Turizm sohasini sanitariya-epidemiologik xavfsizlikning kuchaytirilgan rejimi talablariga qat'iy rioya qilgan holda rivojlantirishga doir qo'shimcha chora-tadbirlar to'g'risida” Prezident qarori (PQ–4755-son, 19.06.2020 y.) qabul qilindi.
Presidential Decree "On additional measures for the development of tourism in strict compliance with the requirements of the enhanced regime of sanitary and epidemiological safety" (No. PP-4755, 19.06.2020).
According to the resolution, from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2023, 50% of the amount of tourist (hotel) fees charged for the category of accommodation at the end of the year will be refunded to accommodation, provided that the category assigned to the hotel in the prescribed manner.
Agar O‘zbekiston Respublikasining xalqaro shartnomasida O‘zbekiston Respublikasining turizm to‘g‘risidagi qonunchiligida nazarda tutilganidan boshqacha qoidalar belgilangan bo‘lsa, xalqaro shartnoma qoidalari qo‘llaniladi.
If an international agreement of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes rules other than those stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on tourism, the rules of the international agreement shall apply.
(2-modda O‘zbekiston Respublikasining 2021-yil 21-apreldagi O‘RQ-683-sonli Qonuni tahririda — Qonunchilik ma’lumotlari milliy bazasi, 21.04.2021-y., 03/21/683/0375-son)
A tourist operator is a business that generally combines and organizes accommodation, meals, tourism and transport components [1] to produce a package trip. They cancel and produce pamphlet to develop their products, vacation and travel routes. Tourist operators can sell directly to the public or sell through travel agencies or a combination of both.
The most common example of a tourist operator would be a flight on a charter airline and a auto transfer from the airport to a hotel and the services of a local representative in an award. Each tourist operator can specialize in certain objectives, p. Italy, facilities and experiences, p. Skiing or a combination of it.
A travel agency is an organization, company, or company that purchases individual travel components separately from suppliers and combines them with individual price tags for travel packages that are sold either directly to the public or through intermediaries.
In particular, the travel agent has the primary responsibility for providing and providing the services offered in certain tour packages. Some have their own cars, cars, hotels and other travel services, so they can offer these services themselves or get them from other providers. That is why they are called producers of tourist products.
Travel agencies usually offer a variety of travel packages to meet the needs of different types of tourists. What is the role of a travel agent? Travel agencies are involved in the planning, development, promotion, management and implementation of tourism products. They oversee all day-to-day operations and guide, motivate and train employees. Works for travel or transportation companies, resorts or attractions.
Travel agents are sometimes referred to as wholesalers, but this is partly true because wholesalers buy large quantities of goods and services at their own expense to form a travel package and then sell them directly to travel agents or consumers. However, travel agencies with one or more components of a tourism product (SOTC, TCI, Thomas Cook, Indo Asia KUONI) formulate new tourism products, for example "Inclusive tours".
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