Children infectious diseases

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What prognosis is the most likely in a patient with Simanovsky Vincent tonsillitis?

    1. *Recovery

    2. The development of sepsis

    3. Bleeding from the tonsils

    4. The development of polyneuritis, myocarditis

    5. The development of glomerulonephritis

  1. What result of pharyngeal mucus laboratory examination is the most likely in a patient with Simanovsky Vincent tonsillitis?

      1. *Fuzo-spirochetes

      2. Toxigenic diphtheria bacteria

      3. Diphtheroid

      4. Coccal bacteria

      5. Fungi

  1. What statement is not correct for scarlet fever?

      1. *The rash appears on 3rd-4th days of illness

      2. Index of contagiousness is 0,4

      3. The household route of infection is possible

      4. Desquamation has a lamellar character

      5. Complications can be bacterial and allergic

  1. What statement is not correct for scarlet fever?

      1. *The source of infection is only patient with scarlet fever

      2. The incubation period is less than 7 days

      3. The disease occurs more often in mild form

      4. Complications are relatively rare

      5. Immunity after previous infection is now often unstable

  1. What symptom is not typical for scarlet fever?

      1. „goose skin" symptom

      2. Filatov's symptom

      3. „strawberry" tongue

      4. Pastia's symptom

      5. *„socks" and „gloves" symptom

  1. What external conditions will the virus of measles be stable?

      1. High temperature

      2. Sunlight

      3. Ultraviolet irradiation

      4. Drying

      5. *Freezing

  1. What the radiological changes in the lungs are typical for whooping cough?

      1. *Emphysema, segmental or lobar atelectasis

      2. Emphysema, infiltrative changes

      3. Migratory eosinophilic infiltrates

      4. Increased vascular pattern

      5. Dilated roots

  1. What swelling consistency is typical for mumps?

      1. *Doughy

      2. Cartilaginous

      3. Firm

      4. Fluctuating

      5. Nodular

  1. What is the treatment in case of varicella keratoconjunctivitis?

      1. 2% chloramphenicol ointment

      2. 1% tetracycline ointment

      3. drops „Tobradex"

      4. *ointment „Zovirax" and 20% solution of Na sulfacilici

      5. 20% of Na sulfacilici solution and 1% tetracycline ointment

  1. What treatment should be start to a patient with perytonsillitis first of all?

      1. *Surgery

      2. Corticosteroids

      3. Antibiotics penicillins

      4. Antidiphtheritic serum

      5. Local treatment

  1. What treatment should be start without delay to a patient with diphtheria?

      1. *Antidiphtheritic serum

      2. Broad-spectrum antibiotics

      3. Antifungal drugs

      4. Corticosteroids

      5. Surgical intervention

  1. When is it possible to visit the organized child's establishment after scarlet fever?

      1. on 6th day from the disease beginning

      2. on 10th day from the from the disease beginning

      3. on 15th day from the disease beginning

      4. *on 22nd day from the disease beginning

      5. on 30th day from the disease beginning

  1. Which of the following complications is the least possible in scarlet fever?

      1. *Pyelonephritis

      2. Sinusitis

      3. Otitis

      4. Lymphadenitis

      5. Arthritis

  1. Which of the following determines the development of "scarlet fever heart" second phase?

      1. *Vagotony

      2. Toxic damage of cardiomyocytes

      3. Dysfunction of the chordal apparatus

      4. Inflammatory changes in the myocardium

      5. Sympathicotony

  1. Which of the following diseases is most likely accompanied by lesions of the pancreas?

      1. *Mumps

      2. Influenza A

      3. Colibacteriosis

      4. Dysentery

      5. Infectious mononucleosis

  1. Which of the following does not apply to the manifestation of mumps?

      1. *Neuritis of the auditory nerve

      2. Pancreatitis

      3. Orchitis

      4. Meningitis

      5. Meningoencephalitis

  1. Which of the following is appropriate for treatment of Simanovsky Vincent tonsillitis?

      1. *Local treatment

      2. Antidiphtheritic serum

      3. Oral wide spectrum antibiotics

      4. Intramuscular penicillin

      5. Antifungal drugs

  1. Which of the following is appropriate to a patient with tonsillar diphtheria (toxic, II degree), complicated by myocarditis?

      1. *Strict bed rest, corticosteroids

      2. Broad spectrum antibiotics

      3. Oral rehydration

      4. Surgery

      5. Diet № 5

  1. Which of the following is best to do in a presumptive diagnosis of toxic tonsillar diphtheria?

      1. *Hospitalization without the prior laboratory examination

      2. Pharynx and nose swab bacteriologic test for the diphtheria bacillus

      3. Microscopy of material from the pharynx

      4. Serologic tests for infectious mononucleosis

      5. ENT-doctor consultation

  1. Which of the following is not typical for chickenpox?

      1. Specific immunoglobulin is injected to prevent the disease for all children up to 3 months

      2. Possible complications are associated with the CNS lesions - Encephalitis

      3. Pyoderma is the most frequent complication in children

      4. The disease may have an adverse outcome in a child with leukemia, particularly during chemotherapy

      5. *Generalized form of neonatal varicella is rare

  1. Which of the following is the leading in asymptomatic mumps diagnosis?

      1. *Immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of specific antibodies of IgM detection

      2. ELISA specific antibodies IgG detection

      3. Complete blood count

      4. Hemagglutination test in paired sera

      5. None of the above

  1. Which of the following is the most expedient to appoint for a child with Lacunar tonsillitis?

      1. *Antibiotics penicillins

      2. Sulfonamide

      3. Antidiphtheritic serum

      4. Local treatment

      5. Antifungal medication

  1. Which of the following must be done for the toxigenic diphtheria carriers?

      1. *antibiotic therapy (macrolides)

      2. antidiphtheritic serum injection

      3. unscheduled vaccination against diphtheria

      4. immunostimulants orally

      5. Repeat bacteriological examination in 7-10 days without any treatment

  1. Which of the following should be considered first of all when choosing a method of a chicken pox patient isolation?

      1. *The causative agent is distributed with an air in adjacent rooms

      2. The patient is contagious for 8 days

      3. The causative agent is quickly perish in the environment

      4. It is not transmitted through a third person

      5. Infection is not transmitted through toys and care facilities

  1. Which of the following is a symptom of mumps (together with increased parotid glands)?

      1. *Pain while chewing

      2. Cough

      3. Conjunctivitis

      4. Enanthema on the soft palate

      5. Maculopapular rash

  1. Why the isolated diphtheria croup has no toxic forms?

      1. *Fibrinous membrane is easily separated from the mucosa that is covered with single-layered columnar epithelium

      2. In the development of diphtheritic croup, mainly nontoxigenic diphtheria bacilli play the role

      3. Diphtheria croup is more common in vaccinated children of 1-5 years, when still antitoxic immunity is high

      4. Croup is caused by a specific type of pathogen that does not cause toxic forms of diphtheria

      5. Croup, unlike tonsillar diphtheria, develops usually in children with a mature immune system

  1. Indicate preventive measures in the focus of enteroviral infection:

      1. *Hospitalization of patients, isolation of contacts to 14 days, current disinfection

      2. Supervision after patients and contacts, final disinfection

      3. Hospitalization of sick and contacts to 10 days, current disinfection

      4. The supervision after patients, isolation of contacts on 7 days, final disinfection

      5. Supervision after patients and contacts, giving them interferon

  1. What is the agent of acute poliomyelitis?

      1. *Virus of Poliovirus hominis

      2. The ECHO virus

      3. The Polimixovirus

      4. Bacteria

      5. Mixed infection

  1. What is the most frequent form of encephalitic reaction at a child of 5 years are:

      1. Cramps

      2. *Delirium

      3. Violation of consciousness

      4. Violation of CSF dynamics

      5. Sopor

  1. Characteristic features of head ache at meningococcal meningitis are

      1. *Head ache has spread character, increases at the sound and light irritations, head movements

      2. Head ache has local character, increases at the tactile irritations

      3. Head ache has spread character, increases at the turns of head

      4. Head ache has local character, increases at the turns of head

      5. Head ache has local character, does not depend on position of body

  1. Characteristic features of muscle pain at epidemic myalgia (enteroviral infection) are:

      1. *Pain is sharp, paroxysmal, arises up by the attacks, increases at a cough, motions

      2. Pain is permanent, aching, is localized mainly in extremities

      3. Pain is periodic, paroxysmal, arise up spontaneously

      4. Pain is permanent, not intensive; diminish after the easy physical loading

      5. Pain is permanent, holding apart character, increases at the change of position

  1. Choose the most characteristic features of paralysis in poliomyelitis:

      1. *Asymmetrical.

      2. Distal.

      3. Hypertension of muscles.

      4. Hyperrephlexia.

      5. Violation of sensitivity.

  1. Choose the most characteristic features of paralysis in poliomyelitis:

      1. *Absence of rephlexes.

      2. Symmetrical

      3. Distal.

      4. Hypertension of muscles.

      5. Violation of sensitivity.

  1. Choose the most characteristic features of paralysis in poliomyelitis:

      1. *Hypotonia of muscles.

      2. Hyperrephlexia.

      3. Symmetrical.

      4. Distal.

      5. Violation of sensitivity.

  1. Choose the most characteristic features of paralysis in poliomyelitis:

      1. *Sensitivity is normal.

      2. Distal.

      3. Symmetrical.

      4. Hypertension muscles.

      5. Hyperrephlexia.

  1. Clinical signs of paralytic form of enteroviral infection are:

      1. *The common state is satisfactory; a temperature is normal, languid monoparesis of extremities, weakness of muscles of buttocks, thigh, and mimic muscles

      2. The common state is broken, febrile temperature, monoparesis of extremities, weakness of mimic muscles

      3. The common state is satisfactory, subfebrile temperature, languid tetraparesis. Muscular tone and reflexes are increased.

      4. The common state is broken, subfebrile temperature, languid tetraparesis. Muscular tone and reflexes are increased.

      5. Common state is satisfactory, febrile temperature, languid monoparesis. Muscular tone and reflexes are reduced.

  1. Define the meningitis criteria in infants:

      1. *Bulging fontanel.

      2. Kerning’s Symptom.

      3. Single vomiting.

      4. Paralysis.

      5. Confusion.

  1. Define the meningitis criteria in infants:

      1. *Cramps.

      2. Kerning’s Symptom.

      3. Nausea.

      4. Paralysis.

      5. Loss of consciousness.

  1. Define the meningitis criteria in infants:

      1. *Repeated vomiting.

      2. Kerning’s Symptom.

      3. Sunken fontanel.

      4. Paresis.

      5. Hallucinations.

  1. Define the meningitis criteria in infants:

      1. *All the enumerated

      2. Convulsions.

      3. Bulging fontanel.

      4. Repeated vomiting.

      5. Tilting the head.

  1. Diagnostic value for acute poliomyelitis have different methods of investigation, except:

      1. *Electroencephalography

      2. Virologic

      3. Serological

      4. CSF Investigations

      5. Electromyography

  1. Enter the starting antibiotic that should be given for purulent meningitis of unknown etiology:

      1. *Penicillin.

      2. Chloramphenicol.

      3. Cefotaxim.

      4. Kanamycin.

      5. Azithromycin.

  1. Enter the starting antibiotic that should be given for purulent meningitis of unknown etiology:

      1. *Ampicillin.

      2. Chloramphenicol.

      3. Ceftriaxon.

      4. Ciprofloxacin.

      5. Streptomycin.

  1. Etiologic diagnostics of purulent meningitis is based on:

      1. Features of clinical picture

      2. *CSF culture

      3. CSF clinical test

      4. Features of clinical duration

      5. Computer tomogram

  1. For confirmation of enteroviral infection it is needed to do:

      1. *Virology research of nasopharyngeal smears, feces, CSF and complement binding reaction with paired sera

      2. Virology research of nasopharyngeal smears, urine, CSF and complement binding reaction with paired sera

      3. Virology research of nasopharyngeal smears, feces, CSF and indirect hemagglutination reaction

      4. Virology research of urine, feces, CSF and bacteriological research of feces

      5. Virology research of nasopharyngeal smears, feces, urine and reaction of indirect fluorescence

  1. For serous meningitis at mumps is typical all, except:

      1. Expressed headache

      2. Frequent vomit

      3. High CSF pressure

      4. *Neutrophilic pleocytosis in CSF

      5. Raised level of protein

  1. For terminal period of tubercular meningitis is typical:

      1. Expressed meningeal symptoms

      2. Marasmus

      3. Paralyses of extremities

      4. Infants have hydrocephalus

      5. *All enumerated is right

  1. For ventriculitis at purulent meningitis is characteristically all, except for:

      1. Occurs in the period of convalescence

      2. Tonic-clonic cramps

      3. Unbending poses of extremities

      4. Nuchal rigidity

      5. *Hypotonia

  1. For which viral infection meningeal syndrome is the most typical?

      1. *Enteroviral infection.

      2. Parainfluenza.

      3. Adenovirus infection.

      4. Rhinovirus infection.

      5. Rotavirus

  1. For which viral infection meningeal syndrome is the most typical?

      1. *Influenza.

      2. Parainfluenza.

      3. Reovirus infection

      4. Rhinovirus infection.

      5. Astrovirus infection

  1. Give definition of poliomyelitis.

      1. *Acute infectious disease which is characterized by the toxic signs and CNS damage by the type of languid paralyses.

      2. Acute viral disease which is characterized by the toxic signs and the damage of the nervous system

      3. Acute infectious disease which is characterized by the common signs and CNS damage by the type of spastic paralyses.

      4. Acute viral-bacterial disease which is characterized by the toxic signs and CNS damage

      5. Acute infectious disease which is characterized by the heart and CNS damage by the type of languid paralyses.

  1. Herpangina in children (agent - Coxsackie B viruses) is characterized by the appearance of small vesicles surrounded by a red circle on the mucous membranes with subsequent formation of fast healing erosions. Usually the vesicles appear in all sites, except:

      1. *Cheek mucosa

      2. Soft palate

      3. Uvula

      4. Palatal arches

      5. Posterior pharyngeal wall

  1. In acute paralytic poliomyelitis virus mainly affects:

      1. *The anterior horns of the spinal cord

      2. Cortex

      3. Cerebellum

      4. Pia mater

      5. Posterior horns of the spinal cord

  1. Indicate an express method of Meningococcemia diagnostics.

      1. *bacterioscopy of the "thick drop" of blood

      2. blood culture

      3. immune-fluorescent method

      4. serological investigation of paired sera

      5. indirect hemagglutination reaction

  1. Indicate antibacterial medicine for treatment of Meningococcal nasopharyngitis.

      1. *rifampicin or macrolides

      2. semisynthetic penicillins

      3. gentamicin or offloading

      4. macrolides or azithromycin

      5. azithromycin or gentamicin

  1. Indicate multiplicity of benzylpenicillin introduction per day to the child of 3 months with meningococcal meningitis.

      1. 4 times

      2. 6 times

      3. *8 times

      4. 10 times

      5. 12 times

  1. Indicate multiplicity of benzylpenicillin introduction per day to the child of 10 months with meningococcal meningitis.

      1. 4 times

      2. *6 times

      3. 8 times

      4. 10 times

      5. 12 times

  1. Indicate multiplicity of cefotaxim introduction per day to the child of 6 months with meningococcal meningitis.

      1. 1 time

      2. 2 times

      3. *4 times

      4. 6 times

      5. 8 times

  1. Indicate multiplicity of ceftriaxon introduction per day to the child of 1 year with meningococcal meningitis.

      1. 1 time

      2. *2 times

      3. 3 times

      4. 4 times

      5. 5 times

  1. Indicate multiplicity of chloramphenicol introduction per day to the child of 6 years with meningococcal meningitis.

      1. 2 times

      2. 3 times

      3. *4 times

      4. 5 times

      5. 6 times

  1. Indicate the clinical diagnostic criteria of poliomyelitis:

      1. *Languid paralyses of especially lower extremities that had appeared after the period of hyperthermia

      2. Presence of hemiparesis and hyperpyrexia

      3. Appearance of spastic palsies after a catarrhal period

      4. Spontaneous appearance of languid paralyses

      5. Appearance of tetraparesis after the protracted fever

  1. Indicate the daily dose of benzylpenicillin to the child of 2 months with meningococcal meningitis:

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