (Persian); Brittle, red headings, one important stamp

Beginning: ہوالاول ہوالآخر ہوالظاہر ہوالباطن ۔۔۔
The author was a well-known Sufi of Chishti order he compiled many books but Mirat-ul-Asrar is most famous tazkira. A sufi of the Shattari order translated Gita into Persian, named, Jog but well-known Kashf-ul-Suluk. It deals with the Hindu Philosophy of Wahdatul Wujud.

The MS. is not yet printed so far.

For some details see:

Zahoor-ud-Din Ahmad, Pakistan Main Farsi Adab, 2/282

ارشاد العاشقین



Muhammad Raza Shattari Lahori

Size: 29.5x19.5cm; ll.21; worm eaten and vacuum packed and water spotted. Defective at the both ends.
Beginning: defective
The author was a Sufi of Shattari order lived in Lahore, he completed in present book in Akbar Nagar 1068/1657. He was Qazi of Lahore in the reign of Aurangzeb. For some details see the Rot graph in the present catalogue.
گنج الاسرار


Size: 20x12.5cm; ff.22; ll.13

Nastaliq (Persian); worm eaten, water spotted and damaged

Beginning: الحمد للہ رب العالمین الصلوۃ والسلام علی ۔۔۔
Someone who did not give his name in the beginning of MS. compiled it in four facets about the heart of the man, in the way of the Sufis. He quoted from Quran and Sunnah and narrated some sayings of the scholars and Sufis.
معالی الہمم



Junaid Baghdadi, Sheikh (fabricated)

Size: 17.5x10.7; ff.30; ll.13

Naskh (Arabic), red headings

Beginning: الحمد للہ الذی اعلی ھمم اصفیایہ الی وصالہ ۔۔۔
It deals with the practices of the Sufis, but no one old tazkirah of the Sufis have its reference, so it is fabricated to the Sheikh.
اوراد و وظائف مسنونہ

Awrad Wa Wazaif Masnuna

Size: 17.5x10cm; ff.35; ll.9

Naskh & Nastaliq (Arabic & Persian); worm eaten; red inter linear translation of Arabic text in Persian

Beginning: defective
It is collection of daily practices for the Muslims during the prayers.
وظائف مسنونہ


Size: 18x11; ff.16; ll.7

Naskh (Arabic); red borders with some notes

Beginning: سقانی الحب کاسات الوصال ۔۔۔
These are some Awrad for daily practices for the Muslims.
نکاتِ تصوف


Size: 21x13.5cm; ff.27; ll.9

Nastaliq (Persian); worm eaten and damaged

Beginning: حمد خدای را کہ چشم میم حمدش ۔۔۔
The author’s name is not mentioned in the text, there are many headings called Nukta, so the MS. is titled, Nikat.
رسالہ مراقبات

Risalah Muraqibat

Size: 15.5x10.5cm; ff.6; ll.11

Nastaliq (Persian); brittle and red headings, defective at the both ends

Beginning: defective
The author described 44 Muraqibat (meditations) of the practice for the Sufis. Some details of the terms of Sufism are also given.

اسناد وظائف


Size: 17.5x11cm; ff.16; ll.11

Nastaliq (Persian); worm eaten, brittle and water spotted

Beginning: غسل دہد و خود نیز گسل کنند در خانہ ویرا ۔۔۔
The author collected the certificates for the Awrad and the traditions by the Sufis. He also narrated some examples and quoted Quran and Sunnah.

رسائل شاہ ابوالمعالی لاہوری

Rasail Shah Abul-ul-Maali Lahori

Shah Abul-ul-Maali Lahori


Size: 19.5x11.5cm; ff.106; ll.21

Nastaliq (Persian); worm eaten and brittle, headings and pauses are red

Beginning: گلدستہ کہ بربستہ ام از گلشن راز ۔۔۔
The author Shah Abul-ul-Maali Lahori was a well-known Sufi of Qadri order, disciple of Sh. Daud Kirmani Shergari. He had compiled many books on Sufism and was a Persian poet, with Ghurbati takhalus, there is a MS. copy of Diwn in the Panjab University Library. The present MS. is a collection of his short discourses on Sufism:

  1. Guldasta-i-Bagh Iram, it is in not and Manaqib of Holy Prophet (pbuh) and some Nasaih.

  2. Thufatul Qadria, it is a collection of some biographical information and miricles of Sh. Abdul Qadir Jilani Gaus-i-Azam.

  3. Sherah-i-Yazda Bait, it is a commentary on the well-known 11 verses of Sufism

  4. Sherah-i-Bazi Kalimat Dar Manaqib-i-Gaus-i-Azam

Some of his rasail are in Ganj Bakhsh Library, Islamabd and Punjab University Library, Lahore. (see: Fehrist-i-Mushtarik, 3/1338, 1672 4/2393, 2502 etc.


ملفوظات مولانا لطف اللہ

Malfuzat Maulana Lutfullah


Abdullah (c.12/18)

Size: 20x15cm; Fragment from MS; ff.11; ll.17

Nastaliq (Persian); brittle and worm eaten

Beginning: بیان سنن رواتب حضرت رسالت پناہ ﷺ ۔۔۔
The present MS. is a collection of the sayings of a scholar and Sufi Maulana Sh. Lutfullah perhaps beloned to Kashmir his biographical information is not known to us.
یوگ بشسٹ

Yog Bashist

Size: 17.5x11.5cm; ff.11. ll.14

Nastaliq (Persian); worm eaten; damaged badly

Beginning: آگاہ بحرباش بین النفیس حضرت محمد نبی ۔۔۔
The author’s name is not appeared in beginning of the MS. due to defective, the translated dedicated to the king Nur-ud-Din Jahangir (1014-1037/1605-1628). Prince Dara Shikoh translated its Sanskrit text into Persian but it is different then it.

For some details see the introduction of Mr. Abdi on Persian translation of the same book by Dara.

مفتاح الجنان

Miftahul Janan


Muhammad Jafar bin Muhammad Taqi Majlasi

Size: 24.5x17cm; ff.110; ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian); water spotted, worm eaten; defective from beginning

Beginning: defective
The MS. is deals with preaching and collection of some stories. The MS. is printed in Bombay 1318 a.h.
For some details see:

Naushahi, Arif, Kitab Shanashi Aasar-i-Farsi, 1/777

رسالہ تصوف


Size: 20.5x12.5cm; ff.8; ll.13

Nastaliq (Versified Persian)

Beginning: بکویم حمد رب العالمین را ۔۔۔
The MS. is simple stories of ethical events and some aspects of Sufism. It is compiled for preaching.
شرح پند نامہ

Sherah Pand Namah

Size: 23x14.5cm; ff.32; ll.25

Naskh Shikashta (Persian); some red headings; water spotted and damaged

Beginning: حمد بیحد مرخدایٔ پاک را ۔۔۔
This is well-known MS. is Persian course Pand Namah by Saadi Shirazi, but the commentator name is not mentioned due to its defective at the end.
مکتوبات امام ربانی

Maktubat Imam-i-Rabbani


Ahmad Sirhindi Mujaddid Alf-i-Sani

Size: 22x16cm; ll.15

Nastaliq (Persian); some headings are red; defective at the both ends

Beginning: defective
This is the collection of the letters of Sh. Ahmad Sirhindi Mujaddid Alf-i-Sani and printed repeatedly.
تحفہ نصائح



Yusuf Ghada, Sheikh (c.795/1392)

Size: 19.5x12.5cm; ff.22; ll.12

Nastaliq (Versified Persian); red borders and headings; worm eaten and damaged; defective from the beginning

Scribed by; Hafiz Muhammad Yar bin Hafiz Ahmad at Batala, Emanabad on 3 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1199 a.h. by the order of Mir Syed Muhammad Khujandi Emanabadi.
Beginning: defective
It is a collection of verses in the style of Sufis. The author was a Sufi of the Sultanate period of Muslim India.

The book is popular and printed repeatedly.

عدیم النظیر



Muhammad Sharif Shattari

Size: ff.108; ll.19

Nastaliq (Persian), red headings; worm eaten and brittle

Beginning: حمد خدایٔ را کہ چشمہ میم حمدش دریای است درجہ کمال کرم ۔۔۔
The present work deals with the Sufism, especially Shattari order, the author coated many verses of some of known poets and stories of ethics. Every new item begins the word (nukta). Authors biographical information is not known to us.
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