Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami

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Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami.

Topic: Outstanding people of
Uzbekistan. Historical cities of Uzbekistan.
Group:203-Fundamentals of Geography and Economics.
Student:Nishonov Qobiljon.

Wide international celebration of anniversaries of historical cities (Bukhara, Samarkand, Margilan, Karshi, Tashkent, Khiva, Shakhrisabz).


1. Wide international celebration of anniversaries of historical cities (Bukhara, Samarkand, Margilan, Karshi, Tashkent, Khiva, Shakhrisabz).
2. Declaration of Tashkent as the "Capital of Islamic Culture" and its significance.
3. State policy to ensure stability in interethnic and interreligious relations in Uzbekistan.
Since the day of gaining independence of Uzbekistan, the restoration and development of the rich spiritual heritage of our people, raising the morale of society has risen to the level of state policy, and the directions of cultural and educational reforms have been identified. Thanks to independence, a new era has begun for the spiritual life and cultural development of Uzbekistan. Independence has freed our people from spiritual oppression, opened the way to free thought and national revival. Radical qualitative changes in the spiritual life are aimed at strengthening the spiritual potential of our people for the bright future of our country, the restoration of our national identity and values, as well as the education of national consciousness and pride, vigilant patriotism. As noted by President Islam Karimov: depends on With this in mind, we want to build a new society, and one of the main directions is to restore the history of our people, our spiritual values. " Indeed, from the first days of our independence, the restoration of the immense invaluable spiritual and cultural heritage of our people, created over many centuries, has been considered a very important task of public policy, and large-scale serious measures have been taken. The Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 12, 2013 "On the preparation and holding of the twenty-second anniversary of state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan" states that "from the first days of independence First of all, as a confirmation of the high attention paid to the development of our youth as a physically strong, spiritually mature generation, about 60% of the state budget expenditures in our country are spent on education, health, science, The focus on the development of culture, arts and sports is rare in the world, and Uzbekistan is one of the world's leading countries in these fields, which is recognized by leading international experts and think tanks. The implementation of historical work in this area is an important factor in the construction of the spiritual building of our new society. As a result, a new system of culture and spirituality has emerged in the country. Spirituality and Enlightenment Public Center, Education Center, Uzbekkino, Uzbeknavo, Uzbekraks, Uzbektheatre, Uzbekmuseum, Art The formation of cultural and educational organizations and many foundations, such as the Academy, the Uzbek Center for Applied Arts, National Cultural Centers, the Association of Cultural Workers of Central Asia, laid the foundation for the formation and development of key areas of republican spirituality.
From the first days of independence, the study of the spiritual heritage and life of our ancestors - great thinkers, statesmen, who made a great contribution to the development of the world and world civilization. In particular, the publication of works by such thinkers as Imam Bukhari, At-Termizi, Ahmad Yassavi, Najmiddin Kubro, Bahovuddin Naqshband, Burhanuddin Rabguzi was a great achievement in restoring our national values. The honor of Abdullah Qodiri, Cholpon, Fitrat, Behbudi, Usman Nasir and other scholars who were martyred for the freedom of our homeland has been restored and their spiritual heritage has been returned to our people. Celebrating the big birthdays of our great ancestors is also becoming a glorious tradition of our people. In particular, during the years of independence, the birthdays of such great ancestors as Alisher Navoi (1991), Zahiriddin Babur (1993), Feruz (1995), as well as the 600th anniversary of Mirzo Ulugbek (1994), 660th anniversary of Amir Temur (1996), Ahmad Fergani 1200th anniversary (1998), 800th anniversary of Jalaliddin Manguberdi (1999), 545th anniversary of Kamoliddin Behzod (2000), 1225th anniversary of the birth of Imam Bukhari, 1200th anniversary of Imam Termezi, 1130th anniversary of Abu Mansur Moturidi, 920th anniversary of Mahmud Zamakhshari The events dedicated to the 900th anniversary of Abdulkhaliq Gijduvani, the 850th anniversary of Najmiddin Kubro, the 910th anniversary of Burhaniddin Marginoni, the 675th anniversary of Bahovuddin Naqshband, the 600th anniversary of Khoja Ahror Wali will be celebrated not only in our country but also in UNESCO under the auspices of UNESCO. strengthened them.
On the occasion of the anniversaries of our great scholars, dozens of their unique works have been published in different languages, statues have been erected in their honor, shrines and gardens have been created. For example, in 1991, the 550th anniversary of the birth of our great grandfather Alisher Navoi was widely celebrated. In the same year, the Institute of Literature of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan was named after Alisher Navoi, and the Alisher Navoi State Prize was established. In the jubilee year, the works "Lison ut-tayr", "Sab'ai sayyar", "Farhod and Shirin", "Layli and Majnun", "Hayrat-ul Abror" were published, films and plays were created. On September 28, 1991, the statue of Alisher Navoi and the opening ceremony of the Navoi National Park of Uzbekistan were held in Tashkent. In October 1994, the 600th anniversary of the birth of Mirzo Ulugbek was celebrated. Ulugbek madrasah, astronomical instruments of Ulugbek's time, postage stamps with the statue of Ulugbek in Tashkent were put into circulation. On October 24 of the same year, the UNESCO Hall in Paris hosted an international conference on "The Age of Ulugbek and the Temurids" and an exhibition "Ulugbek and traditional art." These events have once again proved that the scientific heritage left by Mirzo Ulugbek has universal value.

On October 23, 1998, the 1200th anniversary of the great scholar Ahmad al-Farghani was celebrated in Fergana. His unique scientific heritage has been returned to our people. Al-Farghani Park was established in Fergana and a statue of the great scholar was erected.

The creative heritage of our famous enlightened scholars has been studied and translated into modern Uzbek. Historical justice was done and the Mamun Academy was restored in Khorezm. After all, the study and promotion of the rich cultural heritage of our great compatriots, scientists and thinkers, will help to ensure the development of ideologically mature, knowledgeable, well-rounded national cadres for our modern society. It also plays an important role in providing mac. The events dedicated to the anniversaries of Abdulla Qodiri, Cholpon, Fitrat, Behbudi, Fayzulla Khojayev and others were also important steps in the spiritual life. On May 12, 2000, at the initiative of President Islam Karimov, a memorial complex "Martyrs' Memory" was opened in Tashkent on the Bozsuv River in Yunusabad district of Tashkent to immortalize the memory of the victims of the colonial era. August 31, 2001 - the first day of remembrance of the victims of repressions in Uzbekistan. On August 31, 2002, the Museum of Repression Victims was opened at the Martyrs' Memorial Complex in Tashkent, and a new exhibition was opened on August 31, 2008. The celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the epic "Alpomish" (1999) and the 2700th anniversary of the creation of the "Avesto" (2001) was also an important event in educating the younger generation in the spirit of spiritual perfection.
One of the most important measures in the restoration of our spiritual and cultural heritage is the large-scale repair of world-famous historical and architectural structures, including historical monuments in Bukhara, Samarkand, Khiva, Shakhrisabz, Karshi, Tashkent and Kuva, Chelak districts. celebration of anniversaries of dozens of ancient cities of the country: Samarkand - 2750, Karshi - 2700, Shahrisabz - 2700, Bukhara - 2500, Khiva - 2500, Termez - 2500, Andijan - 2500 The celebrations of the 2200th anniversary of Tashkent, the 2000th anniversary of Margilan, the practical work on the restoration of the Great Silk Road have become an important event in the cultural life of our people.

From the first days of independence, attitudes towards religion have changed radically, with a special focus on establishing proper relations between the state and religious organizations. Uzbekistan is a secular state, so religious organizations are separated from the state and schools. Religion, including Islam, constitutes the content of a nation’s worldview and spiritual world. "We can never imagine our nation without this sacred religion," Karimov said. Religious values, Islamic concepts are so ingrained in our lives that without them we would lose our identity. ” Restoration of religious values, repair of old mosques and madrasas, construction of new ones, publication of religious literature, creation of opportunities by the state for Muslims to perform Hajj and Umrah and other measures ensure freedom of conscience in our republic. Thanks to independence, it has become possible to publish the Holy Qur'an and Hadith. In 1991, for example, the first translation of the Holy Quran into Uzbek by Alouddin Mansur and Imam al-Bukhari's Sahih Bukhari, a four-volume collection of hadiths, were translated into Uzbek and published. On July 14, 1991, the Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations was adopted for the first time in the legal practice of Uzbekistan. After the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, freedom of conscience, relations between the state and religion were regulated on the basis of constitutional principles. On May 1, 1998, a new version of this law was adopted. The translation and publication of the Qur'an and the collection of hadiths into Uzbek has become a major event in our spiritual life.

In order to study Islamic teachings and philosophy, to study the religious and cultural heritage of the Uzbek people, the Presidential Decree of March 7, 1992 A committee was set up. It has the International Islamic Institute and 10 madrassas. More than 1,000 students study there. In 1995, the International Islamic Research Center was established in Tashkent and was given the status of a research institute. It is noteworthy that the Tashkent Islamic University was established on April 7, 1999 at the initiative of the head of our state to study Islamic teachings, study the religious, historical and cultural heritage of the Uzbek people, train highly qualified theologians and economists. During the years of independence, more than 32,000 Uzbeks have made the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina. Hundreds of mosques have been returned to Muslims, and new ones have been built. "Islam Nuri" newspaper and "Hidoyat" magazine are published.

Thanks to independence, the shrine of our great compatriot Imam Bukhari, one of the great shrines, has been restored. In accordance with the decree of the President, a memorial complex was built in Samarkand in 1998 in honor of the Sultan of Hadith Imam Bukhari, and in 2008 the Imam Bukhari International Center was established under the complex. Along with the professional development of clergy, the center deeply studies the lives of scholars and their rich scientific, spiritual and religious heritage, and conducts events to promote their heritage not only in our country but also abroad. being established.

2007 - Tashkent is declared the Capital of Islamic Culture in 2007 by the Organization of the Islamic Conference on Education, Science and Culture (ISESSO). On August 14-15, 2007, Tashkent and Samarkand hosted an international conference on “Uzbekistan's contribution to the development of Islamic civilization” dedicated to the proclamation of Tashkent as the “Capital of Islamic Culture”. scientists from more than a dozen countries attended.
Today, 17 religious denominations are registered and officially operating in the country. There are more than 170 religious organizations. More than 1,700 mosques, Christian churches and other religious centers have also been renovated and rebuilt. In general, people of different religions live in peace with each other. At the heart of this is the principles that govern the relationship between state and religion. These principles include: 1) respect for the religious feelings of believers; 2) recognition of religious beliefs as a private affair of citizens or their associations; 3) to guarantee equal rights to those who practice and those who do not, and not to persecute them; 4) prevent the use of religion for destructive purposes; 5) not to allow religious organizations to interfere in the struggle for power, politics, economics, legislation; 6) spiritual renewal, cooperation with religious associations in the determination of universal values.

However, it must be acknowledged that in recent times, there have been a number of users of our religion who are pursuing ulterior motives. They are all kinds of destructive currents that have entered our country from abroad, people who pursue their own interests under the guise of religion. Our citizens, especially our youth, need to have a clear idea of ​​what “true” and “false” religiosity are. Wahhabis, Hizb ut-Tahrir, and religious extremist groups, who consider themselves to be true Muslims and religious fighters, are trying to support terrorism and militancy, which want to make our people feel bad. The criminal activities of some extremist groups can be seen in the events of 1999-2004 in Tashkent, Surkhandarya and Bukhara regions. It is imperative that ideological, cultural, and educational work be carried out in a consistent manner to prevent the threats posed by fanatics to our peaceful life. Not forgetting that religion is not politics, but faith, faith, rational and creative use of religious and moral values, opportunities in Islam to strengthen our independence, peaceful coexistence of different cultures, measures to prevent the threat of extremism and fundamentalism in our country. is being done.

Enlightened scholars Beruni, Ibn Sina, al-Khwarizmi, Ahmad Fergani, Imam Bukhari, Imam Termizi, Khoja Ahmad Yassavi, Najmiddin Kubro, Bahauddin Naqshband, Mahmud Zamakhshari, Abu Mansur Moturidi, Burhaniddin Marginoni, Nasafi, Abdulkhaliq G Ijduvani, the rich spiritual heritage of Mahdumi Azam and other ancestors, their worldview, theoretical views on the development of enlightenment and culture, their contribution to the development of society are leading the representatives of nations and peoples living in independent Uzbekistan to good dreams. strengthens the spirit of brotherhood and solidarity between. Therefore, it is important to study the creative heritage of our great enlightened scholars and translate it into modern Uzbek. After all, the study and promotion of the rich cultural heritage of our great compatriots, scientists and thinkers, will help to ensure the development of ideologically mature, knowledgeable, well-rounded national cadres for our modern society. is also important with.

Many thousands of years of human experience have shown that if the world's violent and aggressive forces want to subjugate, subjugate, or seize the wealth of any nation or country, they must first disarm it. seeks to deprive it of its rich national values, history and spirituality. There are many examples of this in history. Because the spirituality of any nation or people is undoubtedly crucial in determining its present life and destiny, the future of its growing children. Consequently, any threat to spirituality can in itself become one of the serious threats to the security of the country, its national interests, the future of a healthy generation, and ultimately lead to a crisis in society.

Today, in some parts of the world, such actions have resulted in great spiritual losses, the nation's age-old values, national thinking and way of life, morality, family and community life, and a conscious way of life. Worst of all, the ultimate consequence of such attacks is to deny one's homeland and people, to deprive oneself of patriotism, and to turn one into an indifferent person. Such aggressive actions are dangerous because they are aimed at inculcating a completely foreign ideology and worldview, first of all, in the hearts and minds of our innocent youth.

From the day of independence of Uzbekistan, the study of the national idea, the ideology of national independence has become a topical issue. At a time when our society is gaining political independence, economic, cultural and educational work, the idea and ideology of national independence, as the President said, is "as necessary as water and air." This is a difficult task to achieve socio-political and economic stability in the period of transition to market relations without thinking, without changing beliefs. Speaking about the need for the idea of ​​national independence, Karimov said that "any state or society that wants to build its future must rely on its own national idea." The reasons for the creation of a national ideology are, on the one hand, the complete abandonment of the communist ideology, which defended the interests of the totalitarian regime in the Soviet era, and the rapid liberation from the stereotypes inherited from the Soviet era. to liberate the worldview from the shackles of communist beliefs, to develop a sense of respect for democratic principles, the rule of law, on the other hand, to prevent an ideological vacuum, to understand ourselves as a nation, to ensure our unity and solidarity, and to achieve this unity to prevent any foreign ideological pressures, to form a system of ideological immunity, to convey the importance and essence of our independence to the people through ideological means, to unite the people in the pursuit of glorious ideas. , mobilization for dedication, creativity.

The essence and horizons of our national ideology, its main principles are perfectly expressed in the works of the head of our state. First, in April 1993, President IA Karimov talked to a group of writers and argued for the need to develop the idea of ​​national independence. Over the past period, a number of measures have been taken to determine the role of national ideology in our lives, to create its scientific and theoretical basis, to develop areas of ideological education, and on this basis to form public opinion in our society. However, the process of implementing these measures has shown how comprehensive the issue of ideology is. Indeed, this task is not a one- or two-year process, but a crucial one for the entire life of the nation, a process that requires improvement and enrichment, taking into account the new modern requirements. Therefore, on April 6, 2000, during the meeting of President IA Karimov with the intelligentsia of our country and in response to questions from the correspondent of the newspaper "Fidokor" (June 2000), the problem of national ideology, which is the basis of national ideology, was raised. The national idea as a generalized expression of national ideology includes such components as patriotism, national pride and national honor.
The national ideology is, first of all, the ideological content of the creative potential of the nation, which mobilizes the individual and society in the realization of the goal of the nation for the near and long term. It is a system of ideas that expresses the main goals of our people, connects its past and future, and serves to realize the centuries-old dreams. Our national ideology is based on the Constitution of our country, national and universal values, the principles of democracy. President IA Karimov defines the concept of ideology as follows: I think the idea of ​​being able to be a bridge between yesterday and tomorrow is the ideology of society. ”

In order to build a democratic society in Uzbekistan based on market relations, the stability of our economic, socio-political, cultural and educational work makes it an important task to prevent ideological threats. To this end, it is necessary to instill in the minds of the people a sense of confidence, compassion, honesty, patience, justice and enlightenment, based on the traditions, customs, language, religion and psyche of our people. National ideology plays an important role in the growth and development of people's national culture, national consciousness and national pride. The national ideology belongs not only to the Uzbek nation, but also to the representatives of all nationalities living in our republic. it is seen as a single flag, a single unifying force, focused on its goals, such as finding a worthy place. The idea of ​​national independence considers the great goal of preserving and developing the multi-ethnic factor of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a priority in building a just, humane, democratic state and a free civil society. The idea of ​​"Uzbekistan is my homeland" is in the hearts of all Uzbeks.

It is known that in our state no ideology can be established as a state ideology. The national ideology is aimed at the free expression and protection of the views of any party, movement, individual and citizen, while maintaining the diversity of views and diversity of ideas in society.

Today, people's thoughts, attitudes, worldviews are changing and a sense of national pride is being formed. In the implementation of ideological work, the role of educational institutions, the media, a number of public organizations such as "Mahalla", "Family", spiritual and cultural centers is very important. Educational institutions, in particular, are active in this area.
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