I. Call to Order & Roll Call

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West Valley College Academic Senate

Approved Minutes

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Academic Senate Office, Ext. #2075
I. Call to Order & Roll Call

President Bangle called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.







Andrews (Ext. 2534) At-Lge/SS


Harris (Ext. 3750) LA


Bangle (Ext. 2476) Pres/StudServ


Kelly (Ext. 2546) SocSci


Benkoski (Ext. ( 4052) Math


Mathieson (Ext. 4635) AAS


Bowers-Gachesa (Ext.4003) PE


Ortega (Ext. 2465) ESL)


Farrell (Ext. 2490) LA/CS


Pavan (Ext. 2441 )Student Serv.


Ghodrat (Ext. 2442) Business


Reiss (Ext. 2533) Fine Arts


Hackworth (Ext.2562) Science


Sandoval (Ext. 2479) Lib/LATC


Guests: J. Hendrickson, J. MacKay, M. Herauf



Guests: C. Pinet, M. Renzi, D. Gray, D. Fishbaugh,



II. Order of the Agenda

The order of the agenda was approved with the understanding that changes will be made to accommodate guests. (M/S/U – Kelly/Andrews)

III. Oral Communication from the Public

IV. Information & Announcements

Celine Pinet announced that she sent out an email regarding the due date for Instructional Program Review (October 27, 2008). Celine also distributed a document titled “07-08 Program Review Resources Requests; Instructional Programs” and asked the Senators to discuss these summaries of resource requests it with their constituents.  Celine stated that last year was a testing year with these summaries. Program Review information will be folded into the E&FMP documentation ongoing this Fall.” EFMP Program Review summaries are coming; Celine stated that this is a testing year and EFMP is folded a lot of program review information into the document.

President Angelica Bangle reminded the Senators to market the West Valley College transfer agreement process. WVC has a transfer agreement with seven other universities. President Bangle informed the Senate to send interested students to the counseling center.

V. Administrative Business/Actions/Announcements

A. Curriculum Committee

B. Accreditation

C. Program Review

D. Student Learning Outcomes

E. Faculty Hiring

F. Committee Appointments

G. Professional Development

H. President’s Report

  • Board of Trustees Meeting:

President Bangle spoke on the recent need for a police officer replacement. President Bangle supports the Board in its scrutinizing of whether the needs assessment and shared governance policies are in place. She also supports replacing a police officer because it did follow the proper hiring process and only a small portion of the position is paid for by the general fund. President Bangle reported that questions on the hiring process were being asked at the meeting, and it is her opinion that these questions be directed to Human Resources.

The Board approved the retirement of Steve Peltz. Also at the BOT meeting there was an annual report which highlighted library usage at West Valley College and Mission College.

  • District Council:

Vice President Pat Andrews reported on the discussion regarding the state of the retirement incentive. She questioned Human Relations Director James Andrews about why the process is moving forward so slowly. Senator Andrews stated that many questions on this topic were asked, and it is her opinion that none were adequately answered.

Senator Andrews also reported on a report from the CBT Team, it appears they are honing in on instruction. The committee is comparing our District to similar community college districts, and West Valley-Mission looks considerably higher in spending. This information came from administrators; more information will be coming from the Senate and ACE representatives. Senator Andrews noted that the committee is doing a good job of collecting the information objectively.

  • DBAC:

Linda Francis and others expressed frustration because BAMS has been going on for years. Linda presented a resource allocation model from Riverside Community College where they were able to endorse within nine months. President Bangle stated that based on her own internal research, this District has been circumventing the difficult conversation of considering a new budget allocation model and she indicated this to DBAC. President Bangle advocated the RSAC and the WVMCCD models for DBAC to move forward and focus on two proposed models.

West Valley College President Phil Hartley was asked to respond the following inquiry: “If West Valley College is being funded based on their enrollment, but their enrollment includes classes that the College doesn’t have to pay an instructor for (many of their HBA classes are being taught for no pay by the WVC faculty), then they are receiving more funding than they need to spend. This is an unfair funding model. WVC should not be receiving funding for classes for which they are not paying instructors.” President Bangle stated that she is concerned that this inquiry leads to accusations rather than problem solving. President Harley was directed to provide a written response to DBAC, which will be followed with further discussion. President Bangle feels this inquiry is attached to many Senate issues. Senator Andrews stated that this issue is very troubling. It is her understanding that Mission College no longer offers HBA and will not reintroduce it unless HBA is paid for. West Valley College continues to offer HBA, and is therefore doing unpaid extra work and increasing WSCH, which in turn allows the District to collect more money. Senator Andrews stated that this is an ACE issue and the union should provide direction, not President Hartley. Discussion ensued, and various Senators expressed confusion over why this inquiry was made and what the motive behind the inquiry is. Student Senate Representative James MacKay recommended that because some of the West Valley College instructors work without pay, these instructors should receive extra funding for their supplies and class materials. At this time, a motion was made to direct President Bangle to present this inquiry to ACE, not to President Hartley. (M/S/P – Ghodrat/Andrews)

  • College Council:

Last weeks meeting was a joint meeting between the Council and the President’s Cabinet. President Bangle reported that it was recognized that campus programs reflected on the 2001 EFMP did not show on the current listing of programs and units. It was explained that some divisions have opted to group programs for Program Review purposes and the consultants cautioned us that it may be challenging to identify specific needs in this type of format.
At this time, the order of the agenda was changed and moved to Item VII. A.
VII. New Business

A. Update on Student Exchange Program in Turkey

Dr. Dulce Gray and Cigdem Bulut reported on the Interior Design exchange program with Turkey. In 2007, the initial presentation for this project was made to the Academic Senate. Cigdem traveled to Turkey and looked into private universities to work with. In Fall 2007, Bahcesehir University in Istanbul, Turkey, agreed to an exchange program with WVC that cost $2,600 and included six units articulated directly. The Interior Design Summer 2008 Workshop in Istanbul, set for July 21-August 7, 2008, was offered in Spring 2008, and six students participated. Cigdem reported that the program was a success – the students stayed in dormitories, went on a boat tour, studied interior architecture, saw mosques, churches and synagogues and completed the program with a final project. President Bangle commended Cigdem, Dr. Gray and all those involved in this successful exchange program.

B. Discuss Organizational Review Work in Progress

D. Update Fiscal Challenges and Possible Solutions

Chancellor Hendrickson spoke to the Senate today and began by giving an overview of his background. He worked at WVMCCD as an interim Chancellor years ago and is excited to work with the District again. The Chancellor stated it is possible to get through the current financial crisis facing the District and hopes to eventually stop talking about finances and start talking about growth. In regards to the financial crisis, the Chancellor stated that even though the final figures are not out yet, he said that the District overspent by $5.6 million. The Chancellor stated that no fingers will be pointed at who is to blame and both colleges need to work together to solve the problem. Historically, the District has always had a significant ending balance, and the Land Corporation has always left the District with a good ending balance. This has allowed the current situation for the District, which is a planning year. A program to fix the problem needs to be developed now, or else cuts may happen in future years. The Chancellor stated that he hopes to have a program to present to the governing board in July of 2009.

The Chancellor also indicated that he is open to other ways to keep the District afloat. He stated that there are various funding sources – including the retiree incentive program, and the expectation that the college presidents will not fill open full-time faculty positions unless critical needs analysis is conducted. He stated that full-time faculty are crucial to a college and feels they make a college what it is.

The Chancellor stated that the organizational review team (California Brain Trust) is working to develop a plan that increases both West Valley College and Mission College efficiency. The team is researching other colleges of similar size, and specifically looking into comparing their staffing and expenditures to WVMCCD.

Chancellor Hendrickson stated that although West Valley College’s efficiency factors are higher than Mission College’s, the two colleges must work together to fix the efficiency problem. The Chancellor announced the Board’s decision to enter into debt financing with the purpose of streamlining out finances over long period of time. The goal would be to end gap financing. The Chancellor recommended to the Board that they delay the first two years of debt payment ($1.5 million) until 2010. This strategy would give the District an opportunity to grow, rather than make cuts. The Chancellor is also suggesting WVMCCD to look into collective bargaining and work with ACE and other unions. He added that the Land Corporation was recently given funding for marketing, with the goal of attracting more students.

Update reports from the CBT will be available October 22 and 23, 2008, at which time the members will come to the Senate to present their findings. The next step will be to decide which recommendations to implement.

The Chancellor suggested to Governing Board President Bob Owens that a schedule be created that permits study workshops. The calendar should include business agendas and fiscal issues once a month. Chancellor Hendrickson noted the County Treasury Department indicated that the District’s principle is safe and not in any institution that is in danger of being bankrupt.

Discussion ensued, and a Senator asked whether the CBT is looking into the student success or quality of instruction in regards to the other colleges being compared to West Valley and Mission Colleges. The Chancellor stated that they are not; however, it is the college’s job to interpret their recommendations. Another concern was whether there are plans for the District and Union to continue retirement incentives and get that FON (Faculty Obligation Number) down. The Chancellor agreed that retiree incentives are supposed to be offered every few years, and if offered too often, may cause people to retire only if offered.

VI. Old Business

A. Strategize Program Discontinuance and Balance of Curriculum

President Bangle stated that she has been attempting to have the Senate provide direction on this topic for some time and will continue to come to the Senate for direction. At this time, the following motion was made and approved (M/S/U – Andrews/Benkoski):

“that the West Valley College Academic Senate asks for PGC reports and program reviews to give the Senate a fact-based foundation as we begin to discuss the balance of curriculum.”
VII. New Business

C. Update on HBA and Supplemental Instruction

Michael Herauf and Dave Fishbaugh stated that since they last updated the Senate (Spring 2008), a significant meeting took place in Sacramento with representatives from the State Chancellors Office. At the meeting, definitive language was used to address WVMCCD’s further use of HBA. In late spring, departments were asked to review their ongoing HBA practices. Dave stated that meanwhile, while working with the Curriculum Committee, they began to develop a means to advise departments of acceptable HBA practices. A Supplemental Instruction form was developed and incorporated into the curriculum process. This SI form is based on specific Title 5 language. That project began in June and was carried out until very recently. They are interested in how these curriculum changes would affect HBA and need to calculate how it could affect the enrollment plan.

Dave explained that they are still dealing with the issue of departments that changed their curriculum through the review process. Michael and Dave created a series of memos sent to faculty, with emphasis on three categories: the first - instructors where hba had been removed, the second – courses with HBA reductions, and the third – courses with HBA still intact. A handout was distributed that showed an example of process incorporating accountability on HBA. This auditable document will be evidence to the State on HBA. Dave explained that they are now looking forward to the Spring 2009 schedule. In order to make the schedule as accurate as possible, Dave did not wait for Senate approval of many courses (approximately 200) with curriculum changes as some were time sensitive. It was anticipated that the Academic Senate will approve the changes. This decision has provided some good news – West Valley College has already implemented what the State is demanding regarding the handling of HBA, so WVC is ahead of the game. Dave also spoke on allowances that the State has permitted WVC. They are being worked into the Curricunet system to streamline the process.

Discussion ensued, and a Senator asked to what extent does WVC have HBA that faculty are not being paid for. Dave explained that there is no measurement for this. Close to 80% of courses that had arranged hours were not specifically loaded. Dave stated that this is a moot point because the course outlines recently reviewed by the Curriculum Committee will go to District Load Committee and the LC will develop means for some level of loading for those courses. It is unknown how many HBA are happening without pay, or how much money that represents because they are not loaded. President Bangle stated that as long as Curriculum Committee, VPI and Load Committee are focusing on current HBA courses, this is in compliance with the BOT agreement with the Academic Senate.

E. Discussed Proposed Evaluation Form for Online Faculty

Heidi Diamond and Dr. Dulce Gray spoke on behalf of the Distance Learning Committee. They distributed the proposed evaluation form for online faculty and explained it to the Senators. The form is the same one used for classroom instructors; however, for questions not applicable (i.e. use a #2 pencil to fill out this form, the instructor was punctual to class, etc.), there are edits indicated with strikethrough deletions and italicized additions. Dr. Gray stressed the urgency to move forward with these forms. The accreditation team has noted that the lack of an evaluation is problematic and has recommended that this issue be addressed and resolved.

An official response is due to the accreditation team by March 1, 2009.

The accreditation commission requires them to be filled out by March 1, 2009.

The committee, Offices of Instruction, an ACE member and IS worked together to clarify and specify a list of parameters required in order to deliver the evaluation form in a safe, confidential and ACE approved manner. A memo has been distributed to IS specifying a list of parameters to deliver this evaluation in a safe, confidential and ACE approved manner. Today, the Committee is seeking endorsement from the Senate.

Discussion ensued, and concerns were expressed that the existing evaluation form that is used in face-to-face teaching is poorly written. Therefore, a poorly written form is being adapted for distance learning. Dr. Gray agreed that the existing evaluation form is poorly written, but she clarified that it's an ACE approved form used to evaluate all faculty who teach face-to-face courses. The immediate task is not to re-design that existing evaluation form, since that would take much effort, time and procedures. Rather, the task is to adapt the existing evaluation form so that it can be delivered electronically. That way, faculty in distance learning can also be evaluated. Discussion ensued, and there were concerns that this is a poorly written evaluation form. Dr. Gray agreed with this concern and recommends endorsement.

Dr. Gray also explained that the plan is to pilot the form in five online classes at each of the colleges during this current semester. The aim in piloting the adapted form is to make sure that all technical specifications are met. If there are any technical problems, they will be resolved so that the form can be used to evaluate distance learning faculty during Spring 2009. Dr. Gray also explained that this semester will pilot the form with five online classes at WVC and five at MC on a volunteer basis. If the process goes smoothly, the forms will be used in Spring 2009. At this time, a motion was made to endorse the form. (M/S/U – Andrews/Benkoski)
VIII. Publications

IX. Future Agenda (Not in Priority Order)

    1. EEO Plan Update and Work In Progress Report (10/08)

    2. Consider proposed 2008-09 Goals (Senate)(I/A)

    3. Explore Possible Abroad Student Program Initiative(DeBarling)(I/A)(10/27/08)

    4. Discuss AS Consultation with ACE (Senate)(I/A)(20Mins)(10/27/08)

X. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 4:20pm. These minutes are respectfully submitted by Lauren Johnson, Academic Senate Secretary.

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