Professional Development My first Portfolio

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Professional Development

My first Portfolio

This document contains the experiences which I gained in George Mason University, Virginia, US during the Professional development program. There’re six sections in it: Introduction/Personal Reflection/Professional Development, My lesson plans/Shared lessons, Strategy Sheets, Action Research, Group Photos and Students Photos and I’m going to share it with my colleagues. In future I’m going to work on the portfolio and enrich it and it will help me a lot to develop as a teacher.



Portfolio Outline

1 Introduction/Personal Reflection/Fieldwork Reflection

2 My lesson plans/Shared lesson plans

3 Strategy sheets

4 Materials from mentor teachers

5 Action Research

6 Conference Abstract and Presentation

7 Group photos/students photos

1 Introduction/Personal Reflection/Fieldwork Reflection

Gulnora Kamolova Toshpulotovna

Kirpichniy Village, Hisor,




Objective: Objective for the job


Secondary school #5-Hisor, Tajikistan

  • Teacher of English to grades 7-11

  • Provide trainings to teachers in the school

  • Leader of the English Club in school

Teacher Re-training Institute

  1. Teacher-Trainer (2004-present)

  2. Trainer in Summer Camps 2004/2005/2006


Dushanbe State Pedagogical University

Department of English

Diplom (09/1995-07/2000)

Professional Development:

  • Winner of the competition “Developing new English textbooks”

  • Tajikistan 2003

  • Authorship trainings “Textbook development” (2003-2006)

  • Participant in workshops

  • Gender balance in the textbooks of Tajikistan. Dushanbe 2004

  • Participant in the workshop

  • Co-author of the ST’s book “Highway to English 5, 6”

  • Co-author of the T’s book “Highway to English 5, 6”

  • CATEC 2007 (Central Asian Teachers of English Conference) Kyrgyzstan


  • Organized

  • Responsible

  • Bilingual

  • Friendly

  • Flexible

  • Punctual

  • Communicable

Computer skills:

  • Microsoft Word

  • Explore

  • Excel (a little)

Language skills

  • Uzbek

  • Tajik

  • Russian

  • English

Seminar on Educational Leadership

By Dr. Shahrokhi


Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Theme: The LSI Thinking Styles and Effective Management

Topic: Self-Improvement Plan

Participant’s Name: Gulnora Kamolova (Secondary School #5 Hisor, Tajikistan)
Step 1: Looking at your completed LSI profile, you will notice that each style’s extension from the center of the Circumflex varies in length. The further extensions from the center indicate styles that are predominant in your profile. Your two longest style extensions have the greatest influence on your behavior, and are called your primary and backup styles. List them below.

Primary Achievement (11 o’clock position)

Backup Humanistic-encouraging (1 o’clock position)

Step 2: Using the style interpretations in this guide, decide which styles are working for you (your strengths), and which styles might be working against you (styles that may be reducing your effectiveness). Based on what you learn, choose one style from those you’ve listed to start with first. Select one behavior associated with this style that you would like to change. You may choose to eliminate a characteristic you feel is self-defeating, or to strengthen something about yourself that you see as positive and effective.

The style I have chosen to work on is dependent (5 o’clock position).

What does this style mean to you?

My score for the dependent style means I tend to believe that: I let others determine my behavior and guide my life. Especially I used to obey to my parents and most of the time I let them to do decision for me. I think they are older and know what is good for me and what is bad and feel they’re responsible for my happiness.

Step 3: We think and behave as we do because we have been influenced by significant people and situations in our lives. Consider your life: try to identify and isolate the influences you’ve experienced that may be associated with this style.

Significant Person (or situation)

Ideas/Behaviors You Might Have Learned

  • Parents

  • determine my behavior

  • Friends

  • Influence on me

  • Community

  • discuss my behavior

Step 4: Consider the consequences of using this style and list them as indicated below.


Positive Consequences

Self-Defeating Consequences

  • Feel more confident and be independent

  • Believe in myself and set a goal


Positive Consequences

Self-Defeating Consequences

  • Work hard and achieve my goal

  • Make my own decision

Step 5: Consider how your life would be different if you changed your behavior in this area.

Some positive differences:

I would feel myself freer, confident, learn and understand the life, its challenges better and feel myself adult, enjoy my life, change a lot of things in my work.

Some negative differences:

May be I would have some challenges and troubles. Because it’s always difficult to make changes and people accept it differently: some people understand and accept positively but some misunderstand and accept negatively. People are different so their thoughts and ideas are different too. They would be agree with me and discuss what I say and do.

Seminar on Professional Development and Change: Reflective Practice, Individual
Action Plans, and Action Research.
Fieldwork Reflection 1: What were the greatest similarities that you noticed during your first fieldwork observation? What were the greatest differences? Which of the differences are potentially useful for your school?
I’ve been visiting Holmes Middle School: 6525 Montrose Street, Alexandria, VA 22033. I’ve been in Holmes Middle School two days on Tuesday and Thursday in the lessons of Ms Vilma Laringakis. She teaches English as a second language, Social Studies and The World Culture to grades 6 to 8.
There’re some similarities like school is free for every pupil, school supplies books for pupils, classes are mixed boys and girls study together, they can have lunch in the cafeteria, there’re some extracurricular activities for pupils to attend after the classes, there's parent association.
The differences are: the school is smaller, pupils take a school bus to school and it's free, pupils can choose they want to study,  there's a school security department, pupils wear to school what they want, no uniforms, once a week they have 5 minutes training how to behave in case of emergency e.g. fire, every pupil has his own box in the corridor where they keep their things and lock the door,  Pupils have different background and different ages, the classrooms are well equipped, the posters, drawings design work  in the classrooms are made by pupils, school provide all teaching materials for teachers, big gyms with equipments, a library with a lot of books and computers connected to the internet, every classroom is different and taught very well when you enter top music class  you see pupils playing  like real orchestra , technology class pupils doing different activities like some are building bridges listening to instruction on computer, others doing some experience on Chemistry or Physics, teaching techniques are also different, Pupils more free the age of pupils are different, they’re relaxed more free and relaxed.
It was amazing for me to observe all this things and I've learned a lot. I think everything I’ve learned is important and new for me and as well it will be useful and new for my school. And I'm sure I can change a lot in my school and in teaching.

2 My lesson plans/Shared lesson plans

Lesson Plan

Participants: 12 Grade level: 7 grade

Length of the lesson: 40 minutes Date: 10/11/2007

Title: Tajikistan

1. Objective:

At the end of the lesson students will have gained knowledge about Tajikistan and be able to talk about Tajikistan’s geography, culture, traditions and customs and places of interest.

2. Materials for learning activities

Text about Tajikistan, maps of Central Asia, markers and board.

3. Procedures for learning activities

Pre-reading activity—Activate Prior Knowledge


What do you know about Tajikistan?

Write the word Tajikistan on the board and elicit from students as many information as you can. Put all the information on the board in order for students to see them.

During-reading activity

Give out the handouts with the text about Tajikistan and ask students to read independently and check were they right or not.(refer to board)

Post-reading activity.

a) Work in groups of three.

Divide students into groups and tell them to choose and discuss a place to visit in

Tajikistan and say why they would like to visit this place.

Let a student to report to the class about the places they would like to visit.

b) Work in groups. Find Tajikistan on the map, color it and say the bordering


Students report about their work.

4. Assessment

a) 3-2-1 Activity

Ask students to work individually and complete the table, give out the handouts

and set up time.

b) Students’ discussions are also way of informally assessing the students

5. Reflections

Students enjoyed the lesson, they got information about the country they didn’t know before. When I asked them to write about the places they would like to visit they chose different places and asked many questions about historical places and meals about capital city and so on. It was interesting for them to learn about other country’s culture.

I think next time I would change way of dividing them into groups because in one group there were all advanced students and they did the tasks very quickly and began to talk while the others were working.

Do you know Tajikistan?

Tour Tajikistan invites you on a tour of Tajikistan. Tajikistan is a small country about 143 thousand square kilometers. But there’s a lot you can see and do. And there are a lot of friendly people you can meet. The population of Tajikistan is approximately 7 million people. There are many nationalities: Tajik, Uzbek, Russian, Kyrgyz, Turkmen and others. The capital of the country is Dushanbe.

There are a lot of places of interest in Tajikistan and If you’re interested in history you can visit unique spring Chiluchor-chashma which means 44 springs, great rocks Childukhtaron which means 40 girls, Hisor Fortress which was built in 16 century and etc and learn more about them.

If you like swimming, sailing or fishing Kairakum Reservoir is what you wish. This beautiful place used to call Tajik Sea among people. The water is warm and clean you can lie on the sun and enjoy your summer.

If you like city life you can stay in the capital. There are a lot of places to go in Dushanbe. You can visit museums to learn more about the culture go to restaurants and taste delicious Tajik national meals like Kurutob, Shakarob or Oshi palav. You also can go shopping, discos or Botanic garden which is in the centre of the city.

The best time to visit Tajikistan is in spring in March and experience Navruz Festival taste our traditional dish Sumanak, watch national sport Buzkashi and enjoy girl dancing in beautiful costumes Atlas or Chakan. If you’re looking for adventures and love climbing on the mountains we suggest you to visit Pamir’s and climb on the highest peak Ismoili Somoni which is 7495 meters high. It’s a really wonderful place, the weather is cool, the air is fresh and the nature is amazing in all seasons.

Don’t delay. Phone us today for a dream holiday!

See you soon in Tajikistan.



Write 3 historical places to visit while in Tajikistan.




Write 2 interesting facts about the culture of Tajikistan.



Write 1 fact about the capital city of Tajikistan.


Lesson Plans

Title: Tortoise’s Picnic Participants: 12 students

Grade Level: 6 grade Class: ESOL Level 3 Literature

Date: 10/23/2007 and 10/25/07 Duration: 2 block periods(80 minutes)

Day 1

Objective: to develop students listening, speaking and drawing skills through story telling.

Materials Needed:

Pictures of 3 apples, 3 bananas, 3 cans of soda, 3 tins of fish, 3 slices of cake, and 3 sandwiches

3 posters, markers, a basket, a text.


Procedures for Learning Activities

Students must be in the right “frame of mind” for a story. (change the arrangement of tables and chairs).

Enable students to show their understanding and to participate.

Speak loudly enough for the students at the back to hear easily.

Adopt a different voice for the narrator and for each of the characters.

Give more importance to what the student achieves than the mistakes he or she might make.

Task 1

Work in groups of four. (make groups??) [5min]

Choose a poster (Assign). Guess what season is it? And add more details.

Put posters on the wall in order.

Distribute pictures to groups( each group should take four different pictures).

Tell student that they’re going to listen to a story about tortoise’s picnic and a can-opener.

Elicit answers to following questions: [5 min]

Who knows what a picnic is?

Where do you usually go for a picnic?

What do you usually take for a picnic?

Do you take a can-opener with you?

Task2 [5 min]

Tell students you will need them to help you with the story.

Explain how students will assist and give out the following cards.

Three months

1 kilometer

2 kilometers

3 kilometers

Explain that when they hear these words they should hold up the card

Ask the rest of the class to help you with miming



It’s hot

It’s raining

Give out papers. Agree on how they will mime

Practice with the class for two times.

OK This is a Story time!(Present story) [20 min]

Task 3

Ask the following comprehension questions. [10 min ]

1 Did you like the story?

Where did the family go?

What did they take with them?

Did they eat the food? Why not?

How many kilometers did they go?

How long did it take them to reach the picnic place?

How many months did the father and mother wait for their son?

Task 4 Work in groups of three. Discuss and act out the story. [35 min]

Day 2

Objective: At the end of the lesson students will be able to create their own stories using the language and idea they got from the story.

Materials needed: Picture of the story, posters and markers.

Procedures for learning activities

Task 1 Work in groups of three. Discuss and put the pictures in order. [15 min]

Ask students how well they remembered the story. They’ll work in groups, put the pictures in order and retell the story in chain.

Task 2 Work in groups. Choose a task. [35 min]

1 Draw favourite pictures from the story.

2 Write a letter to a friend. The baby tortoise describes his journey.

3 Create your own ending to the story.

4 Make up your own picture dictionary for the story.

5 Write ten questions to interview Father, Mother or Baby.

Task 3 Report to the class.

Each group will report their work. Ask students to assess each others work. [30 min]

5 Assessment

The tortoise’s Picnic

Narrator:Once upon a time there were three tortoises: a father, a mother and a baby. One beautiful spring day, they decided to go for a picnic.

Baby: Oh, what a beautiful day! Mum, let’s go for a picnic!

Mother: OK. We’ll take three Colas, and three apples, and three bananas, and three sandwiches, and three cakes, and three cans of fish.

Narrator: They put everything in their baskets. They set out carrying their basket. They walked and walked and walked.

After three months they were a kilometer from home.

It was summer and it was sunny and hot.

Baby: Oh, it’s very hot. I’m tired.

Father: OK. Let’s sit down and have a rest.

Narrator: They set out again and walked and walked and walked. And after three months they were two kilometers from home. They set out again and walked and walked and walked. And after three months they reached the picnic place. They were three kilometers from home. It was winter and it was snowing and very cold. They unpacked their baskets and spread out the cloth, and arranged the food on it.

Mother: Well… Three Colas, and three apples, and three bananas, and three sandwiches, and three cakes and three cans of fish … Oh!!!

Mother: We’ve forgotten the can-opener!

Father: Baby, go back and bring the can-opener.

Baby: What!!!? … Me!!!? Go back all that long way1

Father: We can’t start without a can-opener. We’ll wait for you.

Baby: Do you promise that you won’t eat till I come back?

Father: Yes, we promise.

Narrator: And Father and Mother waited. They waited and waited.

And after three months they got hungry.

Mother: I’m hungry. Can we have just one sandwich each?

Father: No, honey. We promised sonny. We must wait.

Narrator: And Father and Mother waited. They waited and waited. And after three months they got really hungry.

Mother: I’m really hungry.

Father: OK. Let’s just have one sandwich while we’re waiting.

Narrator: So, they picked up the sandwiches. But just as they were going to eat them, a little voice said:

Baby: Aha! I knew you would cheat. It’s good thing I didn’t go back for the can-opener.


The lessons were very interesting. Everybody was involved and busy, at the beginning it seemed easy but there were challenging activities like creating their own stories or writing a letter and some students saw themselves in the Baby tortoise character, they discuss the story and told the others about themselves. I liked them connecting the story with their life.

I think next time I’d change the first activity adding more details to posters, students weren’t happy to have ready posters they’d like to draw them by themselves. I think I have to give them time for this activity because they like drawing so much.

ESOL level 3/4 literature

Period 1

The Jersey Vocabulary

Objective: Students will be able to define words using context clues, show understanding of words and use vocabulary words appropriately

Day 1 and Day 2:

Materials needed:

List of vocabulary words, vocabulary work handout

The Jersey book

Objective: Students will need to define words using context clues.

Activity 1:

Model what is expected.

1) Distribute list of vocabulary words.

  1. Distribute vocabulary work handout

  2. Ask students to take out book

4) Model what is expected

    1. Write the word in the blank

    2. Ask students find the sentence in the book that contains the word

    3. Write the sentence

    4. Read text before and after sentence

    5. Define the word using context clues

Activity 2:

Independent work

a) Write the word in the blank

  1. Ask students find the sentence in the book that contains the word

  2. Write the sentence

  3. Read text before and after sentence

  4. Define the word using context clue

Activity 3:

Make sure students have correct definitons

a) Call on students to read sentences and give


  1. If definitions are incorrect, guide students to

give correct meaning

ESOL level 3/4 literature

Period 1


Day 3

Objective: Students will be able to show understanding of words through visual representation of words

Materials needed:

Vocabulary list, completed vocabulary work handout, picture dictionary handout, colored pencils,

Activity 1:

Alphabetize words

  1. ask students to alphabetize words

  2. call one student at a time to come write the words in alphabetize words

  3. instruct students write the words under “Word” column in alphabetical order

Add definitions to dictionary

  • ask students to write the definitions of the words in the “Definition” column

Activity 2:

Illustrate word

    1. model for the students by drawing a picture for the first word

    2. instruct students to make an illustration for the remainder of the words

ESOL level 3/4 literature

Period 1


Day 5

Objective: students will be able to show understanding of vocabulary words

Materials needed:

Bingo sheets, cards with vocabulary words, vocabulary test and list of words

Activity 1:

Vocabulary Review

Play bingo(at least 4 times)

Activity 2:

Vocabulary Test

Students will be given sentences with blanks and be asked to fill in the blanks with an appropriate vocabulary word

ESOL level 3/4 literature

Period 1

The Jersey Vocabulary

Objective: Students will be able to define words using context clues, show understanding of words and use vocabulary words appropriately

Day 1 and Day 2:

Materials needed:

List of vocabulary words, vocabulary work handout

The Jersey book

Objective: Students will need to define words using context clues.

Activity 1:

Model what is expected.

1) Distribute list of vocabulary words.

  1. Distribute vocabulary work handout

  2. Ask students to take out book

4) Model what is expected

    1. Write the word in the blank

    2. Ask students find the sentence in the book that contains the word

    3. Write the sentence

    4. Read text before and after sentence

    5. Define the word using context clues

Activity 2:

Independent work

a) Write the word in the blank

  1. Ask students find the sentence in the book that contains the word

  2. Write the sentence

  3. Read text before and after sentence

  4. Define the word using context clues

Activity 3:

Make sure students have correct definitons

a) Call on students to read sentences and give


  1. If definitions are incorrect, guide students to

give correct meaning

 Name of the Seminar: Educational Leadership by Dr. Shahrokhi.

Topic: Multiple Intelligences.

Subject: English.

Grade 6,

We love nature


  Level: Advanced

  Time: 45 minutes


  Participants: 15 students


  Materials used: Posters, charts, markers, flipchart


  Objectives:   Students will design their own rules how to protect the nature


                      To improve language skills


  Warm up:     Brainstorming (what is nature?)


   Presentation:    1) How will you contribute to protect the nature?)



                          2) Students work in groups.

                          3) 15 minutes for preparation ( they can present through drawing, role plays, essays, poems, it depends on their creativity)

                          4) Each group make a presentation



  Practice:    Station Rotation



  Application:   Group discussion ( create GOLDEN rules)



  Homework:   To make a collage on the topic " My contribution to protect the nature







Name of the Seminar: Educational Leadership by Dr. Shahrokhi

Topic: Multiple Intelligences

Subject: Social Studies

Grade Level: 7 – 8

Overview: During the past hundred years, due to new technologies the world has changed in many ways. Some changes have improved the quality of life and health for the human being. Others have affected people’s health care adversely causing different kinds of pollution that have harmed the environment.

Purpose: As the future of our country, children need to be able to identify the types of pollution, the sources of pollution, and how they can protect the environment from future pollutant.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

  • Identify and discuss different kinds of pollution

  • Identify and discuss the sources of pollution

  • Discuss and explain why it is important to keep the environment free of pollution.

Resources/Materials:: lesson vocabulary cards, photographs of water, air, and land pollution, chart paper, "Let's Stop Pollution" poster, poster board, crayons, markers, variety of sizes of cardboard boxes, poster or tempera paint, Kleenex, soap, water, variety of pollution bumper stickers.

Activities and Procedures:

Linguistic/Spatial intelligences (How can I use the key terms on pollution, How can I use visual aids/visualization/color/art or metaphor?)

1. The Teacher will begin the activities by displaying and reviewing the lesson vocabulary. (Pollution, surroundings, litter, environment)

2. The teacher will discuss the displayed pictures of water, air, and land pollution. Students will identify what is wrong in each of the pictures displayed. Teacher will write students responses underneath each of the pictures. Teacher will remind the students that pollution is anything that harms our surroundings and that people cannot survive without clean air, water, and land. Stress that pollution is a responsibility and concern of all people in every community.

3. Ask students to "Brainstorm" to complete a list of ways that they can help to stop pollution. Examples: not put garbage into the lakes and streams, walk or ride bikes whenever possible, pick up litter). List the students’ responses on a poster titled "Let's Stop Pollution".

Teacher will stress that because so many important things in the surroundings are shared by people in other communities, everyone must work to stop pollution of the air, water, and land.

Students will then have a variety of activities to teach them about the causes and effects of pollution.

1. Teacher will provide students with a half sheet of posterboard and crayons. Teacher will instruct the students to make a poster to inform others about pollution. Display the posters around the school. (Spatial intelligence)

2. Teacher will provide students with boxes and paint. Teacher will instruct the students to make "litter boxes" with labels and decorations that state why it is important not to litter. Place the boxes in areas around the school or home. (Bodily-Kinesthetic /Spatial intelligences)

3. Teacher will instruct the students wash the outside of a window that is easy to reach. A few days later, teacher will ask the students to wipe the same window with a clean tissue. Teacher will make groups and instruct the students to discuss possible reasons the window became dirty. (Air pollution) (Linguistic/Bodily-kinesthetic/Interpersonal intelligences)

4. Provide students with materials to make replicas of bumper stickers illustrating warnings and laws concerning pollution. Suggestions: NO LITTERING, NO TRUCKS, NO DUMPING, NO BURNING. (Naturalist intelligence)

OR. Teacher will take the students for Fieldtrips to local companies or industries that deal with pollution prevention. After field visit students will write 2 pages report on how to prevent pollution. (Naturalist/Intrapersonal intelligences)

5. In group students will be instructed to make jingle to raise the awareness regarding the causes and effects of pollution. Teacher will provide key terms on pollution i.e. pollution, surrounding, litter, environment, etc). Students will present their jingle in front of the class. (Musical Intelligence)

3 Strategy sheets

Portfolio Strategy Sheet

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

  1. Name of method or strategy:

Expert group

  1. When is this method or strategy useful?

When students have a long text to read in a short period of time

When a lot of material has to be covered in a short period of time

  1. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

It develops all language skills like reading, speaking and writing.

Students work cooperatively in the groups.

Students gather much more information than they would have on their own during that time period.

  1. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

Break students into groups

Give each group a topic or a portion of a reading or vocabulary word

Students are to read independently or as a group

Students are to discuss with group members (teacher should give guiding question) They need to become experts.

One student from each group will go to another group

At this time, this student will teach to the new group what he/she learned and listen from his new group.


Break students into groups

Give each group a topic or a potion of a reading

Students are to read independently

Students are to discuss with group members (teacher should give guiding questions)they need to become experts.

Then the expert group needs to share with the class what they learned

  1. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

They’re interesting and new for me and a good way of engaging all students in the process. I also can use them for warming up, for practicing reading or working with vocabulary.

  1. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

I would like all my colleagues at school to know and use these strategies because they’re suitable in all lessons

Portfolio Strategy Sheet

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

  1. Name of method or strategy:

Picture dictionary

  1. When is this method or strategy useful?

When students need to learn new vocabulary, to show understanding of the word and to use the new word properly in a sentence.

  1. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

This kind of activity helps to check student’s comprehension, students work individually it develops thinking skills because students find definition of the words, draw a picture how they understand the word and write a sentence with this word.

  1. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

Students are to figure out meaning using context clues,

Teacher goes over definitions with students.

Students must alphabetize the words.

Students must write the definition.

Students must draw a picture showing the meaning of the word.

Students must use the word in a sentence. (Sentence needs to be about picture)

  1. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

They’re interesting and new for me and a good way of engaging all students in the process. I also can use them for warming up, for practicing reading or working with vocabulary.

  1. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

I would like all my colleagues at school to know and use these strategies because it’s a good way of learning language.

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