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Visitors and International Links of the Latvian Human Rights Institute

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Visitors and International Links of the Latvian Human Rights Institute
The Institute maintains strong links with other academic institutions, lawyers and NGOs working in the field of human rights, both in Latvia and further afield. It has established the links with the Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations of the Netherlands, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Sweden), the Institute for Human Rights at Åbo Akademi University (Finland), the Norwegian Human Rights Institute, the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights, the Danish Centre for Human Rights, the Swedish Helsinki Committee, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, the University of Birmingham (England), the Information and Documentation Centre on the Council of Europe in Latvia, the Latvian Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies, the State Human Rights Office and others.

The Institute has invited a number of speakers to Latvia to speak to its conferences, seminars and round-tables. In addition, guest speakers are invited to give lectures to students of the Human Rights courses run by the Institute. Visitors to the Latvian Human Rights Institute in 1995-1997 included:

Mark Villiger, Senior Lawyer, Secretariat of the European Commission of Human Rights; Anne Niemi, Supreme Administrative Court, Finland; Gudmundur Alfredsson, Professor, University of Lund, Sweden; Martin Scheinin, Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland; Maarit Kohonen, Human Rights Officer, UN Center for Human Rights; Myriam Tebourbi, UN Officer, UN Center for Human Rights, Fergus Kerrigan, UNHCR Expert; Charles Magee, Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia; Manfred Rehbinder, professor, Zurich University, Switzerland, Jeremy McBride, Senior Lecturer, Institute of European Law, University of Birmingham, Pieter van Dijk, Member of the Council of State, the Netherlands, Arie Bloed, Director, the Foundation of the Inter-Ethnic Relations, the Netherlands, Martin Scheinin, Professor, University of Helsinki, Michael Geistlinger, Assistant Professor, University of Salzburg, Austria, Egils Levits, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights, Latvia, Aivars Endziðø, President of the Constitutional Court, Latvia, Göran Melander, Director, Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Sweden, Nils Muiýnieks, Director of the Latvian Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies, Vija Jâkobsone, Deputy Chairman of Latvian Board of Sworn Advocates, Maija Kúle, Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Latvia, Jautrìte Briede, the Head of the Analyze Department of the State Human Rights Office.
Members of the Institute have also done human rights related training in different European institutions. Some teaching or research abroad has been conducted by the members of the Institute. That information is included in the short biographies at the end of the survey.

Documentation Centre and Database of the Institute
The Institute is in the process of developing its Documentation Centre. The collection of the Institute’s Documentation Centre contains international and national documents on human rights; case-law of the European Commission and Court of Human Rights; scholarly publications; text books; manuals; reports of international, governmental and non-governmental organizations; leaflets and brochures from human rights groups as well as human rights periodicals. The Institute receives Council of Europe human rights documents on regular bases. The question on the Documentation Centre becoming the UN Human Rights Centre’s depository library is currently under discussion.

Approximately, 2000 unites of different human rights materials are located at the Documentation Centre. It mainly serves the needs of the University students and academic staff, the staff of the Institute. Part of the documentation is accessible by means of database. The bibliographical information is accessible through CDS/ISIS databases. The Documentation Centre offers good facilities for students working on their thesis in the field of human rights.

Advisory Board of the Latvian Human Rights Institute
In 1996 the Advisory Board of the Institute was established. The members are:
Dr. Gudmundur Alfredsson, Professor, Co-Director, Raoul Wallenberg Institute, University of Lund (Sweden);

Dr. Arie Bloed, Director, Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations (the Netherlands);

Dr. Asbjorn Eide, Professor, Director, Norwegian Institute for Human Rights (Norway);

Mr. Morten Kjaerum, Director of the Danish Centre for Human Rights (Denmark);

Dr. Martin Scheinin, Professor, Law Faculty, University of Helsinki (Finland);

Dr. Markku Suksi, Professor, Acting Director, Institute for Human Rights Åbo Akademi University (Finland);

Mr. Arnold Willen, Vice-Chairman, the Swedish Helsinki Committee (Sweden);

Mr. Gvido Zemrìbo, Ambassador of Latvia in Denmark;
The annual meetings of the advisory Board are foreseen. The first of them was held In January 1997.

Members of the Latvian Human Rights Institute
Some of the members of the Institute are members of the University of Latvia Faculty of Law and are consequently associated with relevant departments in which they conduct the most of their teaching activities.
Ineta Ziemele, Ph.D.cand., M.I.L. (Lund/Sweden) LL.B (Latvia)

Acting Director/Research Director

and Lecturer in International and European Law
She is teaching public international law and law of international organizations as well public law of European Communities and human rights at the Law Faculty. She has been invited to give lectures at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Sweden). She publishes on a wide range of issues both in public international law and human rights.

Aina Antâne, B.A. (Latvia)

Managing Director
Comparative study of inter-ethnic relations in interwar Latvia and today; consciousness stereotypes and national prejudices, hate speech; social cohesion.
Mârtiðø Mits, LL.B. (Latvia)

Deputy Director

and Lecturer in Human Rights
He started teaching human rights for the Institute organized human rights courses. Now he is elected member of the Law Faculty with a teaching interests in human rights. He publishes on issues related to the European Convention on Human Rights.

Oskars Galanders, law student

The Editor of the Latvian Human Rights Quarterly
Besides his editorial work, he is also preparing case law overview for the Quarterly. He publishes on issues related to the capital punishment. He intends to continue his studies in the field of International law.
Ineta Târe, LL.B. (Latvia)


She starts to teach human rights on the Institute assignment for the human rights courses organized under its auspices. She has an ambition to pursue research on several human rights topics which could be used for Institute publications.

Santa Latkovska, law student, B.A. (Latvia)

She is building up the Human Rights Documentation Center which contains books, monographies on human rights as well as international and national legal instruments. Her practice is unique because there are no trained law librarians in Latvia.
Lilita Lustika, law student

Project Manager
She is responsible for the Institute budget, settles all payments, provides technical equipment for the Institute, ensures technical and other means for the Institute projects. Helps to prepare project proposals by drafting the first stage of the project including budget part.


Mits, Mârtiðø. Komentâri Latvijas Republikas ievada ziðojumam par Starptautiskâ pakta “Par pilsoðu un politiskajâm tiesìbâm” izpildi Latvijâ [Comments to the Initial Report of Latvia Submitted by the Republic of Latvia as a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights], in: Cilvèktiesìbu Ýurnâls [Latvian Human Rights Quarterly], #2, Rìga, 1996.

Mits, Mârtiðø. Eiropas Cilvèktiesìbu un pamatbrìvìbu konvencijas statuss Latvijas tiesìbu sistèmâ. Konvencijas piemèroøana nacionâ lìmenì [The status of the European Convention on Human Rights in Latvia’s legal system], in: Latvijas Vèstnesis [Latvian Herald], Rìga, 08.01.1997.

Ziemele, Ineta. Latvijas Republikas starptautiski tiesiskais status [International Legal Status of the Republic of Latvia], in: Latvija starptautiskâs organizâcijas, starptautiskie lìgumi [Latvia: International Organizations, International Treaties]. - LR 5.Saeimas Ârlietu komisija un Saeimas Kanceleja, Rìga, 1995, p.5-13, ISBN 9984-528-38-3.

Ziemele, Ineta. Cilvèktiesìbu rangs Latvijas tiesìbu normu hierarhijâ [Rank of Human Rights in the Hierarchy of Legal Norms in Latvia], in: Satversmes reformas Latvijâ: par un pret [Constitutional Reforms in Latvia: For and Against]. - Sociâli ekonomisko pètìjumu institúts “Latvija”, Rìga, 1995., p.60-69.

Ziemele, Ineta. Komentârs likumam “Par Latvijas Republikas starptautiskajiem lìgumiem” [Commentary to the Law on International Treaties of the Republic of Latvia], in: Juristu ýurnâls [The Law Journal], #1, Rìga, 1995., p.3-17.

Ziemele, Ineta. Paønoteikøanâs starptautiskajâs tiesìbâs [Right to Self-determination under International Law], in: Diena [The Day], Rìga, 21.01.1995.

Ziemele, Ineta. Eiropas Padome - Latvijas partneris Eiropas norisès [Council of Europe: Latvia’s Partner in European Affairs]. - Latvijas Ârpolitikas institúts, Rìga, 1996, pp. 85 ISBN 9984-583-00-7.

Ziemele, Ineta. Incorporation and Implementation of Human Rights in Latvia, in: The International Human Rights Norms in the Nordic and Baltic Countries, ed. M. Scheinin, - Nordic Human Rights Publications, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1996, p. 73-111, ISBN 90-411-0189-6.

Ziemele, Ineta. Cilvèktiesìbu iedzìvinâøanas mehânismi Latvijâ [Human Rights implementation mechanisms], in: Cilvèktiesìbu Ýurnâls [Latvian Human Rights Quarterly], #1, Rìga, 1996., p.54-67.

Ziemele, Ineta. Komentâri Latvijas Republikas ievada ziðojumam par Starptautiskâ pakta “Par pilsoðu un politiskajâm tiesìbâm” izpildi Latvijâ [Comments to the Initial Report of Latvia Submitted by the Republic of Latvia as a Party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights], in: Cilvèktiesìbu Ýurnâls [Latvian Human Rights Quarterly], #2, Rìga, 1996.

Ziemele, Ineta. Par cilvèktiesìbu iedzìvinâøanas mehânismiem [On the Human Rights Implementaion Mechanisms], in: Latvijas vèstnesis [Latvian Herald], 22.05.1996.

Ziemele, Ineta. Satversmes tiesa - lìdzeklis integrâcijai vai paøizolâcijai jeb atseviøæas pârdomas Satversmes tiesas sakarâ [Constitutional Court: the Mean for an Integration or Self-Isolation or Some Remarks Concerning the Constitutional Court], in: Latvijas Vèstnesis [Latvian Herald], Rìga, 15.06.1996.

Ziemele, Ineta. Kas ir bèrna tiesìbas, un ko tas nozìmè [What are the Rights of a Child and What does it Mean?], in: Diena [The Day], Rìga, 12.01.1996.

Ziemele, Ineta Article 21 of the UDHR in the Emerging Democracies in the Baltic States, in: Cilvèktiesìbu Ýurnâls [Latvian Human Rights Quarterly], #4, Riga, 1997.

Ziemele, Ineta Pilsoniba, cilvektiesibas un Latvijas sabiedribas modelis [Citizenship, Human Rights and the Model of Latvia’s Society], in: Diena The Day, Riga, 21.05.1997.

Ziemele, Ineta Valsts nepartrauktibas un cilvektiesibu ietekme uz pilsonibas jautajuma risinasanu Baltijas valstis [The Role of State continuity and Human Rights in Nationality Matters in the Baltic States] ( a contribution for the forth-coming book The Baltic States at Historical Crossroads).

Forthcoming publications
Tiesas un administratìvâ procesa loma cilvèktiesbu iedzìvinâøanâ Latvijâ [The Role of Administrative Procedure and Judiciary in Implementation of Human Rights in Latvia]. - Latvijas Cilvèktiesìbu institúts [Latvian Human Rights Institute].

Pieter van Dijk & van Hoof, Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights (translation in Latvian).

Latvian Human Rights Quarterly [Cilvèktiesìbu Ýurnâls] in English #2 and in Latvian #5.


Advanced Human Rights Course for 3rd and 4th year law students
Syllabus / September - November 1996:




I.Ziemele / Latvian Human Rights Institute

M.Mits / Latvian Human Rights Institute

International Law & Human Rights: An Overview.

Human Rights, Humanitarian Law, Refugee Law

M.Mits / Latvian Human Rights Institute

‘Three Generations’ of Human Rights

M.Mits / Latvian Human Rights Institute

International and Regional Institutions for Human Rights Protection: An Overview

I.Ziemele / Latvian Human Rights Institute

Civil and Political Rights: Introduction

I.Ziemele / Latvian Human Rights Institute

Civil and Political Rights: Democracy and Participation

E.Levits / European Court of Human Rights

Civil and Political Rights: Democracy and Participation

E.Levits / European Court of Human Rights

Civil and Political Rights: Administration of Justice

E.Levits / European Court of Human Rights

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

I.Ziemele / Latvian Human Rights Institute

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

A. Fogels / University of Latvia

Right to Development

I. Ziemele / Latvian Human Rights Institute

European State Practice on Implementation of Human Rights

M.Scheinin / University of Helsinki

National Case Law on the Protection of Civil and Political Rights

V.Jâkobsone /Council of Sworn Advocates


M.Mits / Latvian Human Rights Institute

Rights of Women

M.Kohonen / UN Centre for Human Rights

Rights of a Child

M.Tebourbi / UN Centre for Human Rights

Rights of a Child

A.Bèrziðø / Latvian Children's Fund


V.Jâkobsone /Council of Sworn Advocates

Refugee Law

F.Kerrigan / UNHCR

Minority Rights

A.Fogels / University of Latvia

Minority Rights

N.Muiýnieks /Centre for HR and Ethnic Studies

International Organizations

A.Fogels / University of Latvia

Monitoring Procedures: overview, state rights, fact finding

G.Alfredsson / Lund University

Monitoring Procedures: complaints, case law

G.Alfredsson / Lund University


A.Fogels / University of Latvia


B. Laizâne / Ministry of Foreign Affairs

European Union

A.Lejiðø / Latvian Institute on Foreign Relations


Ch.Magee / OSCE Mission to Latvia

Council of Europe

A.Endziðø / Parliament Legal Committee

Non-Governmental Organizations

N.Muiýnieks /Centre for HR and Ethnic Studies


N.Muiýnieks /Centre for HR and Ethnic Studies




Basic Human Rights Course for the 3rd and 4th year non-law students
Syllabus / March - June, 1997:




M.Mits / Latvian Human Rights Institute

Human Rights and International Law

J.Briede / University of Latvia

Historical Development of Human Rights

J.Briede / University of Latvia

Democracy and Human Rights

K.Krúma / Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Human Rights, Morals and Needs of a Human Being

M.Kúle/ Institute for Philosophy and Sociology

International Human Rights Instruments: Character and Implementation

M.Mits / Latvian Human Rights Institute

International and Regional Human Rights Protection Institutions

J.Briede / University of Latvia

European System for the Protection of Human Rights: Historical Development

M.Mits / Latvian Human Rights Institute

United Nations

J. Maýeiks / Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Council of Europe

A.Endziðø / Constitutional Court

European Convention on Human Rights

M.Mits / Latvian Human Rights Institute

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

Ch.Magee / OSCE Mission to Latvia

European Union

J.Barrett / European Commission in Latvia

International Human Rights Organisations

Demonstration of a film

Civil and Political Rights

I.Ziemele / Latvian Human Rights Institute

Civil and Political Rights

I.Ziemele / Latvian Human Rights Institute

Solidarity Rights

I.Ziemele / Latvian Human Rights Institute

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

A.Fogels / University of Latvia


N.Muiýnieks/Centre for HR and Ethnic Studies

Rights of Women

I.Zaæe / Centre for HR and Ethnic Studies

Rights of a Child

A.Bèrziðø / Latvian Children’s Fund

Minority Rights

N.Muiýnieks/Centre for HR and Ethnic Studies

Rights of Refugees

U.Sumente-Steel / UNDP

International Procedures and Mechanisms for Human Rights Monitoring

A.Bloed / The Utrecht University

International Procedures and Mechanisms for Human Rights Monitoring

A.Bloed / The Utrecht University

Human Rights Understanding and Implementation in Latvia

M.Mits / Latvian Human Rights Institute

Româns Apsìtis

Associate Professor

Department of Theory of Law and Political Science

Phone: 7227303

Born: 13 February 1939, Riga

Academic Degrees: Doctor of Laws (Dr. iur.) 1993; Candidate of Laws 1975; Associate Professor of the University of Latvia 1981.

Career: University of Latvia: Associate Professor 1981 - current, Department of the Theory of Law and Political Science; Senior Lecturer 1971 - 1981, Department of State and Law; Post-graduate Student 1967 - 1970; Assistant 1965 - 1967; Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia since 1996; Deputy of the 6th Saeima since 1995; Minister of Justice 1994 - 1995; Deputy of the 5th Saeima, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Justice 1993 - 1994; Deputy of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia 1990 - 1993; Head of the Philosophy and Law Editorial Board of the Main Editorial Department of Encyclopedia 1976 - 1980; Investigator, Prosecutor's Office of the Moscow district of Riga 1962 - 1963.

Studies and Upgrading: Tartu University 1987; Moscow State University 1972; Department of Law of the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Latvia State University 1963.

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